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Marketing Planning: Sanitarium

Mar 13,23


Discuss about the Marketing Planning for Sanitarium.



Marketing planning for Sanitarium

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Executive summary

Sanitarium is a food company based in Australia which provides good quality food items to the local citizens and also takes care of their food habits. A marketing plan helps this organization to outline the strategies and also helps them to develop the business all over the world. Through the help of a marketing plan, this organization gets the strategy in different aspects which helps to improve the quality of their product and also helps them promote the products into different platforms. Social media platforms help Sanitarium companies to get the ideas of customers’ preferences which also helps to develop their menu and quality which also attracts a large number of customers into their platforms. Wheat biscuits are a popular food item for this company. This organization is looking into different ways which mitigate the environmental problems. This organization also provides free milk for poor people and also runs many charitable functions which develop the social image of this organization. Market analysis gives them an idea of competition level and they also become able to come up with possible solutions which help to overcome the challenges. Through the help of a marketing plan Sanitarium company is able to identify the target market and the target customers for the organization. This organization also provides healthy options to the citizens and is also concerned about sustainable practices.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Discussion. 4

Conclusion. 7

References. 9



 In this assessment, the company chosen is Sanitarium which is a health food providing company based in Australia and the marketing planning helps to develop the company. It is the document that describes the strategy of advertisement of a particular company which helps to generate leads and also helps to develop the organization. The cooking process of this company is gentle and also maintains the quality and the natural flavors of food items. This company has provided service in Australia since 1898. This is the first-ever company which helps to change the eating habits of people. This company provides popular breakfast items and also provides free milk to the citizens of the country. Sanitarium also focuses on delivering vegetarian foods which help to take care of the customers. This company promotes plant-based food items that have lots of healthy benefits. Sanitarium is a health food service company that believes in the well-being of the people.


Marketing planning is the process through which the overall process of the business of a company is defined. A marketing plan helps to take the initiatives through which the company becomes able to develop. It helps to outline the strategy and the activities which help to develop the business.


The marketing plan helps to identify the objectives and the specific activities which are needed for developing the business process. It helps to collect data from different resources which help to develop the business process and also improve the internal structure of the organization (Hansen & Juslin, 2018). An effective marketing plan helps to reach out to the global benchmark and also helps the markets with good business practices (Sacks et al., 2020).

The marketing plan also describes the smart approaches through which the activities can be improved.

SWOT analysis


There is a large range of breakfast food items that are also affordable. This company also provides vegetarian items to take care of the customers. Sanitarium provides free milk service for children. It also provides charitable items into the market. The organizational culture of this company is excellent and this organization is connected with more than a thousand employees.


The business process of this organization is limited to Australia and thus this organization has limited stakeholders. The market share of this company is also limited.


Sanitarium is now expanding into the international market and it is a golden opportunity for this company. This company focuses now on supply chain management which develops business growth. Sanitarium provides more charity functions which are also helpful for this company to upgrade its social image.


High competition at the market level is the major threat for this company. Pandemic impact plays a major role and also creates a threat for this company. Increased health consciousness among the customers tends to lead to the threat factors of this organization.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is the structured document that helps to get the idea through which the company is able to create an ineffective plan which helps to develop the business process for the particular organization. It helps to generate leads and turn them into customers.


This section gives an outline through which it can be understood about the products and services which Sanitarium delivers to their target market. This company provides a large range of breakfast food items in which the wheat biscuit is a famous and healthy option. This organization also provides vegetarian food items and also provides milk to the children. Sanitarium is known for maintaining the nutritional value of food items. This company also provides gluten-free products. Through this section, it is noticed that the organization adopts so many initiatives to develop their product quality and tackle the competition.


Through this section, the product distribution location of this organization is identified. Sanitarium delivers its products into Australia. This organization has 10 percent of independent food stores in Australia. Online sales are also introduced during pandemic situations which is also a place of sale for this organization. Currently, this organization tends to spread its business into the global market.


This organization used a cost-based strategy to develop the business level. Sanitarium provides good quality products at an affordable price. High-volume products are delivered at low cost to tackle the competition level. This organization reduced the price level to attract a large number of customers into their stores. Price tags are specified in the online items as well. Sanitarium also offers discounts to its customers on different food items. Customers also feel happy to get their preferred meals at a cheap price. Happy meals attract the customers and the quality of foods also builds their trust.


Promotions of the products play a major role to develop the business level and also increase product sales. Sanitarium runs different campaigns on social media platforms to promote their services which also informs their customers about their running products and also about ongoing discounts. This organization provides lots of advertisements which is an important tactic of this company. This company also provides discounts on popular occasions which attract customers.

Identifying the target market

Marketing plans help to identify a target market for the company which also helps to develop the business level. It also helps to tackle the activities and also helps to organize them (Huang & Rust 2021). Market analysis also helps to identify the market trends. Market analysis helps to grow the popularity of the products and also helps to identify the challenges (Giudici, Milne & Vinogradov, 2020). It also helps to address the needs of the customers.

Identifying competitors and define selling method

Marketing plans help to identify the competitors in the market and also define the selling method through which the organization is able to develop the business process. The marketing plan helps to get the concept of business and also helps to improve the skills among the marketers which help them to increase the products of the company (Harding & Alexander, 2019). The method of sale has become unique with the help of marketing plans through which organizations are also capable of attracting customers.


After studying the entire assessment it can be concluded that a proper marketing plan helps Sanitarium to develop the business and also helps to build trust among the customers. The marketing strategy helps to understand the challenges of this company and also helps them to come up with possible solutions which help to develop the business process and also helps to improve the revenue structure. The marketing plan helps the Sanitarium company to improve their products and spread their business into the global market and also helps them to achieve the goal within a time limit.



Giudici, G., Milne, A., & Vinogradov, D. (2020). Cryptocurrencies: market analysis and perspectives. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 47(1), 1-18. Retrieved from :https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40812-019-00138-6

Hansen, E., & Juslin, H. (2018). Putting together a Marketing Plan. Strategic Marketing in the Global Forest Industries. Retrieved from: https://open.oregonstate.education/strategicmarketing/chapter/chapter-7-putting-together-a-marketing-plan/

Harding, L. M., & Alexander, J. F. (2019). TEACHING INNOVATIONS THAT WORK THE (MARKETING) PLAN. Marketing Education Review, 29(2), 105-106. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10528008.2019.1611378

Huang, M. H., & Rust, R. T. (2021). A strategic framework for artificial intelligence in marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(1), 30-50. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11747-020-00749-9

Sacks, G., Robinson, E., Cameron, A. J., Vanderlee, L., Vandevijvere, S., & Swinburn, B. (2020). Benchmarking the nutrition-related policies and commitments of major food companies in Australia, 2018. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(17), 6118. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17176118

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