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MGMT2725 Career Management

Mar 13,23


A student might be interested in two career areas: human resources and marketing. Another might be interested in two jobs (e.g., market research manager and advertising manager) within the marketing major. For comparison purposes, it is helpful to include a second career or job interest. Obviously, some careers and jobs may seem more viable to you than do others, but it is important to provide some type of comparison. As such, if you choose just
one career or job, then you will need to choose 2 people in that career or job to interview to provide a basis for comparison.

Drawing on academic sources, define career and job. Based on these definitions, explain whether and how the chosen careers or jobs represent careers or jobs TO YOU.
Step 2: Identify assumptions/beliefs and uncertainties
For each of the careers or jobs, identify the following:
a. The positive assumptions/beliefs you have concerning these careers/jobs.
b. The negative assumptions/beliefs you have concerning these careers/jobs.
c. The uncertainties you have concerning these careers or jobs.

In deciding which careers/jobs to pursue, you will have made implicit assumptions about your future compensation, the nature of your work, type of job difficulties, and forms of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in this future career. Some of these assumptions and beliefs will be true, whereas others will be false. Nevertheless, it is best for you to have an
opportunity to validate your assumptions and beliefs as you pursue your studies and before you seek employment.

List all of your assumptions/beliefs and uncertainties for each career/job in an Appendix.Clearly label each – a positive or negative assumption or an uncertainty.Step 3: Translate assumptions/beliefs and uncertainties into questions (in Appendix) Translate the assumptions/beliefs and uncertainties you have identified in Step 2 into a series of questions to be asked of your interviewees. For example, to translate your assumption that one needs a Bachelor’s degree for a job into a question, you might ask what educational background is needed to get this job. Or, you assume that this career requires a significant time commitment and thus you believe that you will not achieve work-life balance. Your questions might then be:

What is the average number of hours you work in a typical week? How has this career impacted you and your
family and your work-life balance? List the question(s) below each of the assumption and uncertainty. The reader should be able to identify which question is written for which assumption and uncertainty.Step 4: Choose and contact the people to interview, analyse and reflect on the contact process and describe one lesson learnt from this contact process (approx. 300 words) Identify and contact the people you wish to interview. The choice of who to interview is
extremely important. It is best for you to identify the type of individual who would best answer your questions instead of contacting someone who is merely most convenient. Use some of the criteria (presented in Week 1 lecture) as a guide when you are identifying interviewees.
Remember, professionalism begins with your initial contact.Once the relevant criteria are chosen, identify people who match those criteria. Sources of contacts include alumni, friends, parents of other students, members of professional
organizations, individuals known by your lecturers and tutors, etc. The Career Accelerator is a valuable resource: The contact process (see Week 1 lecture), can be broken down into the following steps:
i) Identify the individual you wish to contact.
ii) Persuade yourself to make the contact.
iii) Make the contact.
iv) Extract meaning from the contact and act on it.
v) Follow up with the contact.
In the Final Report, state who you interviewed. They can remain anonymous if they wish, but please provide their job titles, industries and type of companies (e.g., size, location) in which they work.Analyse and reflect on this networking experience. Draw on at least 1 course concept (with proper citation of course reading(s) and lecture/workshop material(s)) when analysing this process. The application of course concept(s) to this experience should help you answer the questions of “why” and “how” and thus deepen your reflection. Describe one lesson you have learned upon reflection on and analysis of this networking process.
Step 5: Summarize and reflect on the findings.Discuss the following:
a) Compare the most important assumptions/beliefs and uncertainties you had before the interviews with what you have learned from your interviews.
b) How has this validated or invalidated your assumptions/beliefs and uncertainties about these careers or jobs?
c) Have your career plans changed as a result of this exercise? If so, how has it changed? If not, why not? Be sure to describe your specific plan moving forward and explain why your plan is a reasonable and/or effective one based on your findings. The plan can include activities related to personal development, specific career/job search strategies etc.
d) Describe the most important lesson you have learned from the interview findings.Draw on at least 1 course concept (with proper citation of the academic source), as you analyse the findings. Again, this application of course concept(s) to your findings should help you answer the questions of “why” and “how” and thus deepen your reflection



