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Y508 Human Resource Management

Feb 25,22

Y508 Human Resource Management


As a newly appointed Assistant Human Resource Manager for H&M UK, you have been asked to write an essay explaining Human resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talents and skills appropriate to fulfil the business functions.

Explain the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing in H&M Inc.

Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches of recruitment and selection used by H&M.



Role of HRM in H&M, UK

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This article is based on the human resource manager’s performance for H & M growth. H & M is one of the famous multinational Swedish fashion companies that are famous for their unique and good quality fashion products. This article presents the role and function of HRM in these company developments and how they help to create a successful structure in the market. This department plays a significant role to maintain the employer’s work process and help this company to develop their work environment and create a sustainable path for their future achievement. This company enriched itself through its product, management policy, system, and many more factors which help this company to expand its business structure. This article shows their presentation for this company and also discusses their participation to popularise their universal brand image. This article also suggests the weaknesses which are needed to recover for this company for their development.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

The purpose and function of HRM… 4

Workforce planning and resourcing of H&M… 5

Strength and weaknesses of a different approach to recruitment and selection. 5

Conclusion. 6

References. 7



Human resource managers play an important role to develop an organisation’s structure and they utilize some strategies which are very significant for a company’s growth. When understanding the role of a human resource manager, first need to understand the work process of the HR department. The HR department manages employees’ lifestyles and the HRM manager manages the smooth functioning of the employee’s life and workplace and also helps to create good relationships with employee-employers. H & M is a very well-known company in the UK. This company expands its business through its unique fashion accessories and their excellent quality and sustainable pricing help this company to develop its growth worldwide. The human resource managers played a very effective role in expanding the growth of this company. They are very helpful to communicate properly with all employers of this company and motivate them and manage their work process, problems, and many more.

The purpose and function of HRM

H & M is one of the most famous companies in the UK. This company is a Swedish multinational clothing company that has created a significant reputation all over the world. This company introduces a huge collection of fashion accessories which are very unique from the other companies. The HR department of this company is very different from others and their unique presentation helps this company to grow more in the market. The human resource manager is the main part of the HR department and their role presents the position of this company and their workers too (Keegan, Bitterling, Sylva &Hoeksema, 2018). The HRM mainly manages workers’ lifestyle and their hand on roles and responsibilities create new strategies and innovation for the company. Their day-to-day planning and proper management help this company to become stronger and help to develop more strategies for this company’s future growth.

The main purpose of a Human resource manager is to manage all employees’ lifestyles and help them to concentrate more in the workplace (Budhwar et al., 2019). Their unique strategy and plan help the employer to create a good relationship with them and also motivate all employers to create a positive workplace which is more necessary to run the company properly. The managers are properly planned to execute higher strategy in business growth and through their strategies, it helps them to recruit in the company. The managers are mainly selecting new candidates through their knowledge and skill, training, and creating a good team to work and help the organisation too.

Workforce planning and resourcing of H&M

Human resource managers are the planner of H & M. Through their training, skills, and knowledge the human resource manager properly manages all employers and helps this company to hire appropriate employers who do their best performance in the work area. The human resource manager always keeps track of the employer’s performance and helps this company through its proper planning and management system (Shin et al., 2020). Through their proper management techniques, the human resource manager helps this company to develop workforce planning and development initiatives silently help this company to gather more reputation in the market.

This company is mainly famous in the UK for more unique cloth and fashion accessories. Their unbelievable collection helps this company to develop more and expand its brand structure. The manager of the HR department played a significant role to create workforce planning and also help this organisation to become more powerful with human resource technology. Their HR department presents a unique management policy which helps this company to become more enriched and their proper management, unique planning, good communication, adopting new trends and technologies help H & M to become richer through their human resource management and also help this company to achieve success for their organisation.

Strength and weaknesses of a different approach to recruitment and selection

The HR department played a unique role in the recruitment and selection of this company. H & M has a unique fan base and popularity all over the world (Reiche, Lee & Allen, 2019). The HR department always focuses on the skills and experience level of a selection for this company. This company applies a simple process to recruitment and their strength is their simple and unique policy to choose the right candidate for this company. Their main strength is the proper interview process which helps to connect all right candidates in a certain time. This company uses advertising to recruit candidates for the company and they always inform all of the criteria which are needed for this position. Another strength is they do not ignore any job fair for the selection process. This company’s HR Department management team attended a job fair which helped to build awareness of this company brand and meet candidates in the same network.

This company faced some problems which included weakness in the recruitment and selection process. Sometimes candidates get rejection letters from this company after a long time of interview and that creates a negative approach for this company (Shin et al., 2020). The other issue is asking wrong questions which fail to accurately articulate this company culture and not evaluate the interview process. If this management team focuses on those issues, it will help to develop and help the recruitment and selection process. Those all help this company to recover and help to achieve a smooth structure for selecting the right candidate.


According to the study of this essay, the human resource manager played an unbelievable role in developing this company’s internal structure. The main factor of a company’s growth is humans or employers. The HR department helps employees to develop their work position and their proper management policy. Unique strategies help employers to handle all conflicts, problems, and disciplinary actions in the workplace. The human resource manager manages all disputes which are created in the work area and solve those quickly through applying their unique techniques and proper business trick, planning. They are the mainstream to a company’s growth and they suggest a safe and inclusive work environment which is more important to develop a company’s internal growth. H & M is famous for its proper fashion collection and good brand reputation which credit silently goes to the human resource management team who do hard work. Their proper management, techniques, planning suggest this company grow more in the market.


Budhwar, P., Pereira, V., Mellahi, K., & Singh, S. K. (2019). The state of HRM in the Middle East: Challenges and future research agenda. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 36(4), 905-933. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10490-018-9587-7

Keegan, A., Bitterling, I., Sylva, H., &Hoeksema, L. (2018).Organizing the HRM function: Responses to paradoxes, variety, and dynamism.Human Resource Management, 57(5), 1111-1126. Retrieved from: https://researchrepository.ucd.ie/bitstream/10197/10365/2/POSRREVIEWVERSION%20FOR%20SA%20HRM%20012018.pdf

Reiche, B. S., Lee, Y. T., & Allen, D. G. (2019). Actors, structure, and processes: A review and conceptualization of global work integrating IB and HRM research. Journal of Management, 45(2), 359-383.Retrived from: https://iarconsortium.org/articles/935_A_Comparative_Study_of_Online_Fashion_Promotion_Hennes_Mauritz_H_M_and_Label_in_India

Shin, D., Garmendia, A., Ali, M., Konrad, A. M., &Madinabeitia-Olabarria, D. (2020). HRM systems and employee affective commitment: The role of employee gender. Gender in Management: An International Journal. Retrieved from: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/199998/1/58462434.pdf