MGX3100 Corporate Social Responsibility And Business Ethics
Mar 13,23Question:
Aligned course & subject learning outcomes Ethics: Exercise independent ethical judgment and initiative in solving differing business problems creatively.
The problem with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
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Table of Contents
Introduction. 3
Discussing. 3
conclusion. 5
Reference list 6
Business is an important past for an increasing economy. However, the business is also facing many difficulties in its marketing paths. This assessment also describes the BP Gulf of Mexico. It also damages the water because the gas also increases through the oil wells. Problems and the solutions are also described in the following sections. That spill-relates stress is overarching factors associated with adverse health outcomes. Many residents also report on their greater stress from navigating the legal and claims process. This whole answer describes that the company’s unethical behaviours can lead their company to failures. This problem also affects their environment and health. More issues and their solutions are described in the following sections.
In 2010 the BP Company took a lease in the Deepwater Horizon rig. The oil well is also located at the seabed 4,993 feet below the surface. On April 20 the wells were blasted at the locations. Because of that, the oil is spread in the deep waters. The company also argues that this event is not the intention is an accident (Takeshita et al., 2021). After analysing their situation the investigation team finds much information about those blasted. The reports say that then this incident happens because the drill’s pipe buckles with the wellbore and it create major forces induced on the drill pipe during which the well loses its control. The drill pipe in process for shears deforms outside on the shears blade surface (Chan & Hodgson, 2018, May). The blind shears ram are not able to move from the pipe into the shears surfaces on the blades. Many types of theories are investigated because of the incidents. The BP is unethical and this oil blasted incident creates a major problem for the environment and people’s health. BP Company also had more than 1,200 safety issues; in the 2009 to 2010 they well over quadrupled their competitors and resulted in fines 300 times (Andrews et al., 2021). In this incident, more than 170 people or employees or more than fifty people are facing death. Much research also reveals that the company has some serious lack of baseline health. The environmental, and economic data also become against which is complicated to compare spill effects. The company also faces many losses during these situations. The company also faces many problems in their markets and their workplaces environment. The blasts also create more problems for their citizens. BP companies also fail to protect their images and their employees’ lives. Their unethical behaviour creates major problems for businesses. They also did not take responsibility for their employees. It broke those employees’ trust toward their company. They also are not corporate with their professional workers (Chan & Hodgson, 2018, May). The company also misleads their incidents information. It shows that the company has a lack of integrity. This situation affects their workers and many employees lose their jobs. Some contractors, who brought some areas of safety concerns and then found themselves without any kind of good future contracts with the oil industry, This unethical behaviour makes them face a black list. The stakeholders who are most affected due to this incident are the workers or the employees. Some other community researchers, business management, and environments also face many consequences because of these incidents (Frostenson & Grafström, 2021). The company’s workers are mostly affecting economical effects on their daily lives. Fishermen in the water area, the hotels and the other businesses tied with tourism, face immediate effects on their business.
Figure 1: Reason of oil spill
Sources: (Statista, 2022)
The company also faces many ethical issues that are their investors, governments, countries residences and many more. The company’s decisions making and maintenance process create problems for their company (Agustine et al., 2021, November). Those incidents also affect countries’ presidents and many sea fish, animals and death because of it. The governments make also take a major sate to reduce their problem then also provide clean workers to clear that oil front the deep water. The reports say that more than 100 dolphins are also dead because of these incidents. The company did not care about it and they argue that this is not their fault. The fish workers also face many health problems because the air is infected because of it (Agustine et al., 2021, November). BP used to variety the minimum amount of oil that surly reaches at the shore, burning, skimming, and including the chemical dispersants. Children and pregnant women are also facing health problems. The effects of the environment are a more important discussion for this incident. The environment affects most of the people that are located nearby in the blasted area. The water of the sea reaches the rivers that creating major problems for the citizens. The environmental, and economic data also become against which is complicated to compare spill effects. The company also faces many losses during these situations. The infected weather creates unhealthy skin problems and low immunity problems for the citizens. The company’s investors are also afraid to invest their money in the BP Company. However, they face major losses because of their incidents. The government also warned this company to create this problem for the residents and the government (Frostenson & Grafström, 2021). Those ethical and unethical problems happen because the company did not maintain its storage. BP companies also fail to protect their images and their employees’ lives.
After analysing these assessments it has been concluded that the BP Company did not only affect their business but they also created major problems for their employees, citizens and many more. Their country’s environments are also effects by their oil wells blasted. Many employees also died because of it. The BP companies’ unethical behaviours also blacklist them from the business. In business decision making, processing, maintenance is also major part. This helps the business to develop their business, marketing and many more. If the company provides good services for their employees and their self workers then they can gain more trust from them. If any company maintains their product maintenance then they can provide good services for their customers.
Agustine, P., Parung, H., Davey, P., & Frid, C. (2021, November). Management Strategies to Protect Coastal Areas from Oil-Polluted Seawater (A Case Study of Coastal Areas in Bekasi Regency). In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 921, No. 1, p. 012049). IOP Publishing. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/921/1/012049
Andrews, N., Bennett, N. J., Le Billon, P., Green, S. J., Cisneros-Montemayor, A. M., Amongin, S., … & Sumaila, U. R. (2021). Oil, fisheries and coastal communities: A review of impacts on the environment, livelihoods, space and governance. Energy Research & Social Science, 75, 102009. DOI:
Chan, A., & Hodgson, P. A. (2018, May). Improving stakeholder and authority cooperation among coastal fishing communities using passive blast monitoring data. In 2018 OCEANS-MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO) (pp. 1-9). IEEE. DOI:
Frostenson, M., & Grafström, M. (2021). Mediatisation and the construction of what is morally right and wrong in contemporary business. Media, Culture & Society, 01634437211048369. DOI:
Statista. (2022). Cause of global oil tanker spills 2020 | Statista. Statista. Retrieved 7 February 2022, from
Takeshita, R., Bursian, S. J., Colegrove, K. M., Collier, T. K., Deak, K., Dean, K. M., … & Hall, A. J. (2021). A review of the toxicology of oil in vertebrates: what we have learned following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 24(8), 355-394. DOI:
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