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Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd

Feb 1,22

Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd


Describe about the Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd?



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Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Discussion. 3

Conclusion. 5

Reference list 6



Fast Track Couriers Pty Ltd is a courier company that is a reputed participant in the market that is engaged in the delivery consignments market in Australia. The performance of this company was very consistent in the past fifteen years. The major activity of this company is the shipment of medium and large-sized parcels across Sydney. The team of this company is dedicated to its services. They try to give their best to their customers. They put constant effort into creating the best possible outcome under any constraint and they do so in a professional manner. Not only do they function in a most professional manner but also they take less time to deliver the consignments. The team of this company always try to meet their customers’ expectations and also try to maintain the levels for every personal service in a friendly and healthy manner.


The company’s important target is the achievement of strategic goals and maintaining the operational factors that ensure a better scale of business. The management of this company has aimed for the market structure enhancement in other locations so that the company could have reached many numbers of people in less time. However, for doing so, the company needs to know the competitors’ intentions, and should have a better understanding of the modern technologies and workers’ support. This organisation is continuously making its base very sound in technology. As a result, this company gives a competition that is very tough to its competitors. The improvement in the knowledge of technology helps the company to achieve a better position in getting a better market share and price as well as improves the image of its clients. The technology is very helpful for every company to track the records. The record tracking can be done most efficiently and also digitally with the help of a sound knowledge of technology. However, there are many hurdles faced by the company. They overcome every hurdle in a positive manner. The technology used by this company helps to get rid of the difficulties by tracking the details in case of emergency. Another target of this company is to gather important data and information about the policies and procedures. This information and data help to run the system smoothly. The policies should be followed by every employee of any company. The technology again helps in checking the resource use and gives authentic reports to the authorities. The company plans to use technology like PDA or the GPS system to enhance the system of distribution of the company (Ding et al., 2021).

Figure 1: Graph regarding the growth of Fast Track

Source: (Chan, 2021)

The company has a plan to expand its business to other metropolitan cities so that it can get a higher share of the market. They also have a plan to deliver products that might vary from small to large sizes. This can be achieved by advanced technologies and the efficiency of the employees (Chan, 2021). These goals of the company can be achieved by proper training (Madimu, 2020). However, the lack of this type of training created some issues. As a result, the company management has a plan to change the systems. The company is planning to set up new tools of technology to change the strategic implementation in the company. They also have plans to increase the number of commercial trucks. The company’s new policy for truck drivers is to send one truck driver for one truck. This policy for truck drivers may lead to help the truck drivers in delivering the parcels within a shorter time and to more localities in a positive manner. As the company tries to introduce a new set of policies and delivery options, a larger fund is needed. The company has also decided to open new hubs. These things might put extra burden and cost. Some changes may be needed as there are a large number of options for change for the company. The company has a plan for change in the system of management as there are some poor performances of the managers and employees. Firstly, it is required for the company to determine the required changes for the firm. Secondly, after determining the list of changes required for the firm, the company should collect different notions from different resources to get a solution. Brainstorming may help to evaluate and analyse the possible solutions to get rid of the problems. Thirdly, the firm has to decide the way to move forward. Fourthly, to avoid unwanted burdens during changes in the company system it follows necessary steps. Fifthly, the company should maintain time. Sixthly, the changes should benefit all who work for the company. Seventhly, the company should identify risks within a time frame. Finally, the firm should write ideas on paper. The planning components of the company are stakeholder management plan, communication plan. The main stakeholders are responsible for the changes of the firm. There should be commitments at every level for avoiding risks. There are some problems with the stakeholders and drivers. The firm is required to take some steps for avoiding risks in the future. The aim of the organisation is building up the market share so that it could have been the preferred choice of the customers. The company always tried to maintain a strong bond with the workers and employees. As a result, many such employees are in the company for a very long period of time.


The main idea of the organisation is building up the trust of the employees, truck drivers and also motivating them to work for the betterment of the company. The changes made by the company management are quickly conveyed to every member of the company. Whenever the company adopted different modifications it faced opposition from the workforce. The company had certain issues which needed to be sorted out quickly. The issues are the implementation of the GPS system and PDA. Otherwise, the organisation may have lost some of its old employees.


Reference list

Chan, J. (2021). Hunger for profit: how food delivery platforms manage couriers in China. Sociologias, 23, 58-82. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/15174522-112308

Ding, Y., Jiang, D., Liu, Y., Zhang, D., & He, T. (2021). SmartLOC: Indoor Localization with Smartphone Anchors for On-Demand Delivery. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 5(4), 1-24. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3494972

Kusk, K., & Bossen, C. (2022). Working with Wolt: An Ethnographic Study of Lenient Algorithmic Management on a Food Delivery Platform. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(GROUP), 1-22. DOI: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3492823

Madimu, T. (2020). Food Imports, Hunger and State Making in Zimbabwe, 2000–2009. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 55(1), 128-144. DOI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0021909619868735

Ranganathan, P., Nair, D., & Gogtay, N. J. (2020). Addressing challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic–A site and investigator perspective. Perspectives in Clinical Research, 11(3), 111. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4103%2Fpicr.PICR_165_20