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Strategic Marketing For Hospitality And Tourism

Jan 31,22

Strategic Marketing For Hospitality And Tourism


Analyse the strategic marketing for hospitality and tourism.



The strategic marketing is a significant concept with respect to the various industries. All the more it can be well considered with respect to the hospitality and the tourism industry. Both the industries are literally the sides of a same coin. The hospitality enhanced the potential for the tourism and vice versa (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020). The strategic dimensions in the hospitality and tourism industry have gained potential with the rise in the internet and its use. The tourists have a gamut of options that are now available to them. They an well manage the bookings online and consider the various options to stay and travel outside their domestic territories (Köseoglu, 2019). This is with respect to hospitality and tourism industry has the significant multiple components too that stand to be useful. The marketing model can be well said to be resilient and the environmental change can be well brought in with the efforts from the Government and the community functioning together (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020).. This can well aid to align the resources and bring about the respective techniques that are being deployed.

The online marketing initiatives being adopted by multiple companies have been helpful in getting the best output from the industries. The strategic marketing techniques deployed have been helpful too. The hospitality enhanced the potential for the tourism and vice versa (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020). The strategic dimensions in the hospitality and tourism industry have gained potential with the rise in the internet and its use. The hospitality and tourism industry has the significant multiple components too that stand to be useful (Köseoglu, 2019). The utilization of various email campaigns and other online strategies deployed have been helpful in case of both the industries – Hospitality and Tourism (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020).. At the same time, there is the effective digital presence, that of the hotels and restaurants which tends to bring out the maximum effectiveness The preference of the location is reliant on the hospitality marketing with the hotel needs being well covered. The digital presence tends to be helpful. The customers who are trying to bring about a change requisite the followers who are being digitally influenced to a greater extent. The connection can be well established with the perception that the customer service tends to have. The strategic marketing techniques deployed have been helpful too (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020).. The hospitality enhanced the potential for the tourism and vice versa. The strategic dimensions in the hospitality and tourism industry have gained potential with equal participation of the Government with the State authorities. The background pertaining to the strategic marketing can be well considered with the advent and the exposure of marketing in the arenas of hospitality and tourism. The term strategic marketing has gained momentum over the past three decades and the history of it is overwhelming (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020).. This is closely associated to the competitive strategy and the brand strategy along with the manner in which the placement of the products is being carried out. The pricing along with the distribution channels tends to bring about the needed change in the industries. The customer insight marketing with the customer perceptions are essential. The hospitality establishment tends to be crucial. With the manner in which the customers can be gauged is based on the various considerations (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020). The hospitality industry has offered a lot for the community. The trend has been continuing for decades. The content marketing has also helped in the upgrade of the tasks with the expenses well taken care of. The customers who are returning are the ones who wish to shell off maximum business to the clients. The connection can be well established with the perception that the customer service tends to have. The strategic marketing techniques deployed have been helpful too. The hospitality enhanced the potential for the tourism and vice versa (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020).. The strategic dimensions in the hospitality and tourism industry have gained potential with equal participation of the Government along with the individuals. The method in turn which is considered is crucial and the same is aligned to the market. The method for the delivering of the value tends to be crucial. The manner in which the product is delivered does make a difference. The strategic marketing with the regulations and planning marks the success for the marketing companies. The marketing in the tourism sector is challenged with the prevailing competition. The competition is huge. At the same time, there are various steps being taken up. The customers who are returning are the ones who wish to shell off maximum business to the clients. The connection can be well established with the perception that the customer service tends along with the business success that is primarily important. The engagement tends to increase as there is demand for both the industries. The reliance of each one on the another paves way to the excellent branding with the roots of strategic marketing.


The strategic marketing has helped various clients align their resources and offer the best to the customers. The digital methods in the arena of hospitality is significant. The strategic dimensions in the hospitality and tourism industry have gained potential with the rise in the internet and its use. The tourists have a gamut of options that are now available to them (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020). They an well manage the bookings online and consider the various options to stay and travel outside their domestic territories. The hospitality and tourism industry has the significant multiple components too that stand to be useful. The marketing model can be well said to be resilient and the environmental change can be well brought in with the efforts from the Government and the community functioning together. This can well aid to align the resources and bring about the respective techniques that are being deployed. The hospitality and tourism industry has the significant multiple components too that stand to be useful. The utilization of various email campaigns and other online strategies deployed have been helpful in case of both the industries – Hospitality and Tourism (Ho et al., 2021; Varelas & Apostolopoulos, 2020). At the same time, there is the effective digital presence, that of the hotels and restaurants which tends to bring out the maximum effectiveness. The hospitality enhanced the potential for the tourism and vice versa. The strategic dimensions in the hospitality and tourism industry have gained potential with equal participation of the Government with the State authorities. The background pertaining to the strategic marketing can be well considered with the advent and the exposure of marketing in the area. The marketing in the tourism sector is challenged with the prevailing competition. The competition is huge. At the same time, there are various steps being taken up. The customers who are returning are the ones who wish to avail the best possible services linked to the sector.


Ho, C. Y., Tsai, B. H., Chen, C. S., & Lu, M. T. (2021). Exploring green marketing orientations toward sustainability the hospitality industry in the covid-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 13(8), 4348.

Köseoglu, M. A., Okumus, F., Dogan, I. C., & Law, R. (2019). Intellectual structure of strategic management research in the hospitality management field: A co-citation analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 78, 234-250.

Varelas, S., & Apostolopoulos, N. (2020). The Implementation of Strategic Management in Greek Hospitality Businesses in Times of Crisis. Sustainability, 12(17), 7211.