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Multimodality In Clouds Over Sidra

Feb 25,22

Multimodality In Clouds Over Sidra


Discuss about the Multimodality in Clouds over Sidra.



Multimodality in clouds over Sidra

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This article is based on the short virtual video of a 12-year-old small Syrian girl Sidra who stayed in the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan and who was rescued from the violence of Syria by volunteers. In this short eight minutes, virtual video Sidra explains her experience of staying in the refugee camp which is now a temporary home for her. Sidra the 12-year-old small girl explains each scene that is experienced by her after staying far away from her home in Syria. This virtual video includes a multimodality process which also includes different sonic resources and also different graphics which makes this video presentable for the audiences.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Discussion. 4

Conclusion. 6

References. 8


In this assessment, the concept of cloud multimodality over Sidra is discussed. The term multimodality refers to multiple literacy’s inclusion in one particular medium. It understands different kinds of language. Multimodality also refers to different kinds of modes of representation. Multimodal cloud is the traditional software infrastructure in which there are so many variables present. Multimodal also represents different kinds of culture in spoken or written form. This is the combination of spoken words and writing through which the communication process becomes easy.

Multimodality builds relationships between concepts and communication. Multimodality is associated with different kinds of language which also gives a broader aspect of clouds. Multimodality also includes advanced technology which also upgrades the communication process. Multimodality also helps to organise3 the clouds in a particular organization. This process also helps to handle a load of work pressure through clouds in different organizations and also helps to create better infrastructure in the public cloud.


Multimodality concept and the clouds over sidra is a film which is released virtually related to the crisis of the refugee emergency situation and this film is produced by Samsung and the United Nation. Sidra is a girl from Syria who is just 12 years old which explains her experience of living her life far away from her home. The protection company of this virtual short video is VRSE which is released in the year 2016. Sidra explains her experience of living life in a refugee camp to the audiences in Jordan. The short video of this Syrian girl is not in a simple format but it is in 3d format which attracts the audience and they are connected to this video.

Multimodality helps the video recorder to record the video by drones(Kuang et al., 2019). The duration of this virtual short video of Sidra is eight minutes extended. The surroundings and the scenes of this short virtual video are so lively that it attracts the audiences within a short time and they also enjoy it.

In this eight-minute short virtual video, Sidra explains each scene of her surroundings which she experienced in that refugee camp. She also explains her experience to the audiences from the beginning till the present. This is a documentary short virtual video that is immensely liked by the audiences. In this video, the girl simply narrates her experience to the people. The 3d format of this video interacts with the people in an easy way through which they are able to connect with the surroundings of the refugee camp. Multimodality of the video improves the imagination quality (Zhao et al., 2018).

The VR format of the video helps the viewer to connect with the video and also helps them to live the characters which were released in 2016. The videos include three-dimensional pictures which are enjoyed by the audiences. Multimodality helps to upgrade the video quality and also the approach of the video and also helps to caption the video (Huang et al., 2020). The viewers are able to connect with the situation and also with the surrounding scenes. In that refugee camp, more than a thousand Syrian people are situated away from their homes who are rescued from the violent situation, and this scene is guided by that small girl Sidra.

This multimodal video helps to give an insight into the refugee camp of Zaatari in Jordan. The scenes of that refugee camp are described by that small Syrian girl. Sidra the 12 years old girl had to leave her home to get rescued from violence and had to stay in a refugee camp which is now her temporary home. The Zaatari refugee camp is half full of children who are staying away from their homes. This short virtual video is directed by Chris Milk and Gobo Arora. This short virtual video helps to examine the importance of semiotic resources. Multimodality helps to translate the meaning of the video and also includes multiple modes(Canals, 2021).

This multimodal short video includes different figures and also concentrates on different frames to explain the situations. The sonic multimodal modes are presented in this cloud video. This video also includes different kinds of instrumentation and also different kinds of rhythm. This short video includes different interactive multimodal modes which communicate with people in an easy way. This short cloud video over sidra has an immense impact on the audiences. Each individual scene of this video compliments the other.

This short video presentation of Sidra uses the multimodal system through which the presentation becomes catchy for the audiences.

 The scenes in this video also compensate for each other. Multimodal videos include graphics and also some instrumental sounds which are attracting people. Multimodality helps to research the approach of the video process and also helps to talk about the meaning of the video (Majlesi & Markee, 2018). The viewer of this video claims that at first the video is recorded in a normal framework and then it is represented in a 3d format but also becomes able to attract the audiences. The surroundings of the video are also in an interactive way through which the audience can be able to interact. The modes of multimodality help to include the semiotic resources and also help to organize the video structure.


Multimodality is the term through which it is possible to display any video with different modes which also become attractive for the people. It helps to upgrade the quality of the visual process and also improve the aural aspect of the particular video. It helps to provide the approach of the video to the audience. The cloud over Sidra is a short virtual video that includes a multimodality process to connect with the audiences. This video helps to create a relationship between the audience and the surrounding environment.

This video includes some semiotic resources in the process which makes the video presentable. This kind of virtual video also provides a realistic approach that is more considerate. The multimodal video also helps to upgrade the assumption and also the imagination power which includes multimodal modes. Clouds over Sidra, this virtual video explore different sonic modes and also different interactive elements which communicate with the audiences in an easy way and also help to attract them.


Canals, L. (2021). Multimodality and translanguaging in negotiation of meaning. Foreign Language Annals, 54(3), 647-670. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/flan.12547

Huang, Y., Cai, Q., Xu, S., & Chen, J. (2020, October). Xlanv model with adaptively multi-modality feature fusing for video captioning. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (pp. 4600-4604). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3394171.3416290

Kuang, Q., Jin, X., Zhao, Q., & Zhou, B. (2019). Deep multimodality learning for UAV video aesthetic quality assessment. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 22(10), 2623-2634. Retrieved from: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8936378

Majlesi, A. R., & Markee, N. (2018). Multimodality in second language talk: The impact of video analysis on SLA research. Co-operative engagements in intertwined semiosis: Essays in honour of Charles Goodwin, 247-260. Retrieved from: https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=706900

Zhao, J., Chen, J., Ma, S., Liu, Q., Huang, L., Chen, X., … & Wang, W. (2018). Recent developments in multimodality fluorescence imaging probes. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 8(3), 320-338. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsb.2018.03.010