EV1010 The Environmental Professional
Jan 31,22EV1010 The Environmental Professional
Discuss about the Professional Environments for MacDonald Framework.
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Table of Contents
Introduction. 3
Discussion. 3
Conclusion. 5
Reference list 6
In this essay, the professional environment of the McDonald Framework will be analysed. With the help of a professional framework, the environment of the organisation has been analysed. If the company can follow the framework in a mannered way then they can get many types of advantages. They can give a flexible work environment to their employees where they can feel more comfortable. In this way, the employees can develop their skills and abilities which can give the company benefits in the future. Also, in the diversified work environment, the employees can reliably implicate their culture in a professional way which makes the organisational and professional environment better.
One of the most effective frameworks that are used by many multinational companies of the world for enhancing their working environment is the McKinsey 7S Model. This particular model is an effective tool that helps analyse the organisational design of a firm by examining the seven key elements that are structure, shared values, strategy, systems, skills, style and staff (Salvarli & Kayiskan, 2018). These seven elements help in identifying if the organisation is effectively aligned so that it can achieve all its goals and objectives. This is one such framework that will effectively assist an organisation to systemically organise its structure so that it can be successful. This framework is applied by McDonald’s which helps the organisation in understanding its structure and core values, the strategies that are required to meet the goals and objectives, analysing the internal and external systems, the values that the company shares and upholds, the skill of their employees and trainings that are required to enhance those skills, it also helps in identifying the most appropriate style of management and the type of employees that are required for running the business.
McDonald’s maintains a very professional working environment and this is the main reason why its employees enjoy their work. Some of the key elements of McDonald’s professional working environment are:
Flexible working hours: McDonald’s understands that time should be equally divided between work and play and therefore the company offers the customers’ leisure time in between work. The company also has the facility of flexible working hours where the employees can choose between day shift or night shift working hours as per their relevance. This facility provides their customers to balance their various other commitments like household responsibilities and education (Pawar, 2018). The company also provides compensation for extra hours of work which encourages the employees to work for more hours when they are free. The company also has easy leave policies and they understand that the health and safety of their employees should be ensured.
Happy working environment: The workforce of McDonald’s mainly comprises young people who are very energetic and therefore the working atmosphere must be playful and energetic. The employees of McDonald’s are not given a huge workload because the company understands that the employees might have other commitments. If a huge workload is given then they will not be able to balance their work, household responsibilities of education. They strongly believe that if their employees are happy then their customers will also be happy. The employees need to be in good spirits and in a good mood so that they can communicate with the customers with a smile on their faces.
Employee’s development: McDonald’s ensures the development of their employees. They believe that to grow their company furthermore, they will have to develop their employees as well (Russell-Rose, Chamberlain & Azzopardi, 2018). They understand that if their employees are developed and their skills are enhanced then they will be able to contribute more to the company. The company carries out various training activities that help in enhancing the skills of the employees. The company believes that if their employees are skilled then they will be able to perform their tasks and activities more efficiently.
Diversified working culture: If the company, McDonald, can implicate the framework of McKinsey, then they can easily build a diversified work culture. It is true that in a branch of the company, many types of employees have worked who are from different cultural backgrounds. So, their separate cultures give implementation over the professional environment of the company (Loeppke, 2018). If the company can maintain the framework in their job schedule, then it is quite normal that they can give equal chances to all the employees. If the employees cannot get equal respect from their colleagues just because of their cultures, then it is true that it gives a direct impact upon their professionalism. So, the company should focus on this section and solve it as soon as possible.
Effective human rights: Human rights are the most talkative issue these days and every company should give more focus on it. At any time, if any of the employees give a charge against the company for the violence of human rights, then it becomes a major issue for the company. Even, it can totally destroy the brand image which becomes the reason behind the lack of profit. So, each and every employee has rights and these should be maintained by the company (Waterworth et al., 2018). All the employees should be given equal types of salaries based on their job role. Also, the number of leaves should be exactly the same for all of the employees which is part of human rights. So, these are the factors that should be maintained by the company and they can do it if they maintain the framework. Also, it helps to enrich the professional environment in a positive sense.
After analysing the entire assignment, it can be concluded that McDonald should adopt the framework of McKinsey which will be beneficial for them in many ways. It can help them to enrich their professional as well as the organisational environment. Also, it helps to develop the skills and activities of the employee which help the company to overcome the issues in the future. So, if the company can get more opportunities in the future, it can enhance their level in the professional environment rather than other brands.
Reference list
Loeppke, R. (2018). healthier and safer WorkinG environments: leveraGinG the PoWer of Prevention. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho, 16(S1), 12-14. Retrieved from: https://cdn.publisher.gn1.link/rbmt.org.br/pdf/en_v16s1a06.pdf
Pawar, A. (2018). A study on analysis of supportable employee engagement model in McDonald. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 10(1), 172-181. Retrieved from: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/63937222/p.44_Culture_and_Entrepreneurship_Development_in_Tiv_Land__Benue_State__Nigeria_An_Overview20200716-8776-1q88e1s-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1642507567&Signature=QAsgCbeyAbWy6W~NWxG~QE~~QV6ivYp5TgrMu0GK9M1BmiVeXJtWWWnP5DiImMaa06uwm16Nbj-a2dIPdluqLToKclLFUvfA~umo0KU3dqE4sp0l5aR16bPhm65Hrblq~c6EvbIXj22bmS4bZboOAav1jG8WWQKmXXTx~8LpkVgZsBIFVSLWpa4bUSNXNviZAFaT1p9L1Q6iwBNm96cnex7jaFyp7A69z8DEQpu18gQiNNej6C9d5t1-7ZtguDfYCuORcm8F7LaIzy1gSVEtjQbu1m73XppmksWJbxwV~syTZjM4VI4uw~BJRTRYQ~W36MZEwSgyw8IHU8qQ5JRmhA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA#page=177
Russell-Rose, T., Chamberlain, J., & Azzopardi, L. (2018). Information retrieval in the workplace: A comparison of professional search practices. Information Processing & Management, 54(6), 1042-1057. Retrieved from: https://research.gold.ac.uk/id/eprint/27128/7/Russell_Rose_etal_IPM_2018_Information_retrieval_in_the_workplace_a_comparison_of_professional_search_practises.pdf
Salvarli, M. S., & Kayiskan, D. (2018). An Analysis of McKinsey 7-S Model and Its Application on Organizational Efficiency. Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res, 4, 2422-8702. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mustafa-Salvarli-2/publication/328064956_An_Analysis_of_McKinsey_7-S_Model_and_Its_Application_on_Organizational_Efficiency/links/5bb5ca0892851ca9ed37ba5a/An-Analysis-of-McKinsey-7-S-Model-and-Its-Application-on-Organizational-Efficiency.pdf
Waterworth, P., Pescud, M., Chappell, S., Davies, C., Roche, D., Shilton, T., … & Rosenberg, M. (2018). Culture, management and finances as key aspects for healthy workplace initiatives. Health promotion international, 33(1), 162-172. Retrieved from: https://academic.oup.com/heapro/article/33/1/162/2555435