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Significant Ethical Issues Faced By IKEA

Jan 31,22

Significant Ethical Issues Faced By IKEA


Discuss about the Significant Ethical Issues Faced By IKEA.



There are various ethics that are involved for building up the repute of the company. IKEA is an organization that has gained ethics. The consequences are reliant on the unethical practices that has helped IKEA grow up to the needed levels. Being a multinational company and having spread its wings to many countries, IKEA has remained important. There is the provisioning of the attractive designs through the brand (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021). It has helped the company grow too. It has the stronger bases with the 9500 products that IKEA is serving for the entire globe. The IKEA, being known for the ethical policies needs to consider the amount of equal opportunities that are garnered with the facilitation to the employees along with the workers. This has helped it to be well managed and also provision the needed facilitation in terms of the media. The global markets are being well nurtured and the issues pertain to the human rights and the product quality.

There are environmental factors too that are a consideration. With the functioning being carried out, the spying on the employees and not providing them enough raise as compared to the competitors does stand to be crucial (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. The company is faced with the problems that have stemmed from the product manufacturing and the use of the materials in the manufacturing that are not environmental friendly. There are various claims that the vendors to IKEA have made in the past which govern the concern of the sustainability along with the actual practices. This is found to be a consideration of the production in case of IKEA. The leather and the cotton products are part of the planning too which is done in case of IKEA (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. There is the provisioning of the attractive designs through the brand. It has helped the company grow too. It has the stronger bases with the various products that IKEA is serving for the various countries forming part of the globe. The IKEA, being known for the ethical policies needs to consider the amount of equal opportunities that are garnered with the facilitation to the employees along with the workers. There is the prevalent senior management that can be well questioned for the current issues with the organization. IKEA does tend to demonstrate both ethical along with the non-ethical practices in case of the varied business models. This stands to hold good (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. The Better Cotton initiative and the reduction of the use of chemicals tends to be crucial. The IKEA, being known for the ethical policies needs to consider the amount of equal opportunities that are garnered with the facilitation to the employees along with the workers. This has helped it to be well managed and also provision the needed facilitation in terms of the media. The global markets are being well nurtured and the issues pertain to the human rights and the product quality. The commitment based on the Sustainability Policy stems from the objectives as part of the activities of a forum in case of IKEA (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. The policy along with the objectives are being encouraged with the champions of the sustainability across the organizations that are part of manufacturing carried out. The trade relations with the other economies in case of IKAEA have enhanced due to the consideration of a stronger support from the population and with the flexibility too. The current prevalent environmental norms do shower the enhanced benefits for the stakeholders (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. There are various claims that the vendors to IKEA have made in the past which govern the concern of the sustainability along with the actual practices. This is found to be a consideration of the production in case of IKEA. The leather and the cotton products are part of the planning too which is done in case of IKEA. The research reports also clearly highlight the unfair wages that are being provisioned to the employees (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. The research that is being performed also reports that the drivers who are managing the loads for the organization are being treated badly and are not being even maid the minimum wages that they need. The hourly wage program is questioned. The report that was published in the year 2017 clearly brings out this fact (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. The corporate tax issues have been rising in case of IKEA. Due to the same, there have been various byelaws and the current trend has made it all the more a concern for the organization not following ethics and maintaining the needed resources (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. There are various claims that the vendors to IKEA have made in the past which govern the concern of the sustainability along with the actual practices. This is considered to be crucial and the company not adhering to the environmental laws needs to be looked into.


Considering the various facts that can be well considered in case of the Company IKEA, there are various issues that can be well highlighted. Being a multinational company and having spread its wings to many countries, IKEA has remained important (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. There is the provisioning of the attractive designs through the brand. It has helped the company grow too. It has the stronger bases with the 9500 products that IKEA is serving for the entire globe. The IKEA, being known for the ethical policies needs to consider the amount of equal opportunities that are garnered with the facilitation to the employees along with the workers. This has helped it to be well managed and also provision the needed facilitation in terms of the media. The global markets are being well nurtured and the issues pertain to the human rights and the product quality. The company is faced with the problems that have stemmed from the product manufacturing and the use of the materials in the manufacturing that are not environmental friendly (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. There are various claims that the vendors to IKEA have made in the past which govern the concern of the sustainability along with the actual practices. This is found to be a consideration of the production in case of IKEA. The leather and the cotton products are part of the planning too which is done in case of IKEA. There is the provisioning of the attractive designs through the brand. It has helped the company grow too (Rjoub et al., 2022; Ye, 2021. It has the stronger bases with the various products that IKEA is serving for the various countries forming part of the globe. The IKEA, being known for the ethical policies needs to consider the amount of equal opportunities that are garnered with the facilitation to the employees along with the workers (Solanki, 2021). There is the prevalent senior management that can be well questioned for the current issues with the organization. The same needs to be addressed soon.


Rjoub, H., Iloka, C. B., & Venugopal, V. (2022). Changes in the Marketing Orientation Within the Business Model of an International Retailer: IKEA in Malaysia for Over 20 Years. In Handbook of Research on Current Trends in Asian Economics, Business, and Administration (pp. 170-190). IGI Global.


Ye, C. (2021). IKEA’s Global Sourcing Challenge. Academic Journal of Business & Management, 3(7).