Student Name-

Student ID-

Module Name-

Table of Contents

Step 1. 3

Step 2. 3

Step 4. 5

Step 5. 6

References. 8

Appendix. 9

Step 3. 9

Step 1

The Market research manager oversees its organization’s monetary investigation. Establishes systems and procedures for assembling data analysis on situations, competition, and customer preferences (Spurk, Hirschi & Dries, 2019). As a Market Research Manager, I will analyse and reveal start gathering studies to selling, R&D, and strategic planning. It appeals to me since it entails interacting with customers through terms of understanding as well as written statement the corporate goals, as well as choosing the greatest suitable data analysis methodologies.

Advertising professionals manage strong promotional operations but also tasks with employees by creating inventive, coherent manufacturer television commercials.

They oversee but also collaborate between other staff members, set organisational objectives, and measure, authorise, and assess the condition and influence of developments. It appeals to me because it entails supervising the operational processes and employees of the public relations department. Functioning to colleagues, customers, or perhaps an advertising company to set but also encounter objectives, expenditures, but also timeframes. My responsibilities would include tracking the construction process from strategy to implementation to remain centred but rather efficacious.

Step 2

Market research manager

Positive assumption

  • It reduces whatever potential losses. It is indeed a straightforward and though incredibly significant but also frequently corporation factor to be considered.
  • It helps identify potential risks so instead of opportunities. All these principals but also secondary investigation is being used as an underwriting premium against apparent but also hidden health hazards upon that journey ahead.
  • It aids in determining my own but also my rival’s advantages and disadvantages (Guan et al., 2019). It is critical to contact whatever business research study including an inquisitive attitude, therefore it is frequently recommended to collaborate.

Negative assumptions

  • Market study results really aren’t factual statements. They have been factual statements that are mirrored there in investigators’ preconceptions but also emotions regarding the industry.
  • Market research necessitates beyond just information. Sometimes everyone has to start a conversation or establish connections to gain actionable insight, which provides me with plenty of abilities since I could indeed assume.


  • Marketing research is concerned with the study of customer behaviour and the competitive landscape. Because these variables are continually evolving, it is impossible to provide accurate information.
  • MR is a scientific discipline too though. As a result, it cannot provide accurate estimates.

Advertising manager

Positive assumption

  • The best workers really aren’t advertised on recruitment agencies.
  • It’s really the brands’ responsibility to understand their clients, but also that in order to do so, they generally put in a lot of effort.
  • Digital marketing is often a valuable investment.

Negative assumptions

  • Rather than creating folk’s vulnerabilities, I handle across people.
  • Individuals who do not collaborate same periods as I just am not functioning difficult enough.


  • Advertising trends arrive across at a breakneck pace. It could be exceedingly tough to keep track of the most adaptive decision.
  • Inability to specialise together in a specific location may start making it complicated to describe a career trajectory.

Step 4

I attempted to do a structured interview with one of my alumni in is now an advertising manager in a well-known company. A structured interview was indeed a method of conducting interviews that involves asking having similarly structured questionnaires including all applicants in every sequence but also rating people using a standardised grading scale. This technique has been nearly double what is like a standard press conference. I realised that indeed predefined questionnaires I request throughout a group question have all been connected to effective job areas of expertise deduced from a potential employer (Muralidhar & Gatica-Perez, 2017).

The questionnaires could be behavioural or contextual in nature. They are graded using a particular points mechanism and a set of relevant evidence. I realised that such a procedure was more reliable but also legitimate than open questions, lowering the chances of a particular investment. It still wouldn’t anticipate prospective outcomes in the same way that collaborative specimens or memory functions can, although this then does have the additional advantage of facial expression interaction. Interview questions furthermore serve to minimise discriminatory practices because all applicants have been paid equally but also entitled to equal ability to improve one‘s strengths.

