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HRMT20025-International Human Resource Management

Mar 13,23


You are a HR Manager who is employed at a major bank in Australia. Your organisation has recently recruited a Manager who worked at a major bank in the United Kingdom. You are asked to write a background briefing report for this manager outlining the employment relations and human resource management issues that will impact on the working life of this manager in Australia.



Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Outlining of employment relations. 3

Impacts of management issues. 4

Conclusion. 5

Reference list 6


Human resource is the management of employees and employee relations in an organisation. The human resource department specialises in managing the employees. The human resource has been capable of managing any employee-related issues that arise in the workplace. Since expatriation causes various difficulties in an individual it is important for the human resource department to meet the needs of the employees and make a suitable environment for them to help them cope with the working environment of the organisation. The purpose of this report is to create a background briefing report and outline the employment relations along with the impacts of management issues.

Outlining of employment relations

Employment relations are the relations that are created between the employees and the organisation. The outlining of the employee relations include the creation of a positive working environment for the employees as well as making employees engaged and loyal towards the organisation to achieve organisational goals and objectives. Therefore the outlining of employee creations are

Policy clarifications- organisations and departments have different procedures and rules which are to be followed both by the employees and by the organisation (Leicht-Deobald et al., 2019). The policies therefore should be clarified with the employees for them to understand the guidelines there needed to be followed.

Probationary employees- employees who are newly joined in the organisation should be under the probationary period the probationary period means the employees are under Constant review for a year and they should attend training and different courses for their work. If a probationary employee fails to showcase their performance it is the duty of the supervisors to help encourage them.

Performance management- Performance assessment is a never-ending cycle of immediate and adequate communication among managers, supervisors, and employees. The objective of performance quality management is to aid the individual employee in successful completion to understand their work or task while also aiding the organisation in achieving its organisational goals and objectives (Börger & Schewe, 2020). In these areas, employee relations work effectively to help employees in any kind of situation.

Disciplinary process- When employees and management have questions or concerns regarding workplace expectations, performance, or behaviour, Employee Relations is ready to speak with them. Our employees and supervisors can receive coaching from our experts, as well as connections to other facilities and state programs. To handle performance and behavioural issues, the organisation should follow a progressive approach, which is guided by the Employee Relations department.

Disagreement or conflicts- People can usually hold opposing viewpoints while still cooperating to achieve a common goal. However, workplace conflicts can arise from differences in viewpoint or personal convictions. Employee Relations can provide advice, answers to inquiries, and information about tools provided to employees, including mediation, if some employees are having trouble communicating or working together.

Grievances- Employee Relations personnel help employees file grievances and teach management how to respond to them. This ensures that all parties deal with complaints in a timely manner.

Stress- We spend a large portion of our lives at work, and most of us suffer from work-life balance issues. Feel free to contact the office if there is friction in your workgroup due to unpleasant work circumstances, or if you are plagued by stress at work or at home. The organisation’s employees can provide guidance and also connect you with confidential outside counselling options and the Employment Services.

Impacts of management issues

The manager from the UK has been newly recruited by a bank in Australia. The banking organisation is well aware of the fact that the employee is leaving his native country to work in a foreign country (Rudolf, 2020). Expatriation causes an emotional and physical toll on the individual which is already known to people but the HR department should be well aware of the management issues that can impact the manager who is newly recruited. It is important to identify in order to create a favourable working condition for the newly recruited employee and to improve any management issues.

Poor or bad management of the organisation can decrease the production of the employees. This is common to every employee but in this case, the employee belongs to a different culture and I’m different working conditions and environments. Therefore poor management may have a serious effect on the employee’s work-life, thus leading to a rapid decline in work productivity.

Another impact of management issues is that it affects the performance of the employee. Often management issues cause criticism and bullying by the supervisors. This causes the performance of the employee to decrease rapidly. The employee may face all this which would lead to his performance level dropping down.

Management issues also can cause severe mental pressure and stress for the newly recruited employee. The employee being from a different country may be under optional toll or be feeling homesick on top of that a bad working environment might also cause severe mental stress and anxiety (Mosina, 2017). Also if there is an increase in work pressure, it will cause too much pressure for the employee and eventually force them to break down. This would hamper his work life on a large scale.

The work-life of the employee will also decrease if the employee does not receive motivation or encouragement from his fellow college guests or supervisors. Employee motivation and encouragement do wonders in the employee’s life since it encourages them to work better. Therefore if the employee receives no encouragement it will hamper their growth and performance related to work.


In conclusion, the administration of personnel and employee engagement in an organisation is known as human resource management. The human resource department is in charge of personnel management. Any employee-related difficulties that have arisen in the workplace have been handled by human resources. Because expatriation produces a variety of problems for individuals, it is critical for the HRM department to satisfy the needs of employees and create an appropriate atmosphere for them to cope with the organisation’s working environment. The goal of this study is to provide a background briefing and to describe the employment relations as well as the effects of management concerns.

Reference list

Börger, E., & Schewe, K. D. (2020). A behavioural theory of recursive algorithms. Fundamenta Informaticae, 177(1), 1-37. Retrieved from: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2001.01862.pdf

Leicht-Deobald, U., Busch, T., Schank, C., Weibel, A., Schafheitle, S., Wildhaber, I., & Kasper, G. (2019). The challenges of algorithm-based HR decision-making for personal integrity. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(2), 377-392. Retrieved from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-019-04204-w

Mosina, M. (2017). Hilton London Gatwick: hotel do aeroporto (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from: https://sapientia.ualg.pt/bitstream/10400.1/9967/1/FINAL%21%21.pdf

Peltonen, T., & Vaara, E. (2018). Critical approaches to comparative HRM. In Handbook of research on comparative human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved from: https://www.elgaronline.com/view/edcoll/9781784711122/9781784711122.00010.xml

Rudolf, S. (2020). Attempts to harmonise the European Union legislation in respect of employee representation in corporate governance bodies. Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 19(3), 533-549. Retrieved from: https://apcz.umk.pl/czasopisma/index.php/EiP/article/viewFile/EiP.2020.036/26696

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