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Review Of Historical Film Devchata

Feb 25,22

Review Of Historical Film Devchata


Write a Review of Historical film Devchata.



Review of Historical film Devchata

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Devchata is a movie where one can radiate from the screen, the nice atmosphere of youth, a sweet romantic melodious story, strong friendship, hope, and the readiness for love. The funniest parts can bring a smile to the audience’s face as well as on the other hand the heartbroken scene can make you feel emotional too. In this full movie the weather was snowy which is very beautiful and all the fighting, saying sorry, expressing the love just took the story to another level. With all the incidents Ilya learned a lesson that how to treat the girl as very soon he finds desperately in love with that person whom he takes as a guarantee and it really has an inner lesson for the audience too. Along with this main story, Tosya’s friends and her roommates have several subplots concerning also show a tight friendship goal.


Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Discussion. 4

Conclusion. 6

References. 7


Devchata is a perfect example of the 60th most popular Soviet film. It shows how to make a wonderful genre of comedy/romance in the most wonderful way. Here one can see all the emotions like being funny, charmingly naive, and heartwarming which are reflected in this movie make it wonderful. The story is about a young pig-tailed girl named Tosya, with her cooking degree, she arrives from school and joins with other women as a group and there she falls in love with Ilya in the snowy winter.


Devchata movie is a romantic and comedy movie in the Russian camp. Yuriy Chulyukin is the director of this historical film who is already known as a famous movie director. With great storytelling, he directed many interesting movies. And in the script, Tosya is a girl who is naive but open-hearted and very kind and she is eighteen years old. Before coming to the review first let’s discuss this beautiful story (Oberländer, 2021). According to the story Tonya has just completed graduation from the trade school and also in a Siberian village found a job as a cook. Once cheerfully she was preparing a learges amount of loaf jam slathers with the bread and a meal of tea for her. In this story four girls’ who return after day at work and they were Tosya’s roommates. However, after a fight with one woman, she went to the dance hall with other girls. Though no one was willing to dance with her, eventually she started dancing with another tall girl who is also passing up with various young men.

Here the director reflects another important character of Ilya. Ilya approaches her to dance as her tenacity impresses him but she refuses by saying she doesn’t like this type of boy. It was also her first day of work when she met Ilya. He is also the most popular and attractive guy and in the workplace, he is also equally known for his success and with the girls. Within two weeks Ilya bet with his friend Filya that the new cook will fall in love with him. That time the bet was done only for a hat (Penha & Hauff, 2020, September). Quickly Ilya make a plan with his gang. They break down Tosya by insulting her cooking. They throw her stew dramatically into the snow and bring her into tears. A few days later Tosya pick up some mushroom soup for the men in the forest work-site. For one another Ilya and Tosya start show some true affection. Director also reflects that Tosya is also an orphan that makes an interest within Ilya for her.

Now, this is the time for Tosya’s heartbreak. Anfisa, Tosya’s dorm-mate one night, the reveals with the other girls about Ilya’s bet. There was a debate between both of them over whether they should break the news to her or not. The other girls don’t want to discuss it with Tosya as she wants to keep the faith of men alive in her mind. As soon as Ilya approaches Tosya for dance, the girls decide to tell the truth. It is such a heartbreaking scene for Tosya and for the audience as well (Wang, Wang & Xu, 2018). Tosya came to know that he did this only for a hat. She marches off that dance within a minute as her despair and emotion turn into indignation. She reaches the dance and calls Filya, and wants to know whether there was any bet or not and he admitted sheepishly that yes it was. With tears in their eyes, she grabs Filya’s hat and gave it to Ilya’s hands and ran away. Then without a coat, she runs out into the cold snowy night. Ilya releases and searches for her, calling out her name.

It was the time that all the audience was waiting to see. Yes, now it’s Ilya’s turn to convince her. Ilya attempts and does his best to proves her that the bet is not serious it only a prank that he has done. He says sorry, and the way he says it took the audience’s attention. He admitted how much he loved her (Santos et al., 2019). He gave an ultimate effort but it was not so easy for Tosya to be easily swayed. Eventually, in the climax of this movie, the director beautifully sets up a romantic scene where a simply leads to their reconciliation. They were focusing outside for a log and exploring flirtatiously. They did the first kiss and were discussing about their future.

The character of Tosya gives a star-making performance. From the very first scene, the character shows herself as such an innocent, full-of-life girl. It makes a place in the audience’s mind from the very first scene. Next is Ilya. From his games, the best funny jokes to his love for Tosya also impact and make this story very impressive (Shankar, 2019). The scene when Tosya came to know the truth asks quietly that the bet was just for a hat? Was a so touching moment. In this full movie, the snowy weather is also another attractive part of this story. Being an audience everyone wants a happy ending and the director did the same for this story too. At the last moment when they were talking about their future, it looked so pleased and beautiful. It makes the story a wonderful cover.


“Devchata” is perhaps one of the best movies of the Old Russian times. It deeply reflects the passion of the Soviets for their work and relations between people. A teenage girl’s joyful life, after graduation, how she starts to earn an income by choosing a cooking profession is a reflection of modern thoughts. Not only had the heroine of this movie but the director marked the goal of such friendship by showing the other girls. When two people come to a romantic relationship how their bonding should be is also shown in this movie. The dancing, emotions, friendship, funny sequences never can make boredom an audience’s mind. Moreover, this is an ultimate entertainment movie for the audience.



Oberländer, A. (2021). “To be a woman is hard work”. The Changing Landscape of Gendered Emotions in the Late Soviet Union. L’Homme, 32(2), 79-96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14220/9783737013253.79

Penha, G., & Hauff, C. (2020, September). What does BERT know about books, movies and music? Probing BERT for Conversational Recommendation. In Fourteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 388-397). DOI: https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3383313.3412249

Santos, T., Lemmerich, F., Strohmaier, M., & Helic, D. (2019). What’s in a review: Discrepancies between expert and amateur reviews of video games on metacritic. Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction, 3(CSCW), 1-22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3359242

Shankar, P. R. (2019). Cinemeducation: Facilitating educational sessions for medical students using the power of movies. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences, 7(1), 96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01605682.2019.1705194

Wang, Y., Wang, M., & Xu, W. (2018). A sentiment-enhanced hybrid recommender system for movie recommendation: a big data analytics framework. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8263704