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BX3095 Visitor And Crowd Behaviour Management

Jan 31,22

BX3095 Visitor And Crowd Behaviour Management


In order to successfully carry out a scheme like this there are numerous challenges which will need to be overcome.

Ensuring the grey nomads are comprehensively informed of the scheme and it is promoted through the relevant channels

o This includes providing clear maps of the relevant regions showing where Grand Tour events are being held and where accommodation can be found, as well as having information centres deployed across North Queensland.

o Roadcraft tips may also be important to prevent dangerous or disruptive situations on the road, such as large groups of caravans driving in convoy (Flint, 2015). Other motorists should also be made aware of the increased caravan traffic during this time

Social valuation and repeat visitation of grey nomads in regional Queensland of Australia

Understanding Senior Self-Drive Tourism in Australia Using a Contingency Behavior Model.



Understanding Senior Self-Drive Tourism in Australia


The Contingency behaviour model aids to understand the behaviour pertaining to the grey nomads. The respective changes linked to the accommodation facilities while visiting the regional Queensland of Australia tends to be crucial. There is the study which considers the grey nomad future visit trip and the manner in which it can impact the accommodation facilities in Australia (Zhou et al., 2018). With respect to the impact, the decease or the increase in the accommodation facilities needs to be considered. The interesting fact remains that the there are various factors which governs this (Qiu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). The crucial factors pertain to the income level and the proxied through education. Also the other factors include the significant determinant, that of the social events which can enhance the possibility of the increased travel taking place. The understanding linked to the self-driver silver market linked to the tourism market in Australia needs to be well comprehended.

The future is linked to the second homes. With the enhanced tourism scope, there is the contribution of the number of visitors. These destination development with the contribution of the longer term retirement is also a crucial factor (Qiu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). The lifestyle and the immigration tend to impact too. The short term holidaying tendencies do occur. At the same time, the second home concept with the notion of circulating the homes is prevalent. There is the study which considers the grey nomad future visit trip and the manner in which it can impact the accommodation facilities in Australia (Zhou et al., 2018). Considering the impact, the decease or the increase in the accommodation facilities needs to be considered. The interesting fact remains that the there are various factors which governs this. The mobility with respect to the multiple dwelling has altered considerable. This has been due to the prevalent governance and the consideration of the planning and the traditional policies that have been implemented as part of the model. The Contingency behaviour model considers the traits along with the behaviour and the same is reliant on the success of the leader along with the various situations (Zhou et al., 2018). The circumstances, as that are based on the model leads to the peer along with the followers to shun the leader. The model is reliant on the fact that the leader is being seen in a different manner. With respect to the impact, the decease or the increase in the accommodation facilities needs to be considered. The interesting fact remains that the there are various factors which governs this. The crucial factors pertain to the income level and the proxied through education. (Qiu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018) Also the other factors include the significant determinant, that of the social events which can enhance the possibility of the increased travel taking place (Zhou et al., 2018). There are various theories that are crucial to understand from this point of view. The contingency behaviour model however considers the realization of the certain style along with the set of the skills for one situation. The concept, that of the second home with the notion of circulating the homes is prevalent. There is the study which considers the grey nomad future visit trip and the manner in which it can impact the accommodation facilities in Australia. Considering the impact, the decease or the increase in the accommodation facilities needs to be considered (Qiu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). The interesting fact remains that the there are various factors which governs this. The model is based upon the regulations and planning marks the success for the tourism companies There are unique processes too that are closely associated to the strategic marketing (Zhou et al., 2018). These processes need to cover the hazards and the physical risks that are involves too in the completion of the projects that are based on the contingency model. The consequences of the wrong decisions undertaken by the stakeholders can be huge. The conflict of interest tends to bring out the various aspects linked to the culture in case of the tourism of the people (Zhou et al., 2018). The common element though witnessed till date is the leisure. The recreation being a considerable part of the same tends to bring about the growth along with the retirement (Qiu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). The retirement migration has risen in the years and further on to with the trend, it is bound to increase. The self-contained housing system in Australia is complicated and the varied approach needs to be brought out in order to control the same (Zhou et al., 2018). The interesting fact remains that the there are various factors which governs this. The crucial factors pertain to the income level and the proxied through education. Also the other factors include the significant determinant, that of the social events which can enhance the possibility of the increased travel taking place (Qiu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). The understanding linked to the self-driver silver market linked to the tourism market in Australia which has to be well comprehended.


The understanding of the contingency model with respect to the behaviour pertaining to the grey nomads is crucial to note (Zhou et al., 2018). There is the study which considers the grey nomad future visit trip and the manner in which it can impact the accommodation facilities in Australia. With respect to the impact, the decease or the increase in the accommodation facilities needs to be considered (Qiu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018). The interesting fact remains that the there are various factors which governs this. The crucial factors pertain to the income level and the proxied through education. The lifestyle and the immigration tend to impact too (Zhou et al., 2018). The short term holidaying tendencies do occur. At the same time, the second home concept with the notion of circulating the homes is prevalent. There is the study which considers the grey nomad future visit trip and the manner in which it can impact the accommodation facilities in Australia (Wu et al., 2018). Considering the impact, the decease or the increase in the accommodation facilities needs to be considered. The interesting fact remains that the there are various factors which governs this. The mobility with respect to the multiple dwelling has altered considerable (Zhou et al., 2018). This has been due to the prevalent governance and the consideration of the planning and the traditional policies that have been implemented as part of the model. The Contingency behaviour model considers the traits along with the behaviour and the same is reliant on the success of the leader along with the various situations. The circumstances, as that are based on the model leads to the peer along with the followers to shun the leader. The recreation being a considerable part of the same tends to bring about the growth along with the retirement (Zhou et al., 2018). The interesting fact remains that the there are various factors which governs this.


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Qiu, H., Hsu, C., Li, M., & Shu, B. (2018). Self-drive tourism attributes: Influences on satisfaction and behavioural intention. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(4), 395-407.

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Zhou, L., Yu, J., Wu, M. Y., Wall, G., & Pearce, P. L. (2018). Seniors’ seasonal movements for health enhancement. The Service Industries Journal, 38(1-2), 27-47.