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LIDA100 : Annotated Bibliography On Jonathan Swift’s ‘A Modest Proposal’

Feb 25,22

LIDA100 : Annotated Bibliography On Jonathan Swift’s ‘A Modest Proposal’



This is an initial draft version and it is not graded but comments will be offered to better the final version that will be submitted along with Essay #2 for a grade
For this assignment, you will be doing academic research, using the Hackney Library’s resources for an Annotated Bibliography on Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” which will be the subject Essay #2 on the topic of Satire in Literature. On PAGES, there is a category for Annotated Bibliography where there are links on exactly what it is and how to do it. The LibGuide also will direct you to this information.

Basically, the purpose of the Annotated Bibliography is, for this particular assignment, at least 4 academic sources that will enable you to write your essay about Satire in Literature on Jonathan Swift’s brilliant satirical essay for solving the problems of poverty in Ireland: “A Modest Proposal.” Please note that the requirement of 4 academic sources is for this Annotated Bibliography, and you most likely will have more for Essay #2.

What the Annotated Bibliography must include is a complete and detailed description of each of the article, and how each source you used is pertinent to and how it will factor into the subject matter for your essay. You need to read the entire articles in order to receive credit for doing this Annotated Bibliography.

You should look at writing at least 3 full paragraph for each of the sources used. In your essay, you obviously will want to show evidence in your in-text citations that these 4 sources — as well as other you use for research — were used in writing your essay on “A Modest Proposal.”

In this articular essay, your essay will includes numerous investigations into the historical, economic, political and social contexts turing the time this essay was written. You will want to understand what made Swift write such as preposterous “modest” proposal? What were the conditions in Ireland at the time, and what was the relationship with England? Was Swift serious about the solution he proposed, or is this part of this satirical delivery — and what caused him to write this? We will discuss all this in our individual conferences.

This is a draft and it will be done in MLA citation style. This will not be graded but you’ll be given feedback on how to embellish it for the final version which will be submitted along with the Final Essay (which also will include a Works Cited list of other resources you used over and above the 4 for the Annotated Bibliography).



Annotated Bibliography

A Modest Proposal

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Table of Contents

Annotated Bibliography. 3

Reference. 7


Annotated Bibliography

Gutenberg. “The Project Gutenberg Ebook Of A Modest Proposal, By Jonathan Swift”. Gutenberg.Org, 2022,


The author of this article (Gutenberg 6) gave his review on A Modest Proposal that was written by Jonathan Swift. The book A Modest Proposal focuses on the terrible living conditions of the children and adults of Ireland. Through this book, Swift wanted to shed light on the miserable living conditions of the people from Ireland. A Modest Proposal was written with the intention to prevent the poor children of Ireland from being a burden to their parents and the country. The author of this book wants to find an easy and cheap way through which he can change the miserable lives of the children in Ireland to a more safe and sound one. Throughout the entire book, Swift has put a lot of emphasis on the poor living conditions of the children of Ireland. He was greatly touched and beyond words saddened after analysing the fact that the way the children of Ireland are leading their lives, is no less than living in hell. He wanted to do his best to help the children who were starving and living in pain.

He wanted to find ways through which he can contribute in the betterment of the children of Ireland and he also connected with them on a deeper level (Herricks 15) Through his research, Swift found out that the children of Ireland could be sold in meat markets at a very young age and according to Jonathan Swift this was the most preferable solution to solve the problem. Many parents who couldn’t afford to feed their children would sell their children for sex trafficking at a very low price. He realised that this situation needs to be tackled or else all the children who are living in poverty in Ireland would have to face terrifying situations.

Figure 1: A Modest Proposal

Source: (Khaitan)

Proposal, A. “A Modest Proposal Full Text And Analysis – Owl Eyes”. Owleyes.Org, 2022, https://www.owleyes.org/text/modest-proposal.

