Emaar Property Company Dubai Conflict Management
Mar 10,22Emaar Property Company Dubai Conflict Management
Discuss about the Emaar Property Company Dubai Conflict Management.
Conflict Management
In the context of this research paper, Emaar Property Company is selected that is an Emirati multinational real estate Development Company located in Dubai, UAE. It is one of the leading, largest, and fast growing real estate developers in the UAE. It is well-known in the global world for its large scale project. The company was founded in the year 1997 and its Headquarters Dubai. Today, it is engaged in offering of both commercial and residential property. It is public company and listed on Dubai financial market.
The company has its international business and providing property development and management services. The company has developed strong brand image and reputation in the different markets such as: North America, Europe, Asia, and Middle East by providing advanced and technology based products. In the UAE real estate market, the company has highest market share, value, revenue and profit that reflect its size. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze conflict management at Emaar Property.
Conflict Management
Conflict: It can be defined as unharmonious behavior or attitude or discrepancy that can be arise among the different level of employees due to differences in value, opinion, thinking, attitude, behavior on any particular object. Simply, it can be said that, conflict in workplace is a clash of attention among the employees on the basis of dissimilar norms and values. Hence, it is a type of situation where employees see a risk of status, prosperity and power.
Conflict Management: It is explained as a process of limiting the harmful aspects of conflict by enhancing the positive aspects of conflict. The specific purpose of this is to improve learning as well as outcomes. In addition to this, it should also be noted down that, conflict management is allow a company to identify as well as handle conflict or issues fairly, sensibly, and effectively. Hence, it allows a company to resolve disputes and minimize negative results (Emmarex, & Owuze, 2015).
Main Basis/Causes of Conflicts in Emaar Property
It is found that, the company had faced a number of issues related to conflict. For instance, the company had faced inter & intra-organizational conflicts, intergroup & intragroup conflict, intrapersonal & intrapersonal conflicts. The company had faced these types of issues due to a range of specific reasons. For example, feeling of anger, tension and stress among the employees, ineffective communication among the employees are the common reasons of conflict in the workplace (Mckay, & Narasimhan, 2012).
On the other hand, some of employees faced conflict in the company due to lack of cooperative working environment, ineffective workplace strategies, less motivation, poor rewards system, lack of friendly and supportive climate etc. Along with this, it is also found that, differences in the value and attitude of employee is the main reason that created conflicting situation in the company. It is claimed by most of employees that, there is lack of open communication and power differences. They are treated unfairly in the workplace. Lack of resources, work overload, leadership style of the company etc. other causes behind the workplace conflicts (Apipalakul, & Kummoon, 2017).
Conflict Resolution at Emaar Property
It is a strategic and systematic process used by Emaar to resolve the disputes among two or more parties or people in the employees. Today, a range of specific and effective methods, ways, and strategies are used by Emaar to resolve conflicting situations in the workplace. Conflict resolution is not only important but also essential in the workplace because it is healthier for both a company and individual. It is also helps Emaar in developing positive relationship, enhancing team work by mutual understanding etc. Conflict resolution is play major role in developing a healthy, positive, and competitive organizational culture, structure and environment. It is also helpful in removing anxiety, enhancing speed of effective communication and bringing transparency. Conflict resolution is used by Emaar as a formal process to deal with the dispute (Myers, & Anderson, 2008).
Conflict Resolution Strategies Used By Emaar Property
The company is adopted a range of specific strategies and methods in order to deal with the workplace conflict. For case, the company has developed effective communication model that focus on active & careful listening. Employees are encouraged to attain common goals and objectives. The following given below are the main strategies used by the company such as:
- Collaborating: This method is mainly used when conflict arises due to differences in the opinion and issues are resolved with a very open mind.
- Compromising: This method is utilized by the company when both the parties are moderately assertive and cooperative. For example, conflicting parties are encouraged to find a middle path to resolve the conflict.
- Avoiding/ Withdrawing: Based on this technique, the company tries to resolve conflicting situation by ignoring of conflicting situation by doing nothing.
- Competing/Forcing: This technique is used by the company to deal the group conflicts. As per this strategy, the top management of the company is force the attitude and opinion of individual employee to solve the conflict (Nelson, 2012).
- Smoothing/Accommodating: It is also called conciliatory method to deal with the conflict. As per this, the company is highlight and addresses the areas of arrangement by avoiding points of differences. This technique is utilized to deal with the external conflictive situation. For case, this used when the conflict issue is more important than personal aspirations.
Positive and Negative Impact of Conflict on Organizations & Employees
It is analyzed that conflict has both positive and negative impact on the employees and organization. For case, conflict among the different level of employees can disturb the minds of employees. This brings dissatisfaction among the employees. This is also affect the company’s reputation, and image. It is also affect both individual and company’s productivity. It is also affect physical and mental health of the employees. In contrast, a positive conflict is helpful in developing and creating positive atmospheres and mutual understanding. It is crate supportive workplace environment and improves performance. It is also enhance team working, coordination, communication and understanding (Ramsay, 2001).
On the basis of the above finding, it can be concluded that, a conflict is negative situation that may be arise among the employees due to differences in the values and attitude of employees. This conflict has both negative and positive impact on the organizational and individual performance. A company faces conflicting issues due to a number of causes so such issues can be resolved by using specific conflict resolution strategies. At the same time, it can also be summarized that, a company should adopt, and implement best conflict management and resolutions strategies in order to improve outcomes and performance of the employees. Finally, it can be said that, a company must understand the concerns as well as issues of its employees via effective and open communication to overcome the conflict. Finally, it is suggested that, advanced, innovative and effective practices, methods and techniques should be applied and used to resolve the conflict among the employees.
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