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Functions In Travel And Tourism

Jan 28,22

Functions In Travel And Tourism


Analyse the function of government ,government sponsored bodies and international agencies in travel and tourism.



. It has the opportunity to assist fulfil the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), notably those connected to alleviating poverty, environmental protection, and the creation of job opportunities for native communities, females, and youths. Furthermore, tourism may provide a source of funding for the govt (export earnings, income tax) as well as possibilities for local economic growth due to its multiplier impact. Tourist industry primary, middle, and upstream sectors have the opportunity to generate sector connections & employment prosperity in the regions (Cameron 2013). When it comes to the performance of the tourism industry, the most important work is being played by the government, sponsored bodies of government and the international agencies.

Ecological and historic resources are critical in the travel and tourism business, both in order to promote innovation and as a pull for tourists. Nevertheless, travel and tourism-related operations can have adverse consequences for these sources, like contamination of air and waters, misuse of grasslands, and a lack of integrity in art forms. These detrimental consequences have an influence on the effectiveness and viability of tourism destinations and also the resident society’s standard of living (Cameron 2013). Despite its challenges, sustainable tourism is an attractive approach because of its positives, which included employment generation and accounts receivable, usually in a desirable different exchange, including its significance as a stimulant for better infrastructure and a monetary reason to maintain ecosystems.

Role of the authorities

In addition, it has been noticed that parties concerned are the framework for improvements to reduce adverse effects in order to assure the protracted profitability of hospitality & tourism. Members from countries, intergovernmental and voluntary organisations, and the business itself are among these players. Authorities must take higher responsibility for making sure the long-term survival of the tourist industry (EFD 2021). In addition, Members are responsible for the legal frameworks and regulatory processes that govern tour operators, nature reserves, and historical preservation for coming generations, as well as determining how the state should be promoted through financing. Further, the government’s role is to encourage people to care for their areas, their ecological and historic environments, and to ensure that tourist benefits local areas more than it damages them.

International agency role in tourism

The Government aims to gain required connections and overlaps in the policy and laws of all relevant Departments/Agencies by designing efficient coordination frameworks at the National, State, and District sectors. As a result, the emphasis of federal policy will be on developing the tourism industry as a joint effort encompassing all of the agencies involved at the federal and state, as well as government and non – governmental enterprises. (a) The ministry will empower individuals, notably Panchayati Raj institutions, public councils, enterprises, nonprofit groups, and entrepreneurial youth clubs, to engage in tourism growth in order to raise raising attention and expand tourist facilities. Nevertheless, with a very well civic engagement, priority is given to the sustainable planning of designated hubs.

The Govt’s Function Hospitality is an inter-industry that is impacted by numerous other aspects of the country’s economy. As a response, the sovereign must secure interagency cooperation and interconnections. It must also serve a key role in the management and advertising of the tourist industry. The govt’s specific responsibility should be 

  • To provide fundamental infrastructures, such as town planning and regulatory arrangements.
  • To incorporate tourism in the entire growth strategy for the location.
  • Build a core foundation in the development phase to highlight the areas prospective.
  • To stimulate capital enterprise in the tourism industry.
  • To provide the necessary funding infrastructures plus rewards to both international investors.
  • In the tourism market, simplify taxes and property policies in all states and territories, as well as land backed by government entities like railways.

Role of government

As the job of inter-governmental bodies grew, trade sectors and consulting firms deemed it necessary to organise on a global and national level, first of all, to react quickly to government initiatives and, second, to pursue a much more friendly connection in collaborative and mutual tasks, where conceivable (LGMA 2016). A requirement for discussion at proper levels has become more urgent, but while necessary, state officials did sometimes not embrace it. Transnational alliances or organizations have been formed by market segments, such as:

  • International Hotel Association (IHA).
  • International Air Transport Association (IATA).
  • International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
  • Alliance International du Tourisme (AIT).
  • International Road Transport Union (IRU).
  • International Union of Railways (UIL).
  • Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA).

Regional international organisations

Regional organizations are preoccupied with market demand at both the UN and at the geographical regional basis. Such local activity and assistance can be quite beneficial in the tourist industry as long as communication is preserved. This is undoubtedly the scenario in Europe, which is considered a global attraction with many common interests. The League of Europe’s Cultural Affairs and the European Economic Council of the Unites nations are two such examples (EFD 2021). The last one, which includes both Northern and Southern Europe, has been engaged in a range of areas, particularly transportation. Authorities are expected to:

  • Cultivate systematic and integrated tourism strategic initiatives in collaborative efforts with society and industry stakeholders (such as big international travel companies or industry groups, as suitable) it includes reasonable expectations for leisure industry social, historical, and ecological impact.
  • Establish favourable investment mechanisms to promote and foster the protracted sustainability of the tourism industry.
  • Put a lot of pressure on business organisations to reflect on how they’re striving to make tourism more maintainable (e.g., business connotations are requested their associates to emblem up to rules and deeds but some are implementing this as a standard for affiliation).
  • Implement laws requiring corporate responsibility reporting.
  • Create arenas for industries (hotels, guesthouses, travel companies, airways, and shipping companies) to trade best business practices and benefit from each other (EFD 2021).
  • Assuring instead of just emphasizing mainly on economic gains, tourism development practices are considered as a fundamental principle in broader development programs and strategies.
  • Organizations that implement recognized internationally use the highest or norms within their jurisdiction should be rewarded with legislation or subsidies

 Hence, the tourism industry helps in providing improved mechanisation, education, advanced technology, a greater availability of qualified specialists, freeing up of international markets, free trade regulations, plus improved advertisements and planned branding have all helped to a country’s economic prosperity. As seen the major role is being played by government, sponsored bodies and other international agencies. From the development of the roads and railways to the overall enhancement of the surrounding the role of the government and its agencies is manifold. It helps in development of development of the local surrounding and conservation of the place.


Cameron, M. (2013). A Brief Overview and Evolution of the Travel Industry. Retrieved from https://www.cbtravel.com/a-brief-overview-and-history-of-the-travel-industry/

EFD. (2021). Government’s role in promoting tourism. Retrieved from https://www.efdinitiative.org/news/governments-role-promoting-tourism

LGMA. (2016). Role of Local Government in Tourism. Retrieved from https://www.lgma.ie/en/news/role-of-local-government-in-tourism.pdf