This article is the review of the book that was written by Jonathan Swift named A Modest Proposal. The author of this article (Proposal 7) reviewed this book without missing any point. According to the author of this article, Swift was very concerned about the political, religious, economic and social suffering of the people who lived in Ireland. In his book, he writes in detail about the poor and terrible living conditions of the children and their parents in Ireland. He wrote in his book that the poor people were very poor and the rich were continuing to become richer. This is one such book that is criticised and ridiculed by a lot of academic researchers because of the solution that Jonathan Swift found for the problems that existed in Ireland. He found out the solution that the parents who could not feed their children or could not afford to bear the expenses of a big family can sell their children in the meat market.

According to Swift, this is one such solution that will help in solving the problems that Ireland is facing. Through this solution, the poverty and poor living conditions of the people from Ireland can be improved. At the beginning of this book, it seemed as if the author wanted to convey a good message or a good solution to the problem but on further reading, it was found that the author wanted to propose the idea of selling the children in the meat market.

Bl.uk “Swift, A Modest Proposal”. Bl.Uk, 2022, https://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/item126684.html.

The author (Bl.uk 5) reviewed the book A Modest Proposal written by Jonathan Swift. In this article, a thorough study on the book has been made. Jonathan Swift was deeply concerned about the terrible social, political and cultural stress that was existing in Ireland. This stress mainly affected the lives of the poor children of Ireland. Swift wanted to find an appropriate solution that will help the poor people living in Ireland to improve their living conditions. In his book, he suggested that if infants are sold to the meat market at the age of just one then the money that is received after selling the children can be used by the parents of those children to better their life. He strongly stuck to this decision and through his book, he highlighted this solution and urged everyone to think about this. He believed that the parents who were unable to feed their children could sell their children instead of having to grieve for life. He also stated that the social, political and religious stress could also be decreased if the people followed this technique of selling their children.


Change, Real. “Review Of ‘A Modest Proposal’ By Jonathan Swift”. Realchangenews.Org, 2022, https://www.realchangenews.org/news/2021/03/17/essay-review-modest-proposal-jonathan-swift-1729-self-published-anonymously.

A Modest Review was written by Jonathan Swift and this book has been reviewed by many academic researchers. The author (Change, Real 9) also revered this book of Jonathan Swift and stated that in the book Jonathan Swift was seen concerned about the rising poverty in Ireland. He wrote in his book that most of the children of Ireland were so poor that they had nothing to eat. They have to beg for money or food in the streets. Their mothers had to work as sex workers and the living conditions were detoriating day by day.

Jonathan Swift suggested that this problem can be solved if the poor children whose parents cannot feed them can be sold in the meat market. He also estimated the price that the parents could get on selling their children based on their weight. He also mentioned various cooking recipes that can be used to prepare food made with children’s meat. Swift also said that the children can be sold to rich landlords as food and in return, the parents would get money from the landlords. This will make the fathers respect their wives more and the poverty would also be eliminated by applying this solution. This book has been criticised by many academic researchers as this a very cruel way to solve this problem. Swift could have considered other solutions to solve this problem.



Bl.uk “Swift, A Modest Proposal”. Bl.Uk, 2022, https://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/item126684.html.

Change, Real. “Review Of ‘A Modest Proposal’ By Jonathan Swift”. Realchangenews.Org, 2022, https://www.realchangenews.org/news/2021/03/17/essay-review-modest-proposal-jonathan-swift-1729-self-published-anonymously.

Gutenberg. “The Project Gutenberg Ebook Of A Modest Proposal, By Jonathan Swift”. Gutenberg.Org, 2022, https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1080/1080-h/1080-h.htm.

Herricks. Herricks.Org, 2022, https://www.herricks.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=1685&dataid=8239&FileName=swift%20-%20a%20modest%20proposal.pdf.

Khaitan, View. “A NOT SO MODEST PROPOSAL BY JONATHAN SWIFT”. O Captain! My Captain!, 2022, https://thefablesoup.wordpress.com/2016/02/24/a-modest-proposal-why-so-satirical-swift/.

Proposal, A. “A Modest Proposal Full Text And Analysis – Owl Eyes”. Owleyes.Org, 2022, https://www.owleyes.org/text/modest-proposal.