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WIT Film Analysis On Effective Communication

Feb 22,22

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Discuss about the WIT Film on Effective Communication.



WIT Film on Effective Communication

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The WIT films show the positive sides of the nurse’s and doctors’ care. Good communication between nurses and patients is also shown in these films. In this film, every character did not show love and effects towards their patients. However, the main nurse character Susie Monahan is the only person who shows love toward Vivian. This love and care help Vivian to fight off her illness. Communication also helps them to feel secure and safe during their treatment periods. This assistant provides much communicational information between Vivna and Susie Monahan. Some scenes also show the good relationship between the nurse and the patients. This love and communication can help the patients to feel good and happy.


Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Discussion. 4

Conclusion. 7

References. 8


WIT is a movie and the main character in this film is Vivian bearing. She is diagnosed with a stage of IV cancer. This assessment describes the cancer patients and their communication with their doctors and nurses. Communication is a source of support and love that the patient needs to improve their mental health. This film also motivates people through their effective communication. The relationships between the three main characters are effective from respect, love, care and motivation. This assessment is going to discuss effective communication through the WIF films produced by Mike Nichols. This is also an analysis of the communication effects and their impacts on their patients.


In cancer patients and any type of mental patient, communication is most important to understand the patient’s needs and their health issues. Good communication can help the nurses and the doctors to develop their patients’ health statuses. A good relationship between the doctors and their nurses and patients justifies the professional behaviours. In the 2001 film release produced by Mike Nichols (Gallagher & Newman, 2019). This film describes effective communication with their nurses, doctors and their patients. The main character is Vivian Bearing and she is an English professor of the university and also a cancer patient who continues her treatments at the hospitals. The other main characters are also effective to provide great characters and they are Dr. Jason Posner who is a former student of Vivian. Then another character is Nurse Susie Monahan who is the care nurse for Vivian. This film produces two types of effective communication and also some ineffective communications. In this film, the main effective communication is between the main nurses and the Vivian characters. The nurse always looks for their health and safety (Shankar, 2019). A nurse has many responsibilities for their patients; a nurse needs to define every situation.

The relationships between the three main characters are effective from respect, love, care and motivation. In a particular scene that shows that when the main characters break down for her pain and heal issues. The sources try to take care of her motives to fight for her life and cancer. This shows the nurses’ human sides and their care side that every patient needs for their treatments and it calls motivation and strength to fight for her fear (Prekovic et al., 2021). During this screen, the main character told her nurse that she is scared but the source replies that “honey, of course, you are”. This type of conversion shows that the fear is casual but the patient never gives up on her fear. This scene shows their comfort towards their patients. In another scene, the nurse gives Vivian popsicles and it has two sticks. A nurse told Vivian to break it in half and then the nurse went to break the half. This type of non-variable communication shows the relationship between them and patients. It shows how much communication affects the patient’s health and survival. 

This film shows that the patients face major diseases, painful nights, and loneliness in their lives (Dobrozsi et al., 2019). This file provides many communication skills and many communication processes to develop patients’ health. This file provides information that death is not a failure but the effects of being living are more important. The effectiveness of communication is the most impotent thing that helps the films to become successful. The communication between the main characters Susie the nurses of Vivian hospital also show at the films. This is the main motivation of their lives and lives. These characters are the main sources of effective communications. These characters always try to motivate Vivian to treat her with good care and love. In the last part of the movie, the main career did not live but the care of the other character nurses helps her to lives her full life (Dobrozsi et al., 2019). These films showed how to handle and treat cancer patients. Cancer patients need treatments for their health but they also need love and strength for increasing their mental strength. In this case for the main characters, Vivan’s mental strength provides the other characters, Susie, through her good communication skills.

This film also shows some of the ineffective conversations at the effective conversation between the two main characters are clearly shown at the films. The normal people didn’t knee the pain and their depressed feeling was more like being a cancer patient. The cancer pains in their films feel the separation and scared of her death (Searight, 2020). She knows that her life is more than dangerous. However, the character of Susie the nurse shows love and tries to communicate with the patients. Their effective communication like “how are you feeling today” helps the patient to feel care. The main character Susie provides this love and care for the main character Vivian. This communication also shows that the doctors really care for their patients and try to save their life from the risk (Dobrozsi et al., 2019). This film also provides a good message that skills are more important than degrees. Susie’s treatments, touch, care, love all is the thought of communication and care toward Vivian. At the end of the film, Vivian died of a serious illness. This shows the nurses’ human sides and their care side that every patient needs for their treatments and it calls motivation and strength to fight for her.


After analysing this film’s effective communication it has been concluded that effective communication helps the parents to feel love and care. This communication helps the doctors and nurses to provide good care and treatments for their patients. If doctors and nurses communicate with their patients then the patients can feel free to share information about their health and problems. This film also shares great messages that love and care can help any type of person to feel secure. The main sources of communication and love also come from the families and friends and if the families and friends help them to share their warriors with each other then the patterns can feel relieved.



Dobrozsi, S., Trowbridge, A., Mack, J. W., & Rosenberg, A. R. (2019). Effective communication for newly diagnosed pediatric patients with Cancer: considerations for the patients, family members, providers, and multidisciplinary team. American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book, 39, 573-581. DOI: http://ascopubs.org/doi/full/10.1200/EDBK_238181

Gallagher, A., & Newman, J. (2019). Can the arts make us good?. Nursing ethics, 26(1), 5-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0969733019825888

Prekovic, S., Schuurman, K., Mayayo-Peralta, I., Manjón, A. G., Buijs, M., Yavuz, S., … & Zwart, W. (2021). Glucocorticoid receptor triggers a reversible drug-tolerant dormancy state with acquired therapeutic vulnerabilities in lung cancer. Nature communications, 12(1), 1-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24537-3

Searight, H. R. (2020). The Use of Feature Film for Teaching Undergraduate Bioethics: Course Format and Assessment through Student Narratives. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 15, 33-51. Retrieved from: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1261505.pdf

Shankar, P. R. (2019). Cinemeducation: Facilitating educational sessions for medical students using the power of movies. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences, 7(1), 96. DOI: 10.4103/amhs.amhs_30_19