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Organization Governance And Leadership: Developing Leadership

Jan 28,22

Organization Governance And Leadership: Developing Leadership


Discuss about the Organization Governance and Leadership for Developing Leadership.




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Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Role of leadership and governance in the development of an organisation. 3

Contribution of leadership and governance in problem-solving. 6

Conclusion. 7

Reference list 8


Behind every successful organisation, leadership and governance play a very important role. The role of leadership and proper governance is very important in determining the future of an organisation. In today’s day and age, the business market is getting more competitive with each passing day. Even successful and pre-dominating companies are also feeling a lot of pressure due to the rise in competition and in situations like this, a strong leader is required. Leaders are found in every aspect of our society and the importance of a powerful leader has been found throughout the history of mankind. A business organisation will not be able to operate properly without effective leadership or governance. There are many aspects of a business and there also exist many functions and operations that are required by the business to carry out in a proper and organised manner. Hence, organisations appoint managers who are assigned to oversee and supervise the work proceedings of their employees. Without managers and supervisors, the various functions and operations will never be carried out in a systematic order.

Role of leadership and governance in the development of an organisation

In the development of an organisation, the organisation must take risks and challenges which will help the organisation to test its potential and capabilities. In situations like these, it is the leader or the proper role of governance that assists the organisation with resources and materials that are required for facing business-related challenges and in successfully coping up with the risks that an organisation might face (Colovic, 2021). The leader of an organisation also initiates many programs and activities that will help in the development of the employees. The development of an organisation also depends on the contribution of the employees. It is the responsibility of the leaders of an organisation to guide and train the employees in such a way that their work performance is enhanced and the productivity of the organisation is also boosted.

Figure 1: Leadership in the development of an organisation

Source: (Sdsconsulting, 2022)

The business organisations that are successful and have managed to stay relevant and competitive are all because of the fact that they put a lot of emphasis in the development of innovation and creativity (Sadq et al., 2020). Another significant role of a leader in an organisation is the way a leader encourages the employees to work more in inventing something new and innovative. This role of a leader is very important in developing a business organisation because if the business creates something new then it will be able to attract more customers towards that business organisation and it will automatically help with the sales of the business. The leader of an organisation also plays a very im[potrtant role in identifying the capabilities and the skills of the employees and assigns the employees tasks and activities that will best suit them (Purwati et al., 2021). The leader is also responsible for meeting all the job requirements and the deadlines of those jobs. The leader also implements many effective strategies and policies that are very much required for the development of the organisation. A leader may follow a particular leadership style and the principles of that leadership style are followed by the leader for carrying out his practises. It is the contribution of the leader that assists the organisation in expanding its business and developing itself into a more successful one. Depending upon the structure and the missions of an organisation, a leader must be appointed so that the leader can help that organisation in fulfilling its objectives and missions. A leader is also responsible for presenting the business organisation in the market, it is the vision and practises of a leader that determines the success and development rate of an organisation.

Contribution of leadership and governance in problem-solving

Figure 2: Role of leadership in strategic business management

Source: (Services et al., 2022)

In the process of development, an organisation might have to deal with a handful of challenges. One of the basic challenges that an organisation faces when it has its business proceedings internationally is the barriers to creating and managing a diversified workforce. Multinational business organisations always need to have an effective leader that will effectively manage and build a diversified workforce (Farah et al., 2020). It is the responsibility of the leader to solve the issues that are faced in a diversified workforce. One of the common issues that are faced in a diversified workforce is communication. Therefore the leader should initiate enhancing the communication between employees as a diversified workforce helps in the massive development of an organisation due to the contribution of a team full of people who belong from different parts of the world. In an organisation, the employees often have to work under immense pressure and this might at times mentally affect them. The employees might feel demotivated and their spirits also might be low due to pressure of stress, it is the responsibility of the leader to boost the spirits of the employees and to encourage and motivate them so that they can overcome the pressures and stress that they are dealing with (Schoemaker, Heaton & Teece, 2018). There might be times when an organisation might have to face some serious problems that are very hard to deal with. In situations like these, the leader helps the organisation in addressing the challenge or problem with the help of effective strategies or measures. The leader also helps in identifying the faults in the operations and functions of an organisation and finds the most effective strategy to mend that fault.


Keeping in mind the roles and contribution of a leader in the development of an organisation, it can be said that behind every successful and developed organisation there exists an effective leader. It is the role and contribution of the leader that helps the organisation in coping up with the challenges and problems that it might face. A true leader is one who considers the company’s growth and development as his top priority and he does everything possible to make sure that the development of the organisation is assured. No matter how big or successful an organisation is, it will never be able to maintain its growth and development without an effective leader.

Reference list

Colovic, A. (2021). Leadership and business model innovation in late internationalizing SMEs. Long Range Planning, 102083. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2021.102083

Farah, B., Elias, R., De Clercy, C., & Rowe, G. (2020). Leadership succession in different types of organizations: What business and political successions may learn from each other. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(1), 101289. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2019.03.004

Purwati, A., Budiyanto, B., Suhermin, S., & Hamzah, M. (2021). The effect of innovation capability on business performance: The role of social capital and entrepreneurial leadership on SMEs in Indonesia. Accounting, 7(2), 323-330. Retrieved from: http://growingscience.com/ac/Vol7/ac_2020_183.pdf

Sadq, Z. M., Khorsheed, R. K., Mohammed, H. O., & Othman, B. (2020). The Effect of Administrative Leadership on Achieving Business Success Strategies (The Case of Lebanese French University). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3095-3102. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zana-Sadq/publication/339212779_The_Effect_of_Administrative_Leadership_on_Achieving_Business_Success_Strategies_The_Case_of_Lebanese_French_University/links/5e44450a92851c7f7f3402a2/The-Effect-of-Administrative-Leadership-on-Achieving-Business-Success-Strategies-The-Case-of-Lebanese-French-University.pdf

Schoemaker, P. J., Heaton, S., & Teece, D. (2018). Innovation, dynamic capabilities, and leadership. California Management Review, 61(1), 15-42. DOI: 10.1177/0008125618790246

Sdsconsulting. (2022). Best practices in Organizational Development (OD) – Sharp Development Solutions (SDS) Consulting. Sdsconsulting.org. Retrieved 17 January 2022, from https://www.sdsconsulting.org/best-practices-organizational-development-od/.

Services, D., PPTs, B., stages, 4., stages, 3., Chain, S., & Slides, G. et al. (2022). The Role Of Leadership In Strategic Management Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Portfolio Display. Slidegeeks.com. Retrieved 17 January 2022, from https://www.slidegeeks.com/business/product/the-role-of-leadership-in-strategic-management-ppt-powerpoint-presentation-portfolio-display.