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COMM3020 Professional Communication

Mar 13,23


You will develop a proposal for funding an initiative. You will choose a new social enterprise.



Proposal for funding an initiative

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Table of Contents

Introduction. 2

Discussion. 2

Conclusion. 5


A proper and developed proposal is needed to choose and select a new social enterprise. In 2008 the credibility of financial innovation was deeply damaged and this also created a financial crisis and also results in a collapse in the market. In this topic, SelfWealth Company has been selected to analyse its financial initiatives and other economic performances.


A new initiative of choosing a new social enterprise is to be supported by a proposal that is most relevant and appropriate. Financial engineering is one of the powerful forces for change. It results in the improvement of people’s life and health and also economic growth of a country. The social enterprises mainly carry the social activities and are also involved with many social changes. They also play a useful role in the development of social activities and also conduct many social programmers for poor and needy people. SelfWealth is the online trading and wealth management industry in Australia (SelfWealth, 2022). A correct innovation enterprise can gain much more access capital and maximise profit-earning capacity and this benefit also help them to increase their social reach.

A proposal of funding an initiative is to maintain a new balance sheet of social enterprise it plays a crucial and valuable role in checking the working capacity of a project and also the time limit in which the project will be finished. A problem with this proposal is that it is low to attract private sources of capital. Developing economic profit level is the important factor for social industries (Lee, Lee & Kim, 2018). In this social market, the equity holders play the role of donors and bring more and more capital to support an enterprise. Many new techniques and procedures have opened new financial gates and opportunities to social enterprises. The proposal of pooling now has moved globally and increased their operation and service. The government plays a very useful role in the progress of an initiative of SelfWealth as the proposal of social impact bonds helps the government support funds and infrastructure.

Figure 1: Economical profit growth of SelfWealth industry

Source: (TradingView, 2022)

This kind of development increases the boundaries of social enterprise and also enhances the financing capacity of an organisation. The benefits that arise from this proposal increases the limit of asset class investors to diversify their portfolio. Industrial innovation is important with massive change in the financial functions (Kickul et al., 2018). The financial crisis especially after the covid pandemic taught many important discussions in the market that machinery and infrastructure are the ones that affect the financial market the most.

Social enterprises also have financial risk and for this purpose, this proposal of Transparency is required to be implemented. The transparency limit will ascertain the true financial position of the enterprise and also the current activities carried on by the activities is appropriate or not. Capital is the lifeblood of the enterprise and it is also necessary for the social growth of a business improper use of capital will create many difficulties in an organisation. This is the only purpose to draw an initiative to use capital appropriately and effectively. Some of the other initiatives that is also necessary to implement to funding a new social enterprise.

  • It is also mandatory for SelfWealth to assess and figure out the current market position. Also, it is required to keep in mind that social enterprises are businesses so it is important to know what we are offering and also the price limit and the price limit offered by other social enterprises in the current market scenario. As the proposed strategy is different according to the current market situation like a market having a huge crowd and other markets maybe not be so crowded. So the proposed initiative to fund a new social enterprise changes from time to time.
  • A clear goal and social mission are required from the very beginning process because a social enterprise is asked frequently about its goals and objectives. In order to avoid market risks, it is important to regularly audit industrial economical activities (Leff, 2018). So having a proper mission from the initial stage will help the enterprise to meet its vision in the long run. If a new social enterprise set its mission from starting point and involves the appropriate level of workers in the mission then the social enterprise will get benefit in the long run.. It is also to know the mission must be in clear and easy language for easy understanding.
  • SelfWealth enterprise needs to show off more and more to bring the attention of the public at large. It is necessary for social enterprises that the potential customers find them easily and that use social media is necessary and in the current scenario, there are various social media sites to promote and show off the activities carried out by the social enterprise and to bring the attention of the majority of clients.
  • Another way to choose a social enterprise is by a properly written business plan. As the business plan is that part of a business that deals with the main business carried on by the social enterprise, their activities, their business needs and objectives in the long run. If a business plan is written and also it provides all questions and answers of the business of the consumers. Anybody interested in the business may see the business plan of the enterprise and if they consider it is right and appropriate they will invest in the business of the social enterprise
  • SelfWealth enterprise must need to consult with the financial sector as it is necessary for carrying out the financing activities. The financials guide the enterprise by giving his valuable advice as they are experts in these fields. SelfWealth must be required to legalise itself that helps in carrying out their legal activities. As the clients will always prefer a legal social enterprise more than a non-legal enterprise.


After analysing the above it can be concluded that an effective and proper initiative proposal is required to develop a new social enterprise. These enterprises provide job opportunities food and critical advantages related to economic growth. So it is in the interest of the general public the proposals must be implemented.



Kickul, J., Gundry, L., Mitra, P., & Berçot, L. (2018). Designing with purpose: advocating innovation, impact, sustainability, and scale in social entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 1(2), 205-221.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F2515127418772177

Lee, J., Lee, S., & Kim, J. (2018). A Study on the Effect of Social Enterprise Types on Performance and Sustainability-Focused on Work Integration of Social Enterprise. Journal of the Korea Industrial Information Systems Research, 23(6), 139-152. DOI: https://doi.org/10.9723/jksiis.2018.23.6.139

Leff, B. M. (2018). The boundary between the not-for-profit and business sectors: Social enterprise and hybrid models. In Research Handbook on Not-For-Profit Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785369995.00015

SelfWealth. (2022). About us | SelfWealth. SelfWealth. Retrieved 9 February 2022, from https://www.selfwealth.com.au/who-are-we/.

TradingView. (2022). SWF Stock Price and Chart — ASX:SWF — TradingView. TradingView. Retrieved 9 February 2022, from https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/ASX-SWF/.

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