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CHSUG1002 Interpersonal Communication For Professional Practice

Mar 13,23


Discuss About the Non Electronic Communication Method and Practices Used By Company?



There are varieties of ways or methods of communications and practices used in the practices of business operations of a company both internally and externally, such as print documents, in person, broadcast messages, online, etc. Further, communication plays essential role to share information related to different activities and working practices of the organization (Hamzah, Ghorbani & Abdullah, 2009). In this paper, the written non electronic communication method and practices will be discussed that most of organizations used in their business activities to share information both internally and externally. 

Non Electronic Communication Method:

The non electronic communication method is the written document or oral conversation used by the company to share the information between employees, clients, management, and other stakeholders. The written letter, flow charts, proposals are some of the non electronic communication methods used by the company in its daily business activities. Apart from this, the non electronic communication methods and practices are also used by the company are the company reports, memorandums, and invoices (Hamzah, Ghorbani & Abdullah, 2009). These non electronic communication methods used by company are associated with traditional methods of communication. Currently, these non electronic communication methods are losing its importance in the business operations of corporate environment. The main reason behind avoiding these communication methods are linked to the use of alternatives methods, such as electronic communication.

However, the non electronic communication method of the traditional companies was employed for distribution of the messages. It was the alternatives of electronic communication because of most of the companies were conducting all work manually. At this stage, the value of non electronic communication methods and practices were more important before the years 2000 when the internet facilities were not present for all companies (Hamzah, Ghorbani & Abdullah, 2009). The face to face communication is also considered non electronic communication method and practices that is used basically in meetings and conversation between employees.

The non electronic communication and practices used by company to collect information through conducting primary research or survey about the products or services. This information is used by the company to understand the market and makes strategies to enter in the new markets. In most of the situations, non electronic communication method and practices are also utilized by the company to analyze the competitive market environment and growth opportunities based on collected information (Daim et al., 2012) At this stage, the non electronic communication and practices is useful like electronic communication method because both can be used to understand the market and target different types of audience for successful business operations.

On the other hand, the non electronic communication methods used by company are not effective basically in the critical situation or in the needs of quick information to make decision. This method when used by the company makes the decision slow and difficult to inform people quickly when they are far from the head office of a company. Sending messages to other branch of a company that is present in remote location can take many days or week to inform (Daim et al., 2012). The effectiveness of the non electronic communication compared to electronic communication method, it is not effective because the messages send to other people at once is limited.

Further, non electronic communication methods used by company are losing its importance. Corporate industries in the present business world where they need to share information quickly and sending the information many people at a time is possible because of electricity, computer technology, and internet facilities. However, the non electronic communication methods and practices are useful only in the situations of providing information within the organization and releasing any memorandum or reports to the employees (Daim et al., 2012). The non electronic communication method and practices can be done with the help of basic skills in which only talking and writing on the paper is required.

This method of communication when used by the company in regular practices faces the challenge of delay in decision making and taking long-time in completion of any project. However, there is example of a successful company in the market that uses non electronic communication method in its business practices, such as Woolworths Limited. This company uses the non electronic communication methods and practices to engage with stakeholders (Daim et al., 2012). The staff of the company, team member, customers, and other stakeholders of Woolworths, such as vendors, suppliers, and media and government generally uses non electronic communication method.

Non Electronic Communication Practices:

The non electronic communication practices are based on the use of its methods on the regular basis in the company, such as face to face communication, invoice, memorandum, and letter. These non electronic communication methods are also used in the current practices by most of the company on the priority basis. This can be described as below:

Face to Face Communication: Communication at the workplace needs only non electronic communication method when communicating with customers and sales staff. In non electronic communication method, such as face to face communication, both parties can express their ideas or needs responding to each other (Ean, 2010). The face to face communication audience in the world is pretty much wide that are also targeted by the company through marketing of the products in newspaper, billboards, street display, etc. The face to face communication during meeting in a company is also true in the current corporate world because meeting is important to make collective decision about the benefits of the organization.

Invoice: Invoice in the current business world is mandatory to provide the customers in purchasing situation. All service related or product related companies are responsible to provide invoices to their customers after purchasing of the products. The use of invoices provides the quantity or lists of each item with the prices details. The invoice uses also provides information about the service description with a contact details for payment (Ean, 2010). As a legal document, invoice is used to prove purchasing details and as an evidence of an incurred debt.

Memorandum: Memorandum is a written message that is used in the company as non electronic communication internally between the departments for professional setting. The main target audience for which memorandum is released by the organization is employees that are informed when any dynamic and effective change is decided by the management.

Letter: Letter is considered as a high standard of non electronic communication method that is used by company to inform any one formally or informally. The letter is written with clear information starting with the introduction and other essential details to provide receivers clear message. The letter is a legal document which is used to send personal or professional information. Before the innovation and expansion of electronic ways of information sharing, letter was the part of life of people to send letters (Ean, 2010). In current business environment most of the companies believe to use letter in sending information to other companies or individuals for formal business related work. Therefore, the value of letter is available in the current business operation of a company in most of the situations.


After discussion of the non electronic communication methods and practices by the company, it can be stated that it is also useful in the present scenario to send and receive information in business operations. In the non electronic communication methods, face to face communication between employees, invoice, memorandum and letter are essential to use in business practices that cannot be ignored at all.


Daim, T.U., Ha, A., …………………….., Bhatla, A. (2012). Exploring the communication breakdown in global virtual teams. International Journal of Project Management, 30, 199-212.

Ean, L.C. (2010). Face-to-face Versus Computer-mediated Communication: Exploring Employees’ Preference of Effective Employee Communication Channel. International Journal for the Advancement of Science & Arts, 1(2), 38-48.

Hamzah, S.G., Ghorbani, R. & Abdullah, S.K. (2009). The impact of electronic communication technology on written language. US-China Education Review, 6(11), 75-79.

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