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CRBDMAS9 Promotion Strategy

Jan 31,22

CRBDMAS9 Promotion Strategy


Discuss about the Promotion and Distribution Strategy for Nissan Leaf.




The Nissan Leaf is a modest, all-electric family car that premiered in Japan and the United States in the year 2010. The Nissan Leaf was the solution that was developed to increase competition against GM’s Chevrolet Volt. Nissan is loyal to its goals or objectives and will strive to do so in the long term. The firm’s major focus reflects its purpose and aim, which is to emphasize those people who have a long-term vision, give them opportunities to innovate and promote diversity within the organisation and community (Holder 2015). Nissan has among the best designers, technicians, and executives in the business, who help the firm transform its goal and technology to create a high-quality vehicle and acquire a market edge in the auto sector.


Enhance consumer awareness of EV efficiency innovations to 100percent in one year. This is a crucial component in increasing the vehicle industry, particularly since they have failed in the past. – Within 4 months, improve perceptions of competence over Volt. This will elevate us to the top of the mind of consumers. Prius was effective in using hybrid electric vehicles and has maintained with them for nearly 10 years. -By the end of the year, quadruple pre-order revenues The LEAF has been pre-ordered by 19,000 early adopters. By the end of last year, the firm want to expand it to the balance of the early investors and start selling to the general public. – In 2.5 years, work on making all significant urban areas affordable for hybrid cars. Collaboration with recharging providers and electric grid improvements to verify that the infrastructures can manage all-electric cars (Nissan Motor Corporation 2019).

Promotional Goals: While current Tv ads are pleasant and successful, tv isn’t the ideal medium for targeting certain demographics. The firm going to look for people who are active outside (cyclists, hikers, sprinters, workout), eco-conscious clients (actually buying hybrid cars, commuting by bike, having a drink from Nalgene bottles), innovation enthusiasts who enjoy setting trend lines (Mac owners, adopters, and Pioneers), and Parents (seeking for fuel-effective substitutes, procurement cars for their families, purchasing home-friendly cars). Social media enables make PR relationships, but considering the perception orientation aims, collaborating with another organization to promote a view of the customer of EVs may well be one of the most efficient choices. Furthermore, it’s also essential to be careful about where people spend the bulk of their money (Ingram 2013). During the wintertime, it is difficult to introduce a little electric car in many locations, therefore postponing promotion can save a huge amount of money. Springtime is also a great period for a person to purchase high-end cars, and it will be perfect for an EV.

Creative Strategy: Nissan’s current innovative tactics are proven to be quite productive. The TV commercials are heartfelt, and their YouTube page is highly successful. In certain cases, the firm will focus on eco-friendliness, while in others, they prioritise cost-cutting, as well as enhanced technologies and usefulness (Nissan Motor Corporation 2019). This should be our mission to convince customers that no big modifications to driver behaviour are required. Tax breaks and pricing must be discussed at the dealer base, and Nissan should focus on the car’s excellence and functionality, which will enhance the car’s value from the top to down.

It has been found that Electric vehicles are still in their development, their pricing is currently quite high. They anticipate consumer adoption to be equivalent to those of other new electrical gadgets, such as Tablet Devices and 3D TVs. The pioneers are the earliest to adapt since they possess the financial means to do so and as possessing new technologies confers a certain level of position. Moreover, the second adopters will be the ones who purchase the car as they have faith in it (Vrtana & Krizanova 2019). The firm understands that these are significant psychographics to imprisonment; nevertheless, these customers do not require to be persuaded as violently. Earlier and Later Majority of its customers will generate the preponderance of EV sales, so it’s critical to persuade the public who are suspicious of EVs and don’t feel they are the right decision.

When it comes to purchasing a car, the majority of people are so concerned about saving cash than environmental conservation. There are tax credits for such cars, and the fuel savings are substantial. As a result, making the clients feel like they’re contributing to saving the ecosystem is not the only key competitive advantage they’re searching for. Not to forget the added strain on the power infrastructure, individuals who are sceptical of technologies may make their voices heard.


A corporation with ECOtality: ECOtality is a startup that is attempting to optimize the electric car supercharger network. They’ve been trying to install charging points in strategic places and promote electric vehicles. Their existing EVProject will be directly funded, but all of the research organizations should coordinate to fulfil Nissan’s and ECOtality’s requirements, as well as the client’s needs. ECOtality will establish a forum for EVs to be highlighted in the media via media articles, engineering appearances on talk shows, and other channels.

Zipcars It would also be advantageous for the LEAF to achieve the status of Zipcar’s many vehicles. Zipcar is a rental car company that offers financial a car for a lower wage charge. Cities, companies, and university campuses all have them. It’s a great opportunity for individuals to understand the LEAF. Individuals who use Zipcar is effectively exam automobiles without really understanding it (Vrtana & Krizanova 2019).

Automobile Rental Firms As originally said, getting students into cars is a key step in obtaining commercial success. Customers who hire cars might be pleased to learn that they would not be charged for gasoline. Gift of a Test Drive Lance Armstrong and Team RadioShack is endorsed by Nissan. A Team RadioShack cycling jersey freebie is a way of getting people to test drive the vehicle and share it with their friends about it. Cycling, RadioShack fans, and Lance Armstrong followers will flock to this occasion. All of this easily fits into the LEAF’s target audience (Vrtana & Krizanova 2019).


The Nissan Leaf is transforming the way people get is from point A to b around the globe. There’s no exhaust, zero pollutants, little fuel, only a plug. With its 100-mile endurance and simple recharge, customers will perceive no major changes in their driving behaviour. In the following years, the EV charging network will be strengthened, and technology has progressed to the stage where electric cars can function in usual driving. The sales promotion will be targeting certain customers and help the firm establish a place in the emerging EV sector, principles of the bill revenues, instant recognition, and strong visibility. The Nissan LEAF’s sales promotion is complex as it includes a broad variety of issues (technical progressions, customer trust, saving the ecosystem and more). As a consequence, a broad but coherent strategy is obliged to issue quick attention as well as protracted revenue and impact directly.


Holder, M. (2015). Nissan reaches 10 000 Leaf electric car sales in UK. Retrieved from: http://www.airqualitynews.com/2015/07/08/nissan-reaches-10000-leaf-electric-car-sales-in-uk/

Ingram, A. (2013). Nissan Leaf Electrical Car boost Nissan’s brand image. Retrieved from: https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1084861_nissan-leaf-electric-car-boosts-nissans-brand-image-reputation

Nissan Motor Corporation. (2019). Nissan M.O.V.E. to 2022. http://www.nissanglobal.com/EN/IR/MIDTERMPLAN/

Vrtana, D and Krizanova, A. (2019). Trends and Option of Electromobility use in marketing environment Nissan Leaf. Retrieved from: https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1084861_nissan-leaf-electric-car-boosts-nissans-brand-image-reputation