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SG Cowen New Recruits Company

Feb 25,22

SG Cowen New Recruits Company


Discuss about the case study of SG Cowen New Recruits Company.



Case study of SG Cowen New Recruits Company

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Absorbing the concept of a boutique bank, SG Cowen has been developed as the investment bank of exponential growth. The rivals in the industry are JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley. The company has expanded its network in various parts of Asia, Europe, and the United States. The mission of the company is to reach sustainable development with enhanced productivity. Therefore, since its beginning, the company has focused on quality recruitment that can accelerate growth. The selection process and eligibility criteria are quite hard for the fresher’s to achieve. The future employee must be committed to the growth and therefore students of top-tier institutions are selected. Training is provided in such a way that everyone can work in a multicultural work environment. However, the strategies have a few lapses that need to be overcome for the overall improvement.


Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Discussion. 4

The employee selection. 5

Recruitment strategy. 6

Conclusion. 7

References. 8


This project is all about the case study SG Cowen recruits company as this company mainly appoint the employees as per their ability and their commitment towards the company. This case study describes the candidate’s recruitments.


This case study started with the presence of SG Cowen and made assurance that the candidate must get the proper chance. If that candidate that has a potential then SG Cowen provided opportunity to the candidate to get recruited and giving them an opportunity for learning by educating them. In the process of hiring both Rowan and Chip Rae have a Large requirement in demanding in the overall process of hiring and selecting process (Kim & Andrew, 2019). The strategy provided by Rae has many limitations also as compared to Rowan. The biggest advantage of this case study of SG Cowen is that their presence gives confidence to the employees and also indicates that the recruiting process is conducted in keeping the future in mind not only the present. The recruitment process carried on is for long term activities not for the short term so that is the reason the recruitment process must be conducted properly. The presence of the Team Captain is the biggest strength in this case study as the team captains helps in the direct implementation of this theory. The team captains have a relationship with the overall needs and assessments of an organisation.

These case studies also have many limitations in the process of operational work; there is the absence of properly trained HR representatives; only bank professionals are there (Rosario et al., 2020). The bank professionals do not have any training regarding the HR process and regarding selection and conducting job interviews. If at the time of the interview process any unfair practice occurred there is no specific room to punish the guilty. As it may happen one may attempt the decision of a group to hire or not to hire a candidate. Another important factor to consider in the case study of SG Cowen New Recruits Company is that at the time of conducting interviews of the employees there must not be any follow up interviews criteria of evaluation is conceptually good and easy to understand. The criteria of recruiting provided by Cowan is not only for individual recruiters but for a whole (Parrick, & Chapman, 2020). COWAN also agrees with the fact that the selection and the recruitment process is the most important feature for a company. If the recruiting process is appropriate and good it helps the company in a long term manner. The whole case study of SG Cowan has mainly related to the process of interview and their evaluation strategy according to the different time of scenarios and conditions.

The employee selection

The objective of the company is the selection and recruitment of employees who can be committed to the company and who can be dedicated to enhanced performance. Everyone must train themselves for a culturally comprehensive work environment that will result in a fruitful and competent outcome. Since the beginning of recruitment, the focus is on the selection of students from top-tier universities. Human resources are accumulated to build up a multicultural background. People belonging to diverse backgrounds contribute to the company’s decision making process by sharing their valuable insights and opinions. The confluence of multiple views helps determine the orientation of success in their career. Employees are questions regarding their skill and interest on the job’. Everyone should have a lucid understanding of how the company operates (Li et al., 019). The new interns from the business skills are properly assessed by the criteria of technical efficiency. The selection process is hard as the interns have to go through the process that will rightfully evaluate their skills in accomplishing tasks. The company focuses on the practical knowledge of the employee the recruitment director, Chip Rae, takes the final decision after the interview procedure. Some of the senior managers give objections at the initial stage. In the long run, they will abide by the innovative strategies adopted by the director.

Recruitment strategy

At first, the categories are selected to recruit associates who will be consultable to work in the largest investment banks. The company has the strategy of choosing freshers from non-core universities. The selected candidates from the first interview enter the event for Super-Saturday to finalise their destiny. In the absence of senior management in the on-campus round, the interview can be biased sometimes. The weakness in the candidates is addressed in the event of super Saturday (Tso & Park, 2020). Finally, the collective decision of 30 bankers influences the selection of the right candidates. Chances of biasness are the least and the perfect assessment of each candidate is done sensibly. Time-constraint creates major concern during the first round of interviews and this problem gets easily sorted out in the next phase. If the criteria demand the selection of only one associate, the bakers would select the candidate according to that with the help of the elimination process. Finally the picked up associate is taken to the influential CEO of the company to get the ultimate approval. However, the strategies have some drawbacks that can hinder the determined goals of the recruitment process. The interview schedule does not match that of the candidates as the bankers choose only when they are free. It is very difficult to select from the large pool and each one is equally talented and competitive. The process is expensive and time-consuming to make the right decisions in the management and operations of the company. Inappropriate decisions can result in the wrong choice and faulty evaluation of the skills and expertise. In addition to it, a banker of a specialised department can’t select a candidate for the other departments. The judgment of 30 bankers may differ in the successful selection of the candidates.


After analysing the case study of SG Cowens recruit strategy it may be concluded that COWEN has a high amount of involvement in the organisation. They also their employees have a sufficient amount of character traits like efficiency proficiency and required knowledge as the company may need in the long term.



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Parrick, R., & Chapman, B. (2020). Working the crowd for forensic research: A review of contributor motivation and recruitment strategies used in crowdsourcing and crowdfunding for scientific research. Forensic Science International: Synergy, 2, 173-182. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsisyn.2020.05.002

Rosario, D. K., Mutz, Y. S., Bernardes, P. C., & Conte-Junior, C. A. (2020). Relationship between COVID-19 and weather: Case study in a tropical country. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 229, 113587. DOI ;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113587

Tso, I. F., & Park, S. (2020). Alarming levels of psychiatric symptoms and the role of loneliness during the COVID-19 epidemic: A case study of Hong Kong. Psychiatry research, 293, 113423. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113423