Computer Information Technology: IVK Corporation
Feb 1,22Computer Information Technology: IVK Corporation
Discuss about the Computer Information Technology for IVK Corporation.
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Table of Contents
Introduction. 2
Discussion. 2
Conclusion. 5
Reference list 6
This answer discusses the new computer information technologies for IVK Corporation. It analysis the IT departments’ different technologies. IVK is a Russian corporate company and it faces many problems to develop its service. Information technology has three different types of sectors and they are IT governance, IT operation, hardware and infrastructure. After that, they develop their information technologies and provide better service for their customers. The answer describes how information technology helps the IVK corporation to develop themselves and their services. It also helps to gain more positive responses from their customers and their employees. This answer describes how the IVK corporate sector uses those technologies and develops its services.
Information technology always defines how to solve the organisation’s problems through their technologies. The IT members solve the company’s technological problem and it does not matter if it’s small or big. Most of the organisations use IT sentences in their company (Zhou, 2020). It has the company to provide a smooth technology for their employers. It also monitors the disturbance that the computers and the c companies’ technologies are facing. There are three types of IT systems are described below:
IT governance: This system refers to the relation between the policies and the process to ensure the information technologies systems and the organisation’s problems, their needs (Im, Shin & Jeong, 2018). It helps the IVK corporate company to process their new technology and develop their employee’s skills. They provide better services from their customers.
IT operation: This system monitors the daily works of the company’s employees’ computers problem and the systems problem. It provides support to the systems and makes sure that the securities are processed. It also collects data and makes it safe for damages (Ünal et al., 2018). It’s also to make sure that the employees are not facing any consequences on their technologies.
Figure 1: Information technology
Sources: (Djumaboev, Usmonov & Ergashev, 2021)
Hardware and infrastructure: It monitors all competitors that the information technologies infrastructure is facing. It also provides the setup systems, maintenance, phone systems and also individual laptops and computers systems (Djumaboev, Usmonov & Ergashev, 2021). It gives the employees knowledge about the new hardware technology.
This is a small description of how information technology works but now the dedication stated about how this information technology helps IVK corporate companies develop. The IVK corporate company is facing many difficulties to improve their system and the information technology helps them to improve it. This information technology helps to develop the IVK corporate company employees’ performance (Djumaboev, Usmonov & Ergashev, 2021). Information technology takes a major role in manure the safeties of IVK corporate company. It manages the standard level of securities and it is a huge task to handle but the IT system makes it easy for the IVK corporate company. Sometimes IVK corporate companies need to maintain a huge amount of data and their employees cannot check that huge data. In this time the information technology helps IVK corporate companies to maintain all their data (Benjamin et al., 2019). In this covid time, many employees are working at home and work safety is also the IVK corporate company’s responsibility. It also provides radio technology, phone technology and many more opportunities. The information technologies systems help generate wireless hotspot roaming abilities. The software and hardware the two types of systems are the information systems provide.
Most of the companies did not operate their company’s self data and their data always hosted the third party hosting. The information technology helps IVK corporate companies to maintain their self data and make it safe for all damages. The information systems also work at the IVK corporate company hardware systems. Some of the employees are interested in playing games, music and the information technology also helps to provide it. It makes sure that the technology is running smoothly. These services even increase the use of the network technology combines with the other complexity of technology. It means that trainers’ specialists need to walk into a growing field and need to promise that to continue to provide challenges. It creates communication with customers all around the world. It also provided some software engines are on the IVK corporate. The IVK Corporation also creates their new ideas, innovation and many more and that helps them to develop their business (Im, Shin & Jeong, 2018). The hardware systems are the major part of the computer systems. Information technology helps the IVK Corporation in every technological system. The hardware also needs to be installed like the other computer systems. The information technology helps to make a right decisions for the IVK corporate company process. It helps the IVK corporate company to develop their new creation and develop their service technologies. After making a perfect decision for their company this information technology system also monitors their processing. It also helps to develop their website for gaining more customers for their company. Information technology also creates new job opportunities for young people. If any kind of company wants to develop their security systems and technology then this IT system is best for them. The information systems help them to develop their business. That develops their company’s profitability and popularity and It helps to make their company bigger.
After analysing the answer it has concluded that information technology is important for any type of company. It provides safety procedures for the company’s data and information. It also helps the IVK corporate company to create networking communication with their customers. It helps IVK corporate to provide better service for their customers and give their employees more experience. Most of the organisations use IT sentences in their company. It has the company to provide a smooth technology for their employers. The information technology helps IVK corporate companies to maintain their self data and make it safe for all damages. The information systems also work at the IVK corporate company hardware systems. This helps the IVK corporate company to develop its service and its business. That develops their company’s profitability and popularity. It helps to make their company bigger.
Reference list
Benjamin, R., Duster, T., Eglash, R., Gaskins, N., Hatch, A. R., Miller, A., … & Van Oort, M. (2019). Captivating Technology. J. Brown,“Black Utopias. DOI:
Djumaboev, S., Usmonov, S., & Ergashev, U. (2021). COMPETENCE OF COMPUTER MODELING IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN EDUCATION. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2021(5), 128-138. retrieved from: :
Im, I., Shin, D., & Jeong, J. (2018). Components for smart autonomous ship architecture based on intelligent information technology. Procedia computer science, 134, 91-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2018.07.148
Ünal, A., Yaman, K., Okur, E., & Adlı, M. A. (2018). Design and implementation of a Thrust Vector Control (TVC) test system. Politeknik Dergisi, 21(2), 497-505. retrieved from:
Zhou, Y. (2020, October). Social insurance management depends on the development of computer information technology. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1651, No. 1, p. 012015). IOP Publishing. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1651/1/012015