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Breadtalk Marketing Plan

Feb 25,22

Breadtalk Marketing Plan


Discuss about the Breadtalk Marketing Plan.



Breadtalk Marketing Plan

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Executive summary

In this assessment, a discussion has been provided regarding the Breadtalk Marketing Plan their commencement date and place. It has also focused on the different marketing strategies and techniques they have implemented to assess the market conditions. The benefits and the distinction of the Breadtalk Marketing plan with other market competitors are also provided in this below topic. This marketing plan also played a valuable part in observing the risk and many difficulties in the market and also set several goals and objectives for the near future. The relationship between consumers and market conditions and the steps to develop the current market conditions are also discussed in this topic. The plans involve the corporation strategies determining a strong competitive niche in the international market.

The promotional designs are innovated in such a way that the clients are easily attracted to the designs and layout of the products. The market segmentation has been done by identifying the target customers. The company has identified the families as probable consumers as their products have gained much popularity among the parents. The company has engineered its quality service towards the clients by cost reduction and differentiation strategy. All the plans have been developed in order to create a long-term relationship with the clients.


Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Discussion. 4

Products. 5

Place. 6

Market positioning. 6

Price. 7

Promotion. 7

Conclusion. 7

References. 8



This Breadtalk marketing plan started its operations in the year 2000. This marketing plan has a long term vision to establish Breadtalk as a brand of an enterprise for its innovative target setting and delightful brands and pastries. This marketing plan increased its operations in the last few years rapidly and became an international business plan.


 The marketing plan is enacted in Singapore this marketing plan plays an influential role in learning about the consumers in various issues like providing good quality cake and pastries and quality bakery products. It has a huge potential in overcoming many challenges and difficulties like slowing down the market, strong competition and increasing the limit of operating costs and many more. The Breadtalk marketing plan analyses the global market and can get various advantages and ascertains various types of threats by taking advantage of bakery products. Also, this marketing plan helps in assessing various openings existing in the market in different countries like Japan, India and many more. The strategy is required to be set first before implementing any marketing plan. The Breadtalk Marketing plan also sets its strategies at the initial stage and must devise the strategies as per risk and uncertainty of business. This marketing plan set a strong level of marketing plan for developing the Breadtalk brand and also took various steps to the advancement of technology. Technological advancement helps Breadtalk in fulfilling different types of tasks like developing public media channels and electrical mail marketing.

This marketing planning is completely different from the other old fashioned bakery and an open thought design. They also implemented many schemes for the customers like The scheme of Breadworks New concept scheme gives many facilities to consumers This strategy mainly also relate with Chinese baker (KIM & HWANG, 2020). This new idea and strategies allow Breadrock to remain clean, fresh and look lovely as compared from other bakeries. The marketing plan of Breadtalk is because of unique and special. It has attained many awards and honours like in the year 2002 to 2004. It has been awarded Singapore Best Brand Award. It has handled and tackled all the potential and current issues today and acted as per the situation and so for this reason they have remained successful (Nugroho, 2019). It is necessary to quickly assess the market situation and make decisions according to that situation. The major marketing issue in recent times is to create a knowledge-based company for receiving the competitive advantage knowledge is necessary. The Breadtalk Marketing plan has many long term goals to achieve in the long run in the last

Two to five years this marketing plan has gained a captivating advantage of development and many profits earning opportunities. The marketing plan of Breadtalk Company has seen continuous success as they can understand the customers’ requirements and have built a culture with them (Rutz & Watson, 2019). The Breadtalk marketing plan is also eligible to identify the target market and deliver the products to consumers as per the market scenario. The market faces many challenges and economical barrier this marketing plan provided certain restrictions and rules to overcome this situations.The effective implementation of a marketing plan depends on the blending of marketing elements the marketing mix is discussed below:


The Breadtalk marketing plan encapsulates the blending of Western and Asian influencers to cater to the diverse population. The objective is to bring quality ingredients to the local preparation so that the international range of clients may be satisfied. The most important plan is to consolidate the market for the launch of new products of world-class aspiration. The plan must convince all the clients that they can have trust in the healthy aspects of the service for the children. Recently, consumers are demanding quality products at low cost. Therefore, the strategy to widen the scope of brands is developed.


After the product is determined, the target customers are identified and it has developed its market in Chinese cities with a strong economical appearance and an appealing brand. The strategy is first implementing mass production and then bringing it to the readymade market. The company has also refocused the strategy after getting rivalry from the market of small scale traders. This company also has its network in various cities outside the domestic base and one action has the recession and the other section of the market has tremendous financial growth. All these strategies are researched extensively to resolve any difficulties (Rutz & Watson, 2019). Improved means of technology, transport and communication has facilitated international trade. The market as e-commerce has been developed to gain a competitive edge in the demanding market.


 The strategy of positioning initiates with the market segmentation and that is a major plan in conducting business. Breadtalk Company identifies the family as the most attractive segment. Parents are easily drawn into the product for thorn easy availability and portability; this is the right segment to choose. The snacks for the party, picnics, meals and breakfast are offered by the company and market positioning is done for guessing the exact locations where footfalls can be huge. Various commercials on T.V. and social media channels advertise thorn musket positioning plans of segmenting the family to provide happiness. This is a highly relevant marketing opportunity to create more opportunities (Morgan et al., 2019). Packaging also plays a contributory role in the marketing plan which tends to replace plastic bags with other valuable supplements. The management strategies are set to face any poor reputation that the market might gather.


The pricing plan must not form the base for competition yet the techniques must follow the cost reduction and differentiation strategy to tackle the threat of rival entrants. The trust of the poor consumers can be gained by the low cost of the products while the cost can be higher while approaching the rich and the middle class (Rutz & Watson, 2019). The strategy to attract the global population is emboldened by evaluating the expected profit margin.


However, the promotion of the high-quality product must be channelised towards customer satisfaction. The subsidiary branches can be transformed into active partners of Singapore branches so that they can independently launch their products. The promotional strategies must follow the creative and innovative pattern in becoming appealing to the clients.


Breadtalk Company focuses not only on the profit but also on the recent market share and how to maintain the expanded market. Both from rural setups and minor towns, the company has its profit as the plans adopted have been beneficial to provide the best outcome.


Boulouta, I., & Manika, D. (2022). Cause-Related Marketing and Ethnocentrism: The Moderating Effects of Geographic Scope and Perceived Economic Threat. Sustainability, 14(1), 292.DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010292

KIM, B. G., & HWANG, H. J. (2020). . A study on strategies of multinational bakery retailers in China: Focused on Paris Baguette and competitors. Journal of Distribution Science, 18(12), 55-66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.18.12.202012.55

 Morgan, N. A., Whitler, K. A., Feng, H., & Chari, S. (2019). Research in marketing strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(1), 4-29. Retrieved form: https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/136066/

Nugroho, A. (2019). The Attributes of The Bread Store. A Case Study@ BreadtalkIndo. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, 59. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR

Rutz, O. J., & Watson, G. F. (2019). Endogeneity and marketing strategy research: An overview. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(3), 479-498.Retrieved from: http://elibrary.gci.edu.np/bitstream/123456789/3389/1/Bt.bm.522Digital%20Marketing%20Strategy%20An%20Integrated%20Approach%20to%20Online%20Marketing%20by%20Simon%20Kingsnorth.pdf