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English Essay: Transformation And Transition

Jan 31,22

English Essay: Transformation And Transition


Discuss about the English Essay for Transformation and Transition.



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Table of Contents

Introduction. 2

Discussion. 2

Conclusion. 5

Reference list 6



It has been seen that transformation and transition are the same things but they have different perspectives. These are generally used in the same way but these words have different meanings sometimes. People should remember that these words do not indicate the same thing. The word transformation defines the vast change in the life of an individual or the life of someone. The term transition defines a change in someone’s life that happens gradually. Transition is the abstract of the gradual change of life of an individual and it refers to the meaning from the word transformation. Both the words transformation and transition are equally important but generally, people strengthen the transition word in their life. The word transformation signifies the dramatic change in the life of an individual and that is the reason that people like to use this word and also overemphasize it. The word transition calls for the drastic change of the life of an individual which differs from the word transformation. These changes can be implemented in many ways in our life. These changes can be adopted either planned or unplanned. Transitional change is applicable in the known state and transformational change is applicable for the unknown state of an event.


English essay for transitional 

Change is necessary and it is an important skill that develops the perspective of life. Transitional change signifies the developmental change by which it can be measured the current situation of any event. This kind of change can be implemented on the things which are known. This model of change includes so many stages inside it. The main objective of this model of change is that this change focuses on the gradual change of anything. This kind of change displays the mind of people which grows through the change (Van der Vleuten, 2019). It also displays the experience of the people which they gain through the gradual change of their life. The first stage of this change is ending and letting go. In the first stage, people have to fight against their fear, anger issues, sadness, depression and many more. This change also fights against the uncertainty and the sense of loss and many more. At first in this stage, people learn to accept their mistakes and learn to believe in themselves.

People learn that there is always a new beginning and mistakes are a part of life. This model of change educates people about the positive view of life and also helps them for the future. The neutral zone of this model changes the perspective of the confused people. This changing model helps to release the workload of the people and also educates them to be happy in life. This changing bridge of models educates the people about the difference between the old and the new things of life (Frantzeskaki et al., 2019). This model helps people to improve their low morale activities in their life. The transition model helps people to change them and also make them more productive. The transition model also helps people to lower the anxiety status of their life. Through this changing model, people become more energetic in their life and it also changes the people in a positive way. People learn to open their minds for the learning purpose and they become highly productive and also complete their commitment and win in every situation and become successful in their life.

Transformational change in English essay 

Through this kind of change people can be able to reshape their life in a beautiful and also dramatic way. This model of change responds to a vast change in the life of the people. This change occurs in multiple repetitions and includes the revision strategy in this model. This changing model modifies the structure from the inside and helps people to accept the change in their life (McCrory et al., 2020). It is the change in which an alternative process is included to perform the change. This kind of change also improves the behaviour of the people. In this model of change radical movement is included through which change is occurring. The transformational change also involves the change of the structure of culture and management of the people.

Figure 1: Transformational change in English essay

Source: (Frantzeskaki et al., 2019)

Transformational change brings the change through the vision in the community and thus helps the people to change their life. The model of this change educates the people about the risk management theory and helps them to take the important decision in life when the situation calls for it (Fazey et al., 2018). Transformational change educates people about the effectiveness of collaboration. If one person adopts the transformational change in their life he has to overcome the challenges at first. This changing model brings revolutionary changes in the life of the people. In the first step of this change, people are getting familiar with the term denial. People learn to withdraw their focus from their past and learn to create the urgency of the change for better performance in life. They learn to discuss the poor performance in their past and also learn to find the solutions through which they can be able to overcome these problems (Chilvers, Pallett & Hargreaves, 2018). People learn to identify the opportunities through this changing model in the present time and create a clear vision to make this opportunity successful. This lesson educates people on how to become good listeners and how to deal with problems with ultimate patience. In this stage of changing people learn how to deal with their feelings and create more patience in their life which helps them in the future.


These learning models are different but both these models help people to change their life in different ways. People learn to change their lives and their opinions and views change which help them a lot in their life. People become more productive in their life and also learn to handle various issues in an effective way. People learn to accept their mistakes and shine in their life and also learn to start their new beginning with more energy. People become more energetic and wind by their effort and shine in their life successfully.

Reference list

Chilvers, J., Pallett, H., & Hargreaves, T. (2018). Ecologies of participation in socio-technical change: The case of energy system transitions. Energy Research & Social Science, 42, 199-210. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2018.03.020

Fazey, I., Schäpke, N., Caniglia, G., Patterson, J., Hultman, J., Van Mierlo, B., … & Wyborn, C. (2018). Ten essentials for action-oriented and second order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research. Energy Research & Social Science, 40, 54-70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2017.11.026

Frantzeskaki, N., Hölscher, K., Holman, I. P., Pedde, S., Jaeger, J., Kok, K., & Harrison, P. A. (2019). Transition pathways to sustainability in greater than 2 C climate futures of Europe. Regional environmental change, 19(3), 777-789. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-019-01475-x

McCrory, G., Schäpke, N., Holmén, J., & Holmberg, J. (2020). Sustainability-oriented labs in real-world contexts: An exploratory review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 123202. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123202

Van der Vleuten, E. (2019). Radical change and deep transitions: Lessons from Europe’s infrastructure transition 1815–2015. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 32, 22-32. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2017.12.004