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SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations

Jan 28,22

SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations


This work place project requires you to monitor operations and develop and manage customer service to achieve the hotel’s standards. You will demonstrate how you manage quality customer service by identifying, developing, monitoring and adjusting customer service practices to ensure that customers’ expectations are being met and where possible, exceeded. At the same time, you must oversee the quality of day to day work operations by monitoring practices, supporting others and solving problems. Overall, you must ensure that the hotel’s requirements are met.

What our hotel is all about. Discussion of the hotel’s values, culture, policies and procedures.

  • Researchthe internal organisational values, business culture, brand, mission statement or other policies or standards that influence the customer service provisions in your hotel.
  • Obtain a copy of your hotel’s customer service policy, procedures or standards or any other code of practice relating to customer service. Give 3 examples of 3 different policies or procedures relating to customer service, including one relating to refunds.
  • Joinsome social media sites: “Follow” your hotel on Instagram or “Like” on Facebook. Make some judgments of the experience your hotel promises through these posts. Visit some review sites such as Yelp or TripAdvisor and gauge some guest impressions of your hotel.
  • Investigatethe organisational structure of your hotel. Discuss the roles and responsibilities at the various levels of staff within one department. Focus specifically on how each level impacts customer service.
  • Write a summary of your findings giving specific examples relating to your hotel.

Dimensions of excellent customer service and operations

  • Identifythe aspects (dimensions) of service that are influenced by the values and statements in Activity 1.
  • Describe and discuss what is “high quality” action of these dimensions of service. Give examples of how service has not met these standards.
  • Discuss any operational issues or processes that impact on the customer service provisions. Please ensure you comment on what processes or actions are recommended for the allof the following operational issues:
  • sustainability
  • delays and time difficulties
  • difficult customer service situations
  • equipment breakdown or technical failure
  • staffing levels and skill profiles
  • rostering requirements
  • procedural requirements

Develop a survey tool.

Using the aspects from Activity 2, develop a Customer Service Survey document for use in a specific area of the hotel. Seek input from other team members. Submit a copy of your survey tool.

Conduct the Survey.

  • You are required to conduct a survey using your survey tool from Activity 3.
  • Consult with your manager and seek permissionbefore conducting the surveys. The surveys are to be conducted over multiple occasions to ensure a range of different service staff, quiet and busy operations and different days of the week.
  • Invite colleagues to complete a survey and conduct one of your own.
  • Gather feedback referencing your hotel from social media sites for comparison.

If it is not possible to complete the surveys in your hotel, please ensure that multiple surveys ( a minimum of 8) are completed by colleagues and friends who review the service from a customer’s perspective.

Analyse the results and practices.

  • Collate the data and analyse the results by discussing the strengths, areas for improvements and to what extent the desired standards have been met.
  • Hold a CST meeting to discuss how workloads and schedules impact on service provision. Workshop how work practices might be better prioritised.
  • Ensure that you write an analysis summary for inclusion in your final report.

Develop amendments to standards documents.

Based on the analysis from Activity 5, suggest change(s) or improvement(s) to practices, procedures, products or systems to improve customer service.

Present an implementation plan and final report

Write a final report including a summary of your findings of quality customer service, the recommended amendment(s) and a simple implementation plan which communicates the new approach(es) to all staff involved in the service delivery. Present your final report Customer Service Review of X Hotel at to your teacher.



The Langham Hotel is a collection of premium hotels located in prominent locations across the world. These hotels embody today’s version of Sincere Service, Captivation of the Senses, Innovation, and Remarkable Design, all of which are derived from our exceptional tradition that dates back to 1865 in London and continues today (Langham Hotels International Limited, 2022). Stay at any of our hotels or resorts throughout the globe and you will be able to experience our famous hospitality history. Regarding this, the report describes a few points related to the hotel that are presented below.

Langham’s Vision

The vision of the company is to “Know Our Guests, Build Great Memories”.

Values at Langham

The hotel gives value to “One Team, One Dream” which helps the company to give the services to customers by connecting from their hearts. The company is also committed to giving surprises to guests through effective communication and attracting young to serve customers (The Langham Hong Kong, 2018).

Social Network

Facebook and Instagram pages of the company shows about its available facilities, photos of guests, customer service, imminent special Events, and prepared Food for them. They display all of their services as well as a lovely view to pique the interest of anybody who happens to come across their social media pages. With the help of this approach, hotel guests positive approach from the customers about their stay in the hotel in Langham (MacRae, 2022). On the other hand, some of the customers make complaints about the service to customers at the front office. It is because of the long queue for getting services of the hotel.

Dimensions of Excellent Customer Service And Operations

The following are the measurements of the Langham hotel:

  • One Dream and One Team– Individual talent of a company help to win games. It is also effective for the collaboration that brings home the trophy.
  • Connections made from the heart– Authentic service for customers is always delivered from the heart.
  • Enjoy success– Customers must measure the performance of staff to be able to celebrate our achievements!
  • Surprise and delight guests of the hotel– A modest imagination goes a long way toward leaving a permanent impression on visitors of the hotel.
  • Effective Communication- Open communication is always beneficial in creating a dynamic and happy workplace atmosphere.
  • Be inquisitive – Show genuine interest in learning more about our visitors and coworkers by asking probing questions.
  • Opportunities for Young-Youthful at heart may take advantage of opportunities that are available to individuals who are always young at heart.

