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Brand Manager Advantages And Responsibilities

Jan 28,22

Brand Manager Advantages And Responsibilities


Discuss about the Brand Manager Advantages and Responsibilities.



A Brand Manager is the head of designing a firm’s strategic plan or marketing strategy for its targeted audience. As the firm’s ‘brand caretaker,’ brand manager makes sure consistent quality throughout all marketing initiatives and publications, and also supervise a brand portfolio. It also includes making design templates, marketing regulations, a brand mission, and a pricing structure for the short- and long-term. Brand Manager is responsible for all telecommunications and information initiatives, particularly internet and social media, which are planned and implemented. Brand manager assists in product design, packaging, and new model releases, and also finding and exploring commercial opportunities for business growth (van Rensburg 2014).

Brand managers create and maintain brand image through the planning and maintenance of marketing media. The brand manager main objective is to improve the advertising and promotional item budget. They also estimate the sales figures and related cash flows, along with building reports on product sales.

Market analysis on brand equity is classified into three categories: monitoring, investigating change, and/or enhancing brand power. Market research has focused on monitoring compares competing brands or products to a series of standards. When the purpose of the study is to uncover how customers feel about marketing choices that may result in product and service restructuring or rebranding, the customers’ brand mindset is explored. When substantial improvements to a brand are anticipated, a thorough evaluation of expanding brand power is taken out. It is upon the brand manager to conduct this and ensure better result.

Each study objective necessitates a differentiated approach. In the minds of consumers, brand equity is a qualitative measure of the brand’s special reinforcement or goodwill. The visible and psychological product or brand is known as brand equity. The level of premiums a company might demand its product is a reflection of the trustworthiness it has with its consumers. Brand equity consists of power a company has over its rivals or generic trademarks, and it is maintained over time (Wroblowska 2016).

A customer-based strategy to brand equity assessment focuses on the connection that customers have with a business. The better the brand, the more favourable the customer’s impression of the company’s products or services. Consumers assess a company’s overall quality and infer certain brand traits when they are using a service or product. Brand loyalty is typically the outcome of good experience metrics that last over time.

As brand loyal clients endorse the brand strongly, greater degrees of devotion results in lower marketing expenses. It also provides a technique of introducing and releasing other goods that are marketed to the same consumers for a lower cost. It also prevents entrants from entering the market. Brand loyalty factor in deciding brand equity. Brand loyalty can be created through a variety of techniques, including fast service, ensuring high-quality goods, consistent progress, a huge distribution network, and many others. When people are loyal to a company, they admire “you” because of being “you,” so they will explore any advertised product as the last possibility. For example, Apple’s I-phone.

Influence purchases by consumers

Consumers’ sentiments toward certain superstars can have a major impact on purchase decisions. Some people may believe “If the product is good enough for them, it’s good enough even for them too,”. This idea is a key fact in marketing cosmetics, skin treatments, hair care products, and clothing. Customers, for example, seek the natural curls of a cultural icon. As a consequence, they buy the product that the star uses to get volume and bounce in her hair. The local population may also want to drink the very same soda pop as their preferred baseball player.

In addition, a celebrity’s sponsorship lends immediate validity to a small company’s product or service. According to “Grocery store News,” a newspaper addressing the food supply sector, celebrities in branding help to increase brand recognition. It is faster than current forms of promotion. The proportion of users who are related to a brand is evaluated by brand recognition. Smaller companies invest a significant amount of time and resources in getting exposure to eventually raise awareness among the customers. The employment of a cultural icon can help consumers are becoming more aware of and grasp what a small business is selling.

Brand’s position

It has been observed that smaller companies use superstars in their marketing to promote their goods and services. As per Inc.com, brand positioning is the act of presenting a company and its products most clearly in the perspective of a key demographic. A small investment company, for instance, might hire a well-known and former local radio DJ to promote a retirement program for clients aged 50 and above. The fact that the DJ is in the same age category as the clientele and has a strong reputation in the neighbourhood lends credibility to the business and its products and pitch.

In addition, a local celeb’s endorsements lend immediate legitimacy to a small business’s goods. Continuous review of products at all phases of the lifecycle (Introduction Stage, Growth Phase, Maturity Phase, and Drop Phase) to keep track of the progress in customers’ tastes is the source of brand reinforcement. This method is being used by advertisers to notify consumers of the business and its long-term benefits. Several inventions, investigations, and innovative marketing programmes are developed in step with modern marketing trends that can preserve the business in the customer’s mind.

Strategies to recover the lost channels of brand image are part of a brand revitalisation plan. It also attempts to explore and build innovative sources of brand equity. Brand degradation and growth can be determined by analysing changes in the marketing environment, rivals’ activities, consumer behaviour, cultural variations, and several other elements (Golant 2012). Finally, any brand revitalization plan for big brands must be able to juggle both global and regional concerns. A clear understanding of customer parallels and variances across countries is required. Each market requires knowledge of the customer purchasing paradigm with who, when, why, how, or why. The brand manager must identify commercial and brand-building initiatives that will “travel” globally from a broader perspective. McDonald’s offered 24-hour service, paperless transactions, salad meals, and low-cost snack-wraps as instances.

Advertisement and brand management

The interaction that the consumer has with the brand, and the connection that they have with that brand, are intangible elements. Brand managers maintain, develop, and uphold a brand name so that it is linked with positive outcomes. Cost, customer experience, in-store display, and rivalry are all crucial factors that should be considered as a brand manager. A brand manager can increase sales of not just one good, but all of the investment and finance with that company.

Branding is a crucial marketing technique for widespread awareness (Wroblowska, 2016). A trademark, business, people, or place develops a persona and a name. An effective branding campaign generates a trademark, look, emblem, or another recognisable mark that catches the eye.


Among the most famous ones of branding are products. It’s straightforward to comprehend product marketing by navigating through grocery or retailer hallways. Some brands will leap off of the shelf as their promotional objectives have been met. A consumer’s decision to pick one branding above another is impacted by strong product branding. The brand has a status for being the finest or most famous in its field. Consider soft drinks computers, or jeans, see which logos come to mind immediately. These are several good examples of product branding.


Golant, B. D. (2012). Bringing the corporate brand to life: The brand manager as practical author. Journal of Brand Management, 20(2), 115-127. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/bm.2012.44

van Rensburg, D.,J. (2014). Brand intrapreneurs and brand managers: In search of disruption. The Journal of Business Strategy, 35(4), 29-36. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JBS-10-2013-0091

Wroblowská, Z. (2016). Requirements for brand managers and product managers responsible for competitiveness of product and brands. Journal of Competitiveness, 8(3) doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.7441/joc.2016.03.01