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Which Are the Hardest Programming Languages to Learn?

Jul 15,24

“Data is the new oil”—this phrase is getting momentum like anything nowadays. And, rightly so. If you look at it, every decade and every century has been dominated by something. The last century was centered on oil. And the companies that were making hefty sums belonged to the oil and gas sector. In the same way, this century will be dominated by data, technology, and AI. No wonder most students are nowadays shifting their attention to the tech domain. It is turning out to be the most promising career option for them. They start by learning to code. Coding is the language of technology. There are various programming languages; some are relatively tougher, some easier. All have their own uses and prospects. Students pick them based on many factors, such as their use, complexity, and level of understanding required. So, if you are one of those students who wants to learn programming languages but is unsure where to begin, we will help you out. One of the best ways to get started is by knowing which programming languages are the hardest to learn and also which programming languages are the easiest to learn.

Keep in mind that difficulty is also a subjective matter and it varies from student to student. However, to get you rolling, we will tell you, in a generalized manner, which programming languages are hard and will require sincere efforts on your part.

Why are ‌Programming Languages Needed?

Computers understand only the binary language of 0 and 1. Programming directly in binary is tedious and error-prone, so high-level languages were developed. These languages use English-like words, making it easier for humans to program computers and accomplish tasks. Various programming languages are used in the technologies we see today, such as software, websites, applications, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and more.

Here is an in-depth discussion of the hardest programming languages:


The toughest of all!

C++ is considered to be one of the most powerful, fastest, and toughest programming languages.

It can be used for a variety of purposes and carries out efficient and robust programs. With C++, programmers can easily work on different programming styles. It gives beginners a deep understanding of how computer systems respond to programming language instructions. C++ provides a lot of flexibility and robustness, which makes it popular among developers. C++ is adopted by programmers when the requirement is to create reliable, efficient, and high-performing systems.

Features of C++

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP).
  • A Standard Template Library (STL) that provides a collection of template classes and functions for common tasks.
  • Exception handling with templates.

What Makes C++ One of the Hardest Programming Languages to Learn in 2024?

  • For beginners, learning C++ is challenging because of its advanced-level syntax and support for multiple paradigms.
  • Simply put, it may or may not perform intuitively.
  • Sometimes it can yield the desired result, but other times, the developer may face numerous errors or bugs.
  • Fixing these bugs requires a significant amount of experience and understanding.
  • Therefore, it takes a long time to learn C++ and even longer to master it.


The language is named after a mathematician and is often considered one of the most difficult programming languages to learn. It is a purely functional language based on lambda calculus.

Features of Haskell

  • Statically typed
  • Concise and readable code
  • Lazy evaluation
  • Pattern matching is supported
  • Algebraic data types
  • Immutable
  • Creation of high-level abstractions

What Makes Haskell One of the Hardest Programming Languages to Learn in 2024?

  • It is a statically typed functional programming language with a major emphasis on purity and laziness.
  • Therefore, the functions in Haskell are pure by default and only evaluate their arguments when required.
  • This makes Haskell’s code concise and expressive.
  • However, they can also make learning more difficult for those who are familiar with imperative programming languages.
  • Also, it has a rich type system that allows for powerful abstractions, which also means it requires more effort to understand.


Prolog is one of the first logic programming languages. It is still in use in artificial intelligence applications and natural language processing.

Features of Prolog

  • Prolog finds extensive use in AI applications, computational linguistics, and NLP (Natural Language Processing).
  • It was the first programming language in which an automated customer care bot named ELIZA was developed.

What Makes Prolog One of the Hardest Programming Languages to Learn in 2024?

  • It’s an unconventional language with data structures unlike those in other programming languages.
  • It demands a highly competent compiler.
  • Programmers must deeply consider their logic upfront, as online resources and Prolog code cannot be applied to their needs without careful thought.


It is the second oldest programming language after FORTRAN and is still used in higher-level systems and for artificial intelligence. It stands for LISt programming and was developed in 1959.

Features of LISP

  • LISP is widely used among AI researchers for its extensive use in expert systems, natural language processing, and machine learning.
  • Its macro system makes it suitable for developing domain-specific languages tailored for specific tasks or industries.
  • LISP dialects like Emacs Lisp and Guile serve as scripting languages to customize and enhance applications.
  • Moreover, LISP’s dynamic typing, REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop), and interactive development environment facilitate rapid prototyping and experimentation with new ideas.

What Makes LISP One of the Hardest Programming Languages to Learn in 2024?

  • It is a fragmented language with domain-specific solutions.
  • Syntax in LISP extensively uses parentheses, which can be challenging to get used to.
  • Unique syntax and dependency on higher functions.


It is named after the 8th circle of Hell in Dante’s Inferno. Malbolge is an example of an “esolang” (esoteric programming language).

It’s said that the author of the Malbolge programming language never wrote any program using the language. The “hello world” code in Malbolge appeared almost two years after Olmstead invented the language.

Features of Malbolge

It is not of much use in the industry. It is purely learned as a challenge and testament to the coder’s skills.

What Makes Malbolge One of the Hardest Programming Languages to Learn in 2024?

  • It uses an unclear notation and has few programmers who invest time in learning it. As a result, it has limited learning resources.
  • Also, being a self-modifying language, it shows erratic behavior.
  • Its syntax has only 8 instructions.
  • Very low code reliability.

These are just some of the toughest languages. This list isn’t complete. There are other languages, such as COW, Whitespace, Brