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School of Computing and Information Systems

Mar 13,23



The University of Melbourne

School of Computing and Information Systems COMP20005 Engineering Computation Semester 2, 2020

Assignment 1

Due: 4:00pm Wednesday 30th September 2020

Learning Outcomes

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of loops and if statements by writing a program that sequentially processes a file of input data. You are also expected to make use of functions and arrays.

The Story…

Contact tracing is an important measure to prevent a virus from spreading through the community. In deal- ing with the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries, including Australia, have taken various contact tracing measures. A core component in contact tracing is to track people’s travel trajectories, from which people who have been in close contact with a new case can be identified quickly.

In this assignment, we are given a set of trajectory data that records people’s locations at different times. The aim is to check whether there is anyone who has violated the 5-km from home travel zone limit, and whether there have been people who are in close contact for an extended period of time.

Below is a sample list of trajectory records of a certain day (the exact date is omitted for simplicity). Each line of the list contains the information of a location visited by a user as separated by spaces (‘ ’), including:

the visited location latitude (a real number with 6 digits after the decimal point);

the visited location longitude (a real number with 6 digits after the decimal point);

the user’s home location latitude (a real number with 6 digits after the decimal point);

the user’s home location longitude (a real number with 6 digits after the decimal point);

the start time of the visit (an integer between 1 and 24 × 3600 = 86400; this is the second from the start of the day, for example, 31144 = 8 × 3600 + 39 × 60 + 4, that is, 31144 means 08:39:04);

the end time of the visit (an integer between 1 and 86400, and greater than the start time of the visit);


the user ID (a string with 8 digit or lowercase characters).

For example, the first line of the list represents that User #8oz05szh visited <-37.817365, 144.968783> at time 31144 (08:39:04) and left at time 32144 (08:55:44). The user’s home is at <-37.797329, 144.965705>. Youmay assume that the list will always be correctly formatted and contain at least 2 and at most 99 records.

The list is sorted by the user ID and then by the visit start time, in ascending order.

-37.817365 144.968783 -37.797329 144.965705 31144 32144 8oz05szh
-37.810009 144.962800 -37.797329 144.965705 33867 44877 8oz05szh
-37.809657 144.965221 -37.797329 144.965705 85646 85746 8oz05szh
-37.822464 144.968863 -37.810256 145.002215 41497 42511 jon362ft
-37.742099 144.964337 -37.837977 144.975683 00145 02159 kwhb16v7
-37.810019 144.962800 -37.837977 144.975683 43000 55079 kwhb16v7
-37.822464 144.968863 -37.837977 144.975683 60270 61284 kwhb16v7
-37.822464 144.968873 -37.837977 144.975683 61285 82281 kwhb16v7
-37.845590 144.971467 -37.773574 144.968853 52475 52591 wuucozwj
-37.817368 144.968786 -37.798875 144.943082 30144 65032 y4tqqn2s

Your Task

Your task is to write a program that reads the list of trajectory records and outputs statistics calculated on it. The assignment consists of the following four stages (Stage 4 is for a challenge and is optional).

Stage 1 – Processing the First Record (Marks up to 5/10)

Write a program that reads the first line of the input data, and prints out for the first record: the user ID, the latitude and the longitude of the visited location, the start and end times of the visit, and the distance (in kilometres, 2 digits before and after decimal point) from the home location to the visited location.

Given the coordinates of two points p1 = (lat1,long1) and p2 = (lat2,long2), where lati and longi (i = 1, 2) represent the latitude and the longitude, the distance (in kilometres) between p1 and p2, represented by dist(p1, p2), is calculated based on the haversine formula as follows.

dist(p1, p2) = 6371 · angle.distance, where Σ

. Σ . Σ . Σ


angledistance = 2 · .atan2 sqrt(chordlengthΣ), sqrt(1 chordlength) ,


cos toRadian(lat1) · cos toRadian(lat2) · sin2 toRadian(long2long1)/2



In the equation above, toRadian(x) = x (3.14159/180) is a function that converts a latitude or longitude coordinate x to its radian value. You need to implement this function and define the constants properly in your code. Note that you should not use the constant M_PI provided by the math.h library as it is not supported by the assignment submission system under the assignment compilation settings.

