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MKTG30003 Service And Relationship Marketing

Mar 13,23


Prepare a flowchart of the back-stage as well as the front stage operations of the business. Using the flowchart, explain the significance of the service encounter, and its managerial implications.



Operations of the business

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Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Flowchart 3

Discussion. 4

The significance of the service encounter 4

Managerial implications. 5

Conclusion. 6



A business needs to make perfect strategies to develop its business. Simply, it can be said that, a company requires specific and effective business strategies in order to run the business successfully. The business and the organisation prepare their management operation to provide the upcoming managements plans. The company and its management are also needed to develop plan for the success of the company so that competitive advantages over competitors can be attained in an effective and proper manner. This assessment describes the business operations with its flow charts. The business operations are also described in the following sections. The front stage and the backstage management operations are also described in the assessments. Those stages also help to develop business management and their customers’ trust. Customers are also directly connected to the front stages and the bank stages so the company’s operation mostly affects their customers. The other information about the operation of the business including flow charts is described in the following sections.


Simply, it can be defined as a picture that has separate steps of a process in consecutive order. It is used by a company as a generic tool for the different purposes and objectives. Along with this, it helps a company in defining business process including service process, administrative process and manufacturing processes.

Source: (Gitman et al., 2022)

Figure 1: Flow chart operation managements


The significance of the service encounter

The flow chart describes the business front stages and their back stags operations. It helps the company to develop its services and its product quantities. The front stages and the backstage are both totally connected with the customers. If their operation is effective then it also affects their customers. The presentation of the flowcharts also has a great impact on their business management and their performances. The front stages of the businesses are that the clients and the customers see, experience and buy. However, the back stagers of the business are company employees, herd workers, production, management and many more (Joly et al., 2019).

The front always works to develop their products designs, packaging, services and many more. However, the backstage provide the production, manufacturing, planning, process and many more. The service encounter is also directly connected to the customers. This service helps the company to develop its customers’ trust and their loyalties. The business management always makes plans to develop their services. The company’s management team also analyses the customer’s demand and their end products. However, as per their demand, the management tries to produce companies’ products.

A service encounter is an interaction that is used between the customer and the service providers (Mustafa, Abdullah & Samsudin, 2021). This happens because of the services encounters. The possibility of such activities is only because of two different stages of services that are carried out in an organisation. The interaction with the customers provides good customer service. The customers brought their products and the investor invested their money for their company. It helps them to earn more revenue. The front stages and the back stagers work well or not it totally depends on the management. The significant service encounters also maintain their customer’s trust and they also identify their customers’ needs and queries. They solve their customers’ queries and their problems in order to maintain their services and their performances.

The back stager’s employees motivate their front stager’s employees to develop their policies and performances. The backstage members also make planners, strategies for their companies. The different types of duties and the different types of responsibilities that the employees have help to develop their services and strategies. In the business structure, the company has many sectors: their management sectors, audit sectors, customers sectors and many more (Beverungen et al., 2019). Different departments have different responsibilities and they always try to develop their services through their departments. If front stage employees face any problem then the backstage employees solve those problems.

The back stagers also provide advances toward their front stage employees to develop their services like staffing, cleaning, managing documents, delivery related information and many more. In addition to this, the customer’s demand also gives knowledge about the company’s products prices and their price Catherine’s (Cho et al., 2018). This service also checks if the company’s front stage departments provide good services to their customers or not. The welcoming speech by the manager motives their customer. It can attract customers to come again to their stores. A business also news to archive their goals and profits and the customers help them to archive these.

Managerial implications

Those services and states to management are the developments and their services the front stagers and the back streets are important for the company. It helps to develop their products and their customers’ trust. The services are mostly provided for developing their business and increasing their profits (Cho et al., 2018). This service solves then-upcoming issues for their company. It helps to develop companies’ profiles. Along with this, it should also be noted down that, the backstage members or management always try to serve their quality products and services for their company. The main concept of backstage and front stage management is introducing the major management that can be possible for better or good services to be provided. On the other hand, the front services also try to fix their packaging styles and their delivery services, customer’s reviews and many more. The backstage activities peoples try to perform better to run their services smoothly. The services qualities and the customer’s services mostly depend on the outcome of the services providers (Conboy et al., 2020). The backstage employees are used to providing good policies and developing their support structure for better service. The front stagers also provide barter sources for their works. That’s why the front stagers and the back stage both are important for their company. This also helps to share information with their employees and their customers. If the company shares this information with each other then it helps to develop their trust. The customers brought their products and the investor invested their money for their company. It helps them to earn more revenue.


After analysing these assessments it has been concluded that companies need to make perfect plans to develop their front stages. They must focus on the future growth and success of their companies by developing most effective and specific business plan. Along with this, it cqn also be said that, businesses have two types of sides and the front sides also show to their clients and their customers. The company’s management team also analyses the customer’s demand and their end products. If the company shares this information with each other then it helps to develop their trust. On the other hand, it can also be said that, the services encounter also has major impacts on their company’s management and customer’s trustees. If the company maintains their services encounters then that can make a successful business in the future. If the company’s services encounter develop then the company’s customers’ trust and satisfaction also increases.



Beverungen, D., Müller, O., Matzner, M., Mendling, J., & Vom Brocke, J. (2019). Conceptualizing smart service systems. Electronic Markets, 29(1), 7-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-017-0270-5

Cho, C. H., Laine, M., Roberts, R. W., & Rodrigue, M. (2018). The frontstage and backstage of corporate sustainability reporting: Evidence from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Bill. Journal of Business Ethics, 152(3), 865-886. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-016-3375-4

Conboy, K., Mikalef, P., Dennehy, D., & Krogstie, J. (2020). Using business analytics to enhance dynamic capabilities in operations research: A case analysis and research agenda. European Journal of Operational Research, 281(3), 656-672. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2019.06.051

Joly, M. P., Teixeira, J. G., Patrício, L., & Sangiorgi, D. (2019). Leveraging service design as a multidisciplinary approach to service innovation. Journal of service Management. DOI: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JOSM-07-2017-0178/full/pdf

Mustafa, A. B., Abdullah, U. K. B., & Samsudin, J. B. (2021). SERVICE MARKETING. RE Retrieved from: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10071385/1/Fuentes_Innovation%20Oct%202018%20no%20name.pdf

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