Hotel Placement Project – Activity 3

Housekeeping Department

  1. Did your booked room have the proper amount of furniture?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  1. Did you find your room to be clean and comfy??
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  1. Was the bed and furnishings a comfortable fit for you?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  1. Was the bathroom well cleaned and properly supplied before you arrived?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  1. Did you find the cleaning personnel to be nice and dependable?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  1. How did you find the environment in Langham?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  1. How would you evaluate your overall experience at the Langham Hotel?
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

Analysis and Results

Strength of Hotel

“Excellent and Good” have been used to answer all of the questions. On other hand, the words “Poor and Fair” have yielded no results. It indicates that housekeeping has performed well in terms of following and caring for all of the parts of the housekeeping method, as determined by management. The accommodation was clean, well-furnished, and pleasant for the people to stay in it. Cleaning and equipping the bathroom were completed.

Areas to make Improvement

It is an expected desire for the hotel’s staff to meet the expectation of the customers every day. In the regard to this, all housekeepers of the hotel have met or exceeded their targeted standards since the hotel’s objective is for its visitors to have a pleasant stay and create lasting memories. As per the help of the polls, the visitors had a great stay and would remember the Langham as a result of the exceptional treatment provided to them (Hassan and Sharma, A2020).

Priority to work

The Langham hotel’s management must prioritise the work of its workers following the demands and requirements of its clients. Dispersed and efficient management of the CST team’s workload is required to properly satisfy the demands and expectations of the customers. Failure to adequately manage task schedules and the workload will have a detrimental influence on the supply of services (Baldwin, 2016). It is thus necessary to prioritise the scheduling of work based on the demands and requirements of target customers.

Analysis Summary

Based on the above information, it can be determined that the vast majority of Langham consumers have expressed satisfaction with their overall experience. This might be seen as a good development for the Langham hotel chain. On the contrary, there is little room for development in the context of customer service, which is a good thing. The hotel’s management must take proactive measures to reduce the number of loopholes.

Develop amendments to standards documents

There are just a few areas where Langham hotels may make changes to deliver better services to its consumers. The hotel must have a housekeeping crew that is both experienced and well-trained so that they can provide excellent service to clients and get positive feedback from those customers. Aside from that, a successful customer retention strategy for premium clients is required. According to the results of the aforementioned research, it seems that all of the clients are pleased; nevertheless, there is room for improvement in the environment and behaviour of the cleaning staff. Further, the decision-makers of the hotel must make suitable efforts to address these gaps and take appropriate action as a result of these actions.

Present an implementation plan and final report

In activity 5, the data and analysis demonstrated that all of the clients were happy through overall service to customers provided by Langham hotels. On the other hand, certain changes are still necessary for the customer service department to better satisfy the demands and expectations of consumers. Hotels are the most significant segments of the hospitality business, and it is critical for both the hotels and the sector as a whole to provide a sufficient level of customer service to attract target consumers to keep them with the existing services of the organization and increase repeat visit of the customers for a long time. Customer service, which is one of the most essential aspects of the hospitality sector, must be enhanced to ensure that the hotel receives a sufficient number of businesses throughout the specified period (Cully, 2021). There are a variety of methods regarding the customer service that may be enhanced at Langham hotels, the most notable of which are as follows:

Provide training to Executive: It is the most significant method for the employees of the organization to ensure that the customers of hotels are satisfied when they visit the hotel for consuming its services. This is done by the needs of the visitors. Additionally, the executive should be instructed to handle clients with the highest respect and professionalism (Tanji, 2013). The customer service department is continually keeping an eye on the finer aspects, such as the client ratings and their degree of happiness.

Improvements in IT Innovation: It is simple to ensure that a hotel needs the most up-to-date infrastructure-related technology for providing service to their customers, which is an essential method to enhance the services of hotels’ customer care. All of the demands related to customers must give top priority among other priorities at all times of the day (Peters, 2012). Further, each of the hotel’s rooms must be outfitted with customers’ requirements that will help to ensure that customers have access to what they require to address their desires.

Perceptive reading of Customer’s thinking

Another essential proposal for the enhancement of the hotel’s care service for customers is to provide the ability for the authority and executive to read the minds of the consumers who are visiting the establishment. A customer who does not like to speak with the staff of the hotel regularly may exist. Therefore, it depends on the staff of the hotel to take responsibility to determine what the consumers want based on their manner and gestures in which they make effective communication with them (VanGelder, 2022). One of the most important ways regarding customer service of hotels is to enhance the performance of staff by reading the customers’ minds and making them feel comfortable.

Langham hotels’ customer service has to be improved, and these are the changes that must be made. The company will be able to achieve its targeted purposes and objectives in this way.


Baldwin, C. 2016. Auditory Cognition and Human Performance: Research and Applications. CRC Press.

Cully, T. 2021. Create Impeccable Hotel Customer Service: Improve Hotel Guest Satisfaction And Increase Retention. Amazon Digital Services LLC – KDP Print US.

Hassan, A. and Sharma, A. 2020. The Emerald Handbook of ICT in Tourism and Hospitality. Emerald Group Publishing.

Langham Hotels International Limited. 2022. WHAT’S ON AT THE LANGHAM, MELBOURNE. Retrieved from https://www.langhamhotels.com/en/the-langham/melbourne/

MacRae, D. 2022. How The Langham Hotels boosted discoverability and gained 3m+ clicks. Retrieved from https://marketingtechnews.net/news/2022/jan/04/how-the-langham-hotels-boosted-discoverability-and-gained-3m-clicks/

Peters, M. 2012. Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism. Routledge.

Tanji, H. 2013. Hotel Housekeeping Training Manual With 150 Sop: A Must Read Guide for Professional Hoteliers & Hospitality Students. Createspace Independent Pub.

The Langham Hong Kong 2018. Langham Hotel work on Mission Vision & Values. Retrieved from https://www.teambuildingasia.com/resources/case-studies/casestudy-vision-mission-value-langham-hotel

VanGelder, J. 2022. Fundamentals of Automotive Technology. Jones & Bartlett Learning.