The functions atan2(), sqrt(), sin(), and cos() are provided by the math.h library. If you use this library, make sure to add the “-lm” flag to the “gcc” command at compilation on your own machine.

The output of this stage given the above sample input should be (where “mac:” is the command prompt):

mac: ./program < test0.txt

Stage 1


User: #8oz05szh

Visited location: <-37.817365, 144.968783>

Start time: 31144

End time: 32144

Distance from home: 02.24 km

Here, 02.24 is the distance between the visited location of the first record, <-37.817365, 144.968783>, and the home location, <-37.797329, 144.965705>, as calculated using the haversine formula above.

Hint: To ensure the result accuracy, use double’s for storing the coordinates and calculating the distance value. Use 05.2f for the distance output formatting. You may also read all input data before printing out for Stage 1.

As this example illustrates, the best way to get data into your program is to save it in a text file (with a “.txt” extension, jEdit can do this), and then execute your program from the command line, feeding the data in via input redirection (using <).

In your program, you will still use the standard input functions such as scanf() or getchar() to read the data. Input redirection will direct these functions to read the data from the file, instead of asking you to type it in by hand. This will be more convenient than typing out the test cases manually every time you test

your program. Our auto-testing system will feed input data into your submissions in this way as well. To simplify the marking, your program should not print anything except for the data requested to be output (as shown in the output example).

We will provide a sample test file “test0.txt” on Canvas. You may download this file directly and use it to test your code before submission. This file is created under MacOS. Under Windows systems, the entire file may be displayed in one line if opened in the Notepad app. You do not need to edit this file to add line breaks. The ‘n’ characters are already contained in the file. They are not displayed properly but the scanf() and getchar() functions in C can still recognise them correctly.

Stage 2 – Processing the Rest of the Records (Marks up to 7/10)

Now modify your program so that the distance from the home location to each visited location is computed and visualised. You may assume that the distance values are within the range of (0, 15). On the same sample input data, the additional output for this stage should be:

Stage 2
#8oz05szh, distance from home: 02.24 |—
#8oz05szh, distance from home: 01.43 |–
#8oz05szh, distance from home: 01.37 |–
#jon362ft, distance from home: 03.23 |—-
#kwhb16v7, distance from home: 10.71 |—-+—-+-
#kwhb16v7, distance from home: 03.31 |—-
#kwhb16v7, distance from home: 01.83 |–
#kwhb16v7, distance from home: 01.83 |–
#wuucozwj, distance from home: 08.01 |—-+—-
#y4tqqn2s, distance from home: 03.05 |—-

You need to work out how the visualisation works based on this example. You should write functions to process this stage where appropriate.

Stage 3 – Overall Reporting (Marks up to 10/10)

In this stage, your task is to find out the close-contact pairs, which are location visit record pairs from different users with a distance smaller than 2 metres, and the visit times overlap for more than 15 minutes (that is, 900 seconds). The additional output from this stage is the total number of close-contact pairs, and the close-contact pair with the longest overlap time. You may assume that there will not be a tie on the longest overlap time.

Stage 3


Number of close-contact pairs: 2 Longest overlap time: 01877 seconds #8oz05szh @ <-37.810009, 144.962800>

#kwhb16v7 @ <-37.810019, 144.962800>

/* The alphabetically smaller ID should be printed first; theres is at least one close-contact pair in the input data;

there is a final newline ‘n’ at the end of Stage 3 output. */

In the sample input, there are two close-contact pairs: (1) #8oz05szh @ <-37.810009, 144.962800> and #kwhb16v7 @ <-37.810019, 144.962800>, with a distance of 1.11 metres for 1877 seconds, and (2) #8oz05szh @ <-37.817365, 144.968783> and #y4tqqn2s @ <-37.817368 144.968786>, with a dis-

tance of 0.43 metres for 1000 seconds. The first pair is printed as its overlap time is longer.

Hint: You may need to use two arrays of double’s to keep track of the visited location coordinates, two arrays of int’s to keep track of the visit times, and an array of strings to keep track of the user IDs.

Wherever appropriate, code should be shared between stages through the use of functions. In particular, there should not be long stretches of repeated code appearing in different places in your program. Further examples showing the full output that is required are provided on Canvas.

Stage 4 – For a Challenge (and Not for Submission)

In Stage 3, you may have checked every pair of location visit records to find all the close-contact pairs. Given n location visit records, there are n2 pairs to be checked, many of which are non-close-contact pairs. For a challenge, can you think of a way to reduce the number of pairs to be checked without missing any close-contact pairs? But no need to submit these programs.

Submission and Assessment

This assignment is worth 10% of the final mark. A detailed marking scheme will be provided on Canvas. You need to submit your code in Grok Learning (https://groklearning.com) for assessment. Submission will not be done via Canvas. Instead, you will need to:

Log in to Grok Learning using your student login details.

Navigate to the Assignment 1 module of our subject COMP20005 2020 S2: Engineering Computation. 3.Write your code in the program.c tab window.

Compile your code by clicking on the Compile button.

Once the compilation is successful, click on the Mark button to submit your code. (You can submit as many times as you want to. Only the last submission made before the deadline will be marked.)

Two sample tests will be run automatically after you make a submission. Make sure that your submission passes these sample tests.

Two hidden tests will be run for marking purpose. Results of these tests will be released after our marking is done.

You can (and should) submit both early and often – to check that your program compiles correctly on our test system, which may have some different characteristics to your own machines.

You will be given a sample test file test0.txt and the sample output test0-output.txt. You can test your code on your own machine with the following command and compare the output with test0-output.txt:

mac: ./program < test0.txt /* Here ‘<’ feeds the data from test0.txt into program */

Note that we are using the following command to compile your code on the submission system (we name the source code file program.c).

gcc -Wall -lm -std=c99 -o program program.c

The flag “-std=c99” enables the compiler to use a modern standard of the C language – C99. To ensure that your submission works properly on the submission system, you should use this command to compile your code on your local machine as well.

You may discuss your work with others, but what gets typed into your program must be individual work, not from anyone else. Do not give (hard or soft) copy of your work to anyone else; do not “lend” your memory stick to others; and do not ask others to give you their programs “just so that I can take a look and get some ideas, I won’t copy, honest”. The best way to help your friends in this regard is to say a very firm “no” when they ask for a copy of, or to see, your program, pointing out that your “no”, and their acceptance of that decision, is the only thing that will preserve your friendship. A sophisticated program that in “compare every pair” mode. See https://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au for more information. undertakes deep structural analysis of C code identifying regions of similarity will be run over all submissions

Deadline: Programs not submitted by 4:00pm Wednesday 30th September 2020 will lose penalty marks at the rate of 1.5 marks per day or part day late. Late submissions after 4:00pm Friday 2nd Oc- tober 2020 will not be accepted. Students seeking extensions for medical or other “outside my control” reasons should email the lecturer at jianzhong.qi@unimelb.edu.au. If you attend a GP or other health care professional as a result of illness, be sure to take a Health Professional Report (HRP) form with you (get it from the Special Consideration section of the Student Portal), you will need this form to be filled out if your illness develops into something that later requires a Special Consideration application to be lodged. You should scan the HPR form and send it in connection with any non-Special Consideration assignment extension requests.

Special consideration due to COVID-19: Please refer to the “Special Consideration” section in this page:


And remember, C programming is fun!


c 2020 The University of Melbourne Prepared by Jianzhong Qi

-37.817365 144.968783 -37.773574 144.968853 01144 32144 8oz05szh

-37.817368 144.968786 -37.818368 144.967786 00144 03032 y4tqqn2s

-37.817365 144.968783 -37.773574 144.968853 01144 32144 8oz05szh

-37.817368 144.968786 -37.818368 144.967786 00144 03032 y4tqqn2s

Stage 1
User: #8oz05szh
Visited location: <-37.817365, 144.968783>
Start time: 01144
End time: 32144
Distance from home: 04.87 km

Stage 2
#8oz05szh, distance from home: 04.87 |—-+
#y4tqqn2s, distance from home: 00.14 |-

Stage 3
Number of close-contact pairs: 1
Longest overlap time: 01888 seconds
#8oz05szh @ <-37.817365, 144.968783>
#y4tqqn2s @ <-37.817368, 144.968786>

-37.817365 144.968783 -37.797329 144.965705 31144 32144 8oz05szh
-37.810009 144.962800 -37.797329 144.965705 33867 44877 8oz05szh
-37.809657 144.965221 -37.797329 144.965705 85646 85746 8oz05szh
-37.822464 144.968863 -37.810256 145.002215 41497 42511 jon362ft
-37.742099 144.964337 -37.837977 144.975683 00145 02159 kwhb16v7
-37.810019 144.962800 -37.837977 144.975683 43000 55079 kwhb16v7
-37.822464 144.968863 -37.837977 144.975683 60270 61284 kwhb16v7
-37.822464 144.968873 -37.837977 144.975683 61285 82281 kwhb16v7
-37.845590 144.971467 -37.773574 144.968853 52475 52591 wuucozwj
-37.817368 144.968786 -37.798875 144.943082 30144 65032 y4tqqn2s



#define PI 3.14159 //STORING PI VALUE
#define DISTCONST 6371

This is a structure of each record in the input file
Storing userID, visiting longitude, visiting latitude, home latitude, home longitude
start time and end time
typedef struct
char userID[8];
double visitLong;
double visitLat;
double homeLong;
double homeLat;
unsigned int startTime;
unsigned int endTime;
} userStruct;

This a structure to store the details of pairs who satisfy the condition of close Pairs
It stores records indexes and overlap time
The indexes are same as the index of the record in user array
typedef struct
int index1;
int index2;
int overLapTime;
} pairsStruct;

All the function declarations

int readData(char fileName[],userStruct user[]);
void implementationOfStage1(char userID[],double visitLat,double visitLong,double homeLat,double homeLong,int startTime, int endTime);
double distanceCalculation(double vistLong,double visitLat,double homeLong,double homeLat);
void implementationOfStage2(userStruct user[], int numberOfInputs);
void implementationOfStage3(userStruct user[], int numberOfInputs);
int checkClosePairs(userStruct user[],pairsStruct pairs[],int numberOfUsers);
int maxOverLapTime(pairsStruct pairs[],int numberOfClosePairs);
int findMinMax(int input1, int input2,int toggle);

This function reads the inputs from the fileName given
And stores that data into users array
int readData(char fileName[],userStruct users[])

FILE *file;
file = fopen(fileName,”r”);
//Read data from file and store into respective data structure
char line[4096];
int i=0;
while(fgets(line,100, file) != NULL)
sscanf(line, “%lf %lf %lf %lf %d %d %s”, &users[i].visitLat, &users[i].visitLong,&users[i].homeLat,&users[i].homeLong,&users[i].startTime,&users[i].endTime,&users[i].userID);
return i;


This function converts and returns the latitude and longitude coordinate into radian

double toRadian(double x)
return x*(PI/ANGLE);

This function is used to find the greater and smaller one between two inputs given
the toggle is used to tell the function that whether we want the smaller(toggle = 1) or greater(toggle = 0)
of the two inputs given
int findMinMax(int input1, int input2,int toggle)

if(toggle == 1)
return input1<input2?input1:input2;
return input1>input2?input1:input2;


This function finds the pair with longest over lap time and return index of that pair

int maxOverLapTime(pairsStruct pairs[],int numberOfClosePairs)

int i;
int maxOverLapTime=pairs[0].overLapTime; //assigning the first pair overlap time as maximum overlap time
int pairIndex = 0; //index in pairs array with maximum over lap time
for(i=1; i<numberOfClosePairs; i++)
if(pairs[i].overLapTime > maxOverLapTime) //if any pair’s overlap time greater than max
maxOverLapTime = pairs[i].overLapTime; //then update maxOverLapTime and the pairIndex
pairIndex = i;
return pairIndex;


This function calculates and return the distance between the coordinates given using haversine formula

double distanceCalculation(double visitLong,double visitLat,double homeLong,double homeLat)
double diffLat = homeLat – visitLat;
double diffLong = homeLong-visitLong;
double chord_length = (sin(toRadian(diffLat)/2) * sin(toRadian(diffLat)/2)) + (cos(toRadian(homeLat))*cos(toRadian(visitLat))*sin(toRadian(diffLong)/2) * sin(toRadian(diffLong)/2));
double angle_distance = 2 * atan2(sqrt(chord_length),sqrt(1-chord_length));
return DISTCONST * angle_distance;