I realised that depth questionnaires might have been difficult for me. It is preferable whether there’s a guidance something which prospective employers could indeed allude to throughout attempt to comprehend but also follow protocol. Because I am unaware also of the process commonly, a few trainings could be required for me. I realised that when applicants enter my talented workforce about an available spot, I select the individuals I want to consult. Respondents were asked to respond but also my encounter, I proceed with said applicant I believe is finest suited for this same contribution. Candidates have been evaluated predicated on qualifications but also characteristics as people pertain towards the position’s primary goals.

Step 5

In the context of marketing strategic strategy, I understood that market analysis aids inside this identification of possible dangers but also possibilities, produces alternative options, offers data to make advertising management assess these other options, and recommends mostly on the execution of such options available (Yang et al., 2017). I furthermore understood that marketing leadership is often a scheduled management system intended to start managing but also supervise the different promotional aspects implicated together in the programme to share information besides a company’s customer base, with a said final goal of influencing buyer behaviour.

After the interview, my career plans have not changed as every career path has its own difficulties but the career paths, I choose to show me how to deal with them (Zagheni, Weber & Gummadi, 2017). Advertising manager has been a decent career route for me since marketing agencies collaborate with store employees but also everyone else to brainstorm suggestions for marketing campaigns.

In order to activate my goals, I develop the following skills-

  • Communication abilities- Supervisors should be efficacious in communicating with a multidisciplinary group.
  • Interpersonal abilities- Such supervisors should encounter a number of individuals in multiple positions.
  • Decision-making abilities- Management is commonly forced to choose among competitive advertisements.



Guan, Y., Arthur, M. B., Khapova, S. N., Hall, R. J., & Lord, R. G. (2019). Career boundarylessness and career success: A review, integration and guide to future research. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110, 390-402. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2018.05.013

Muralidhar, S., & Gatica-Perez, D. (2017, November). Examining linguistic content and skill impression structure for job interview analytics in hospitality. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (pp. 339-343). Retrieved from: https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3152832.3152866?casa_token=DcJ4mybOiHYAAAAA:yOcoqh4HeOYjOTJUax7CcDVXc8b6ww9X3VlYt0e5hkIB2VeAlN_O6RJsFlWBOjiivOMbtofsZLj2Mw

Spurk, D., Hirschi, A., & Dries, N. (2019). Antecedents and outcomes of objective versus subjective career success: Competing perspectives and future directions. Journal of Management, 45(1), 35-69. DOI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0149206318786563

Yang, Y., Yang, Y. C., Jansen, B. J., & Lalmas, M. (2017). Computational advertising: A paradigm shift for advertising and marketing?. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 32(3), 3-6. DOI: 10.1109/MIS.2017.58

Zagheni, E., Weber, I., & Gummadi, K. (2017). Leveraging Facebook’s advertising platform to monitor stocks of migrants. Population and Development Review, 721-734. Retrieved from: http://www.zagheni.net/uploads/3/4/4/7/34477700/zagheni_weber_gummadi_2017_accepted_version.pdf



Step 3

  1. Do you believe market research manager reduces whatever potential losses?
  2. Do you believe a market research manager helps identify potential risks?
  3. Do you believe the market research manager helps determine own and competitors’ strengths and weaknesses?
  4. Do you believe market research managers don’t really have factual information?
  5. Do you believe market research managers are more concerned about consumer values?
  6. Do you believe the best workers really aren’t advertised on recruitment agencies?
  7. Do you believe it’s really the brands’ responsibility to understand their clients, but also that in order to do so, they generally put in a lot of effort?
  8. Do you believe that working more time can lead to more success?
  9. Do you believe advertising trends arrive across at a breakneck pace?

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