Radicalism In Employee Relation
Mar 13,23Question:
Radicalism is no longer relevant to understanding capitalist countries today.
Radicalism is related to a historical political movement during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Radicalism was also known as a precursor to social liberalism and modern progressivism. In radicalism, the belief of the people can be identified as a complete political and social reform or changes in the society through revolution. On the other side, capitalistic countries in today’s world is dominated by the free market in which corporations and private companies decide the prices and production to control the economic system of the countries (Bhawnani, 2019). This paper is taken to discuss reasons about radicalism that is no longer relevant to understanding capitalist countries today.
In order to bring changes in political environment and society, revolution was one of main power of the people in during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Political movement and changes in society were the results of the belief that society needs to be changed. In order to make the radicalism strong in a country, movements of individuals and parties were conducted to alter existing system of the society drastically. The radicalism was widespread in use in the USA after the Civil War (1861–1865) when policies promoted social and political rights for the former slaves (Bhawnani, 2019). The governing Republican Party of the USA applied radicalism to oppose the return of power of former Confederates and slaveholder-planter class.
However, the meaning of radicalism was first time originated during the French Revolution (1787–1789) when the king was opposed by leftist to sit in the National Assembly. Further, radicalism in political system was initiated in Cold War after the end of Reconstruction. The radicalism fundamentally altered the capitalist economic and social system in most the countries in the world. The radical groups, such as the Knights of Labor, Greenback Labor Party, etc. demanded to changes in property relations with a wide variety of reforms (Bhawnani, 2019). The demand of Greenback Labor Party and Populist Party can be identified in radicalism as democracy in politics and cooperation between various producer and consumer.
These parties also demanded to establish government ownership in railroads and telegraph lines. The changes in property relations in radicalism can also be identified as making antitrust legislation in order to protect farmers and skilled workers. The demand of antitrust legislation in radicalism was also helpful to small businessmen that were always threatened by political corruption and the economic (Kelly, 2020).
Reason of Radicalism that is no Longer relevant to Understanding Capitalist Countries Today:
The radicalism was relevant to social liberalism and modern progressivism in the world that can be understood with the examples of Civil War of the USA when policies were promoted for social and political rights to the people. The French Revolution that opposed then king by leftist to sit in the National Assembly is also an example of radicalism. Radicalism is also relevant to alter the capitalist economic and social system when the end of Reconstruction and initiation of Cold War taken place in the world (Calhoun, 2012). On the other hand, radicalism is no longer relevant to understanding capitalist countries today because corporations and private companies are playing the most important role to dominate the free market through changing prices and production in the economic scenario.
Radicalism was basically relevant to change the society and political environment in 19th century through revolution, but capitalist countries’ society and political environment are dominated or dictated by corporations and private companies in present scenario using economic growth capabilities and freedom of choice (Calhoun, 2012). In present world, the radicalism is no longer relevant to understating capitalist countries because in the competitive matter of corporations and private companies have limited government intervention (Kelly, 2020). The wealth of the corporations and private companies has a large contribution in making capitalist countries in the world like Singapore, New Zealand, Ireland, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Australia, etc.
Capitalist countries in today’s world hold a large amount of capital, such as money or other financial assets and invested in business. In this process, capitalist countries get benefits and increase the profits and add in their wealth. However, the strong economy of capitalist countries or this big change is not because of the radicalism revolution. The main controllers of capitalist countries are the private corporate world that decides the present and future of these countries (Kelly, 2020). The understanding capitalist countries today needs other perspective known as authoritarianism in which the supporting capitalism of the people removing the effect of radicalism.
The economic freedom of a country leads towards political freedom that helps to organize a society and provides alternatives of socialism and communism. The dominating effective of private companies on capitalism generally provide more benefits to consumers through making affordable products. They create capitalism atmosphere and encourage people to work harder and achieve their dream effectively (Kelly, 2020). The capitalism in capitalist countries today helps to dismiss concerns of anti-capitalist. The rich people, corporate and private companies are placing central importance on the people.
Further, radicalism is also no longer relevant to understanding capitalist countries today because of changing thinking and attitude of the people and doing efforts to be a hallmark of capitalism cooperating private companies. In order to understand the capitalist countries today, it is also necessary to think other relevant option (Calhoun, 2012). Socialism is opposite to the capitalism that is modern idea, but it is rooted to early 19th century when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed the forms of socialism. The core socialism was based on an economic system in which private companies cannot control the capitalist countries alone, but a whole community should be part of the capitalism.
Currently, people are opposing capitalist countries because of their inhuman and anti-democratic nature. In capitalism thinking of the capitalist countries focus believe on deeply exploitative system that must be opposed in socialism point of view. The private companies in capitalist countries hold power over employees and try to make them weak for a long-time. At this stage, capitalism is a hallmark of poverty that creates violence and force laboring class people in the world (Vernengo, 2005). A ruthless emphasis of the private companies on profits over people can be seen in capitalist countries. Therefore, the radicalism in this situation is no longer relevant to understating capitalist countries today where the proliferation of wage slavery can be determined on the priority basis.
At this stage, radicalism and capitalism is different to each other because both have different purpose in society. Radicalism is related to bring complete political and social reform to provide more benefits to the common people where as capitalism is related to increase economic power and forced to make changes in the society according to their needs (Vernengo, 2005).
After discussion on radicalism that is no longer relevant to undressing capitalist countries today, it can be stated that radicalism is a precursor to social liberalism and modern progressivism. Capitalist countries in today’s world hold a large amount of capital, such as money or other financial assets and invested in business. The economic freedom of a country leads towards political freedom that helps to organize a society and provides alternatives of socialism and communism. However, capitalism thinking of the capitalist countries focuses towards believing on deeply exploitative system. At this stage, in order to understand the capitalist countries today, it is necessary to think other relevant option also instead of radicalism.
Bhawnani, V. (2019). How Radical Capitalism has Hollowed Our Society? Retrieved from: https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/how-radical-capitalism-has-hollowed-our-society-da4bc10939dd
Calhoun, C.J. (2012). The radicalism of tradition: community strength or venerable disguise and borrowed language? Retrieved from: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/42435/1/The%20radicalism%20of%20tradition(lsero).pdf
Kelly, K. (2020). What ‘Capitalism’ Is and How It Affects People. Retrieved from: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/what-capitalism-is
Vernengo, M. (2005). Technology, Finance, and Dependency: Latin American Radical Political Economy in Retrospect. Review of Radical Political Economics, 38(4), 551-568.
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