This function finds all the pairs whose visited coordinates difference is less than 2m and overlap time > 900 seconds
Then returns numbers of pairs found
int checkClosePairs(userStruct user[],pairsStruct pairs[],int numberOfUsers)
int numberOfClosePairs = 0;
double distance;
int time;
int input1;
int input2;
int i=0,j=0;

for(i=0; i<numberOfUsers; i++)
for(j=i+1; j<numberOfUsers; j++)
distance = distanceCalculation(user[i].visitLong,user[i].visitLat,user[j].visitLong,user[j].visitLat); // calling distanceCalculation function

distance = distance * CONVERSION; //to covert distance into meters

if(distance<2) //If distance is less than 2m, check overlap time
input1 = findMinMax(user[i].startTime,user[j].startTime,0);//Storing max of start time between 2 records

input2 = findMinMax(user[i].endTime,user[j].endTime,1); //Storing min of end time between 2 records

time = (input2 – input1); //Storing difference between input 1 and 2

if(time > 900) //If Over Lap time is less than 900 store the pair values
pairs[numberOfClosePairs].index1 = i;
pairs[numberOfClosePairs].index2 = j;
pairs[numberOfClosePairs].overLapTime = time;

return numberOfClosePairs;

This function reads the first record and prints its details(USERID,VISIT LATITUDE, VISIT LONGITUDE, START TIME ,END TIME)
AND distance traveled from home
void implementationOfStage1(char userID[],double visitLat,double visitLong,double homeLat,double homeLong,int startTime, int endTime)

printf(“n Stage 1n ==========n”);
printf(” User: #%sn”,userID);
printf(” Visited location: <%f, %f>n”,visitLat,visitLong);
printf(” Start time: %dn”,startTime);
printf(” End time: %dn”,endTime);
printf(” Distance from home: %05.2f kmn”,distanceCalculation(visitLong,visitLat,homeLong,homeLat)); //Calling distanceCalculation function


This function processes the all the records
and finds the distance between the house and visited location
and outputs the data according to the requirements mentioned.
void implementationOfStage2(userStruct user[], int numberOfInputs)
printf(“n Stage 2n ==========n”);
int i=0,j=1;
double distance;
for(i=0; i<numberOfInputs; i++)

printf(” #%s,”,user[i].userID);
distance = distanceCalculation(user[i].visitLong,user[i].visitLat,user[i].homeLong,user[i].homeLat); //Calling the distanceCalculation function
printf(” distance from home: %05.2f “,distance);
printf(“| “);
if(j!=1 && j % 5 == 0 )


This function finds the close-contact pairs in the records
Prints the
1. Numbers of close-contact pairs
2. Longest overlap time
3. Pair values(UserID, visited coordinates) with Longest overlap time


void implementationOfStage3(userStruct user[],int numberOfUsers)

printf(“n Stage 3n ==========n”);

pairsStruct pairs[numberOfUsers]; //an array of pairs
int numberOfClosePairs;
int pairIndex = 0;
int firstRecordIndex;
int secondRecordIndex;

numberOfClosePairs = checkClosePairs(user,pairs,numberOfUsers);

printf(” Number of close-contact pairs: %dn”,numberOfClosePairs);

//If number of pairs are greater than 1, then find the pair with longest overlap time
pairIndex = maxOverLapTime(pairs,numberOfClosePairs);

printf(” Longest overlap time: %05d secondsn”,pairs[pairIndex].overLapTime);

firstRecordIndex = pairs[pairIndex].index1; //storing index of first record of the pair with longest over lap time
secondRecordIndex = pairs[pairIndex].index2; //storing index of second record of the pair with longest over lap time

printf(” #%s @ <%f, %f>n”,user[firstRecordIndex].userID,user[firstRecordIndex].visitLat,user[firstRecordIndex].visitLong);

printf(” #%s @ <%f, %f>n”,user[secondRecordIndex].userID,user[secondRecordIndex].visitLat,user[secondRecordIndex].visitLong);


int main(int argc, char **argv)
userStruct users[MAX]; //an array of users containing all the fields.
int numberOfInputs; //total number of inputs in input file

numberOfInputs = readData(argv[1],users); //reading the data from input file and storing the number of inputs

//Implementing stage 1

//Implementing stage 2

//Implementing stage 3

return 0;

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