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Case Study Of Kerr Deliveries

Jan 31,22

Case Study Of Kerr Deliveries


Create a research report for the business and make a recommendation on which computers should be purchased. (Alternatively, with the approval of your assessor, you may create a research report for a business, organisation or industry that you have an interest in).



The computer is a daily need nowadays. In every organisation small or big needs to have a computer to work efficiently and it helps in analysing the daily tasks and the employes’ performance as well. Here is an organisation named Softwire that needs to buy a computer and install networking as well. Softwire is an SME company that mainly deals with developing software and it helps in delivering high-quality software and web solution to its clients (Softwire, 2022). The company is based in London and has offices in London, Cambridge and Manchester in the UK. Here in this current assignment, a recommendation of a computer will be disclosed as per the demand of the company Softwire and along with that, this report will also describe the reason for recommending that particular piece of a computer. 


Computers are now an essential part of the business. The primary need of a computer in a business is to process the data of the employees and it helps in analysing the key performance and helps in analysing the stocks and resources and also it helps in managing the business operations as well. But in a company that deals with software and technology need to have more important to have a computer that can work easy and can help in operating in a smooth way. Also, a computer can help in processing data and helps in producing information as well (Popić et al., 2018). The need for computers is different for this company Softwire. This particular company needs the computer for the following reasons. Those are:

Coding– Software development is based on coding mainly. There are varieties of guidelines to develop the software and for coding the software. Along with that, this coding needs a propr computer that can help in operating smoothly and run the code with full efficiency.

Media Production– There is a media production as well that needs the computer as well. High graphics quality computer needs to be installed in order to perform those particular audio, video and graphic designs and media productions. Along with that, this media production also needs the proper and smooth operated computer that can help in running those designs with full efficiency.

Web Page Development– Developing web pages is a part of software development and this needs to have a high functioning computer that can help in analysing the web page and can help in developing a proper web page full of various options and technology and a proper user interface. This also needs a super-fast computer that has the maximum capacity to do all these tasks. Web designing helps in developing web pages that are fully functional and user friendly as well (Sarkar, 2018).

There are various types of computers. Based on the performance and size there are supercomputers, minicomputers, workstations, mainframe computers and personal computers. Based on the data handling capacity there are three types of computers. Those are analogue, digital and hybrid.

Here for this software company a mini-computer and a hybrid computer can be helpful.

The Reason for Choosing a Mini-computer for Softwire

A mini-computer has a medium size and occupies less space and that helps them in carrying anywhere. Along with that, a mini-computer is a multiprocessing computer that can be operated through two or more processors and that helps this computer to be fast. This type of computer helps in transferring optical signals as well (Haluška, Ovseník & Šul’aj, 2019). Also, these mini-computers can be used by more than hundreds of users at a time and that is very helpful for a company like Softwire. This computer is less expensive and can be handled in minimum space and also due to the processor it is fast in operations as well. 

The Reason for Choosing Hybrid Computer for Softwire

A hybrid computer is a mixture of an analogue computer and a digital computer. These hybrid computers are very high in efficiency and accuracy as these computers are combined through two different types of computers. A hybrid computer is fast like an analogue computer and it has the accuracy of performance and operation along with the memory capacity of a digital computer. These hybrid computers are efficient in parallel programming that is very much essential for software development (Mal’kovskii et al., 2019). Also, this type of computer is able to process analogue and digital data which means these computers are able to process and operate both continuous and discrete data.


In the discussion part choosing two types of computers based on the size and the performance or ability to store the data helped in sorting out the type of computer this company named Softwire is in need of. Based on the analysis of these two choices, the recommendations are given below-

  • The company named Softwire can install a mini computer only without installing any hybrid computer.
  • The company can omit the idea of hybrid computer installation as it is expensive and the company does not have any proper use of this particular computer.
  • Also, in minicomputer, the company can actually work fast and since it has multiple processors and is able to perform multitasking this computer can be the best suited for developing web pages, software and can help in coding as well.

Due to all these reasons the recommendation for the company named Softwire can install mini computers that are fast, cheaper, take less space, multitask and have high memory capacity.


In conclusion, it can be said that the report actually helped in understanding the need for computers in a company that develops software. The report helped in understanding the types of computers and their characteristics and suitableness for the company. Lastly, the report recommended the proper computer and also stated the reason for recommending mini computers for the company named Softwire in the UK. Overall, it can be said as the company is a software developing company it needs si=uperfasr working computer and also to present the client it needs small size computer that is portable and that is why the recommendation of mini-computer is there.



Haluška, R., Ovseník, L., & Šul’aj, P. (2019, November). The Use of Mini Computer in Hybrid FSO/RF System. In 2019 IEEE 15th International Scientific Conference on Informatics (pp. 000357-000362). IEEE. Retrieved from: 10.1109/Informatics47936.2019.9119270

Mal’kovskii, S. I., Sorokin, A. A., Korolev, S. P., Zatsarinnyi, A. A., & Tsoi, G. I. (2019). Performance evaluation of a hybrid computer cluster built on IBM POWER8 Microprocessors. Programming and Computer Software, 45(6), 324-332. Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0361768819060057

Popić, S., Velikić, G., Jaroslav, H., Spasić, Z., & Vulić, M. (2018, November). The Benefits of the Coding Standards Enforcement and it’s Influence on the Developers’ Coding Behaviour: A Case Study on Two Small Projects. In 2018 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR) (pp. 420-425). IEEE. Retrieved from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Srdan-Popic/publication/328912784_The_Benefits_of_the_Coding_Standards_Enforcement_and_its_Impact_on_the_Developers_Coding_Behaviour-A_Case_Study_on_Two_Small_Projects/links/5beacf9a92851c6b27bb5199/The-Benefits-of-the-Coding-Standards-Enforcement-and-its-Impact-on-the-Developers-Coding-Behaviour-A-Case-Study-on-Two-Small-Projects.pdf

Sarkar, A. (2018). Overview of web development life cycle in software engineering. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 3(6), 2456-3307. Retrieved from: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/57407645/CSEIT1836146-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?Expires=1642427607&Signature=cY9e~Fajx6vb5cBZBeKjK6D19nh5W9~30TgTNsVDLvl3T29b3MrzdxgoHQ8tJ0xbJfjYGSscxR1bNHGmUrqocSUR3KBhdVCtnNgTTarm2S8sePl01iwe37HlZQC2PNLBpWqhpX-lBIFUDQrPgCd6ERK3Kmlw5WBCXntgQzCM1wdjeHXRbGYudduvIhNUO4nGppVV6GSqQt8Hs9CaIGv3EXcVwgmLjI47crtROPaMIHjDwjnSb7x8U-b2It-n~JR6-5IWgLg4z1U~r8XUTPUwKFLOzm6Kp0vdENxJ2IcuVr-MBksC~DMbIRUgFrfzKq5FJAesmK6Xu5VdyxCBbattmg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA


Softwire, 2022. Bespoke Software Development | Custom Software Developers. [online] Softwire. Available at: <https://www.softwire.com/> [Accessed 17 January 2022].