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Management And Organizations: Telstra

Mar 11,22

Management And Organizations: Telstra


Discuss about the Management and Organizations for Telstra.



Management and Organizations for Telstra


Executive Summary

In this paper, the management and the organizations for Telstra are discussed. The way the management of the business and the organization works is discussed. To become one of the largest brands in the country, the ways the business is implemented is discussed in this essay. With the help of this essay to get an understanding of the focus of the company, the goals of the company are discussed. For the growth of the business, the organization itself and the management of Telstra plays a major role which is discussed in this essay. to provide clarity on the overall topic, a few of the instances and the past activities of the organization has also been discussed. From the discussion, it is clear that by the combined effort of the organization and the management of the organization, Telstra has been able to achieve one of the leading technology service providers across Australia.


Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Organization for Telstra. 4

Management of Telstra. 5

Conclusion. 6

References. 8



In this paper, the management and organizations for Telstra are discussed. For the growth of any organization, organisational values play a major role. The organisation has to develop organizational values for the betterment of the relationship and to improve the work environment for the employees in the workplace. The policies, rules are part of the organization. In the case of the management of the organization, the leaders and the leadership of the leaders for the employees play a major role. Telstra works in a group to achieve productivity and to manage the employees

Organization for Telstra

Organizational culture depends on values and it helps the business to make the unity among the employees and with the help of that, a united team in the organization is formed. Along with the organisational culture, the management style of the organization also depends on generating better results. Telstra focuses on leadership and therefore with the help of strong leadership.

The management of Telstra is looking for changes in technology to provide better services to their customers. To deliver better to their customers, the organisation is trying to modify the technology as well as in the management and in the organisational strategy as well. Telstra is a technology-based company, therefore the organisation constantly focuses on the new implementation of the technology and as per that the business performs as well and try to make the employees of the company as well (Hurth, Ebert & Prabhu, 2018).

As an organization, Telstra focuses on digital connectivity and become a big name in Australia as, before Telstra, there was no one on such a large scale who provided services to the customers. To reach that position, the organization choose a few strategies, among many of them, a few strategies help to become a big brand. Telstra focuses to keep the whole work as simple as possible.

As a business unit, the organization focuses on its customers and tries to deliver as per the need of the customers. As an organization, Telstra is very much clear about the good aspects and bad aspects of the business and on the basis of that, the business took decisions regarding expansion and growth. Since the organisation is in the business of technology, therefore, the business has to focus on the overall picture of the need of the customers in terms of the requirement of the customers. Wider experience for the customers helps in the long run. Thus, the business tries to collect the information and the wants of the customer and after knowing that, they deliver accordingly.

All those experience dots are connected to get a clear and broader picture about the business and the requirement of the business. Organizational reputation plays a vital role in the overall growth of the business. The continuous focus on delivering the best to the customers help Telstra to make an organizational brand and it also helps to attract a large number of customers (LIM, Chia & Pang, 2019). Eventually, this results in rapid growth in the business as well.

Management of Telstra

Organizational culture depends on the many factors for Telstra. Those factors are such as leadership, nature of the business, values and policies of the companies and many more. Leadership influences the employees by introducing policies, strategies and regulations in the workplace and by following those instructions, the organisation tries to achieve the goals. The philosophies and the values which the senior employees of the organisation have, they transfer that to the junior employees and try to create values among the young employees. 

The management strategy of Telstra deals with the digital experiences provided to their customers (Baškarada & Koronios, 2018). For providing the services in a smoother way, having a flexible team is important and the business focuses on that to deliver services. Management of the business focuses on high performance and high productivity and those two factors make the business to be a world-class brand.

Net cost productivity of the organization also increases significantly with the help of strict management. With a good management team, the business is able to extend network superiority and able to generate more revenue and it helps to the expansion of the business as well. The management of Telstra mainly focuses on the strategic pillars and the delivery of the services to the customers. Combining those two factors help the business to perform better and grow more. Management uses high technology to make the overall operations of the business in a much more systematic way (Taleb, Salahat & Ali, 2020).

 As an organization, Telstra is very much clear about the good aspects and bad aspects of the business and on the basis of that, the business took decisions regarding expansion and growth. Management of the organization also focuses on making the employees of the organization self-aware so that they can perform their own work and by that, the overall productivity will also increase (Turner, Bernus & Noran, 2018).

 Telstra works in a group. Thus forming a group with the employees is a crucial step to do. Team building is one of the important skills for the employees and the employees are trained on these skills by the organisation so that the employees can become a successful and effective team to generate better productivity in the organisation. Providing constant support and motivation to the employees towards the work helps the business to grow more in the workplace as well.


From this report, the organization and the management of Telstra are discussed. It is found that for the growth of the organisation, the management of the company and the organization with the policies and regulations play a major role. Telstra operates in a team, thus for the organization having strong leadership and management become much more crucial as well. This discussion will be able to get a clear idea regarding the management and the organization for getting better results. With the overall performance with calculated planning, the business has been able to achieve more.


Baškarada, S., & Koronios, A. (2018). The 5S organizational agility framework: a dynamic capabilities perspective. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sasa-Baskarada/publication/324433888_The_5S_organizational_agility_framework_a_dynamic_capabilities_perspective/links/5ba2e22b299bf13e603e3c70/The-5S-organizational-agility-framework-a-dynamic-capabilities-perspective.pdf

Hurth, V., Ebert, C., & Prabhu, J. (2018). Purpose: The construct and its antecedents and consequences (No. 2). Working Paper. Retrieved from: https://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/wp1802.pdf

LIM, L., Chia, J., & Pang, A. (2019). Mocked and shamed: Satirical news and its effects on organizational reputation. Communication and Media in Asia Pacific, 2(2), 1. Retrieved from: https://ink.library.smu.edu.sg/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7481&context=lkcsb_research

Taleb, N., Salahat, M., & Ali, L. (2020, March). Impacts of Big-Data Technologies in Enhancing CRM Performance. In 2020 6th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM) (pp. 257-263). IEEE. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nasser-Taleb-2/publication/341074544_Impacts_of_Big-Data_Technologies_in_Enhancing_CRM_Performance/links/5ecbf94d458515626ccc4510/Impacts-of-Big-Data-Technologies-in-Enhancing-CRM-Performance.pdf

Turner, P., Bernus, P., & Noran, O. (2018). Enterprise Thinking for Self-aware Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(11), 782-789. Retrieved from: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/68190442/BernusPUB6953.pdf?1626692019=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DEnterprise_Thinking_for_Self_aware_Syste.pdf&Expires=1644995773&Signature=MJoY6itpk9VtH504-YW8uH5COH2~P72GqFmZVuFliQwiYdgQHkgARBK7Ud0vVtG0cIxoVZd3LKKGVdbLL6CucP3wXhQr-9YECGbsXCZjE1~-Aq5bZZziQX6Q3VQnG9~xX-U~x1zF56Oaf4lJ4~HIdIKc4u8y3rg1viiwrVYHrrA9AwAD5X~yRH4sOO7sWGhL0i-Vm22nMLx-LUBXcfwf-cNd0SPmCBtMNp78E8rsTSJVGxRU1WAwtPzG3uGFwa95Cm1KqWB1GAmWzuWhh3onFL9zYjbbyoHQGMAfBJ7Vi7MzUHaIt3duEeyTkG0N0CmUXTIU2uLUS5lMwbfbYq0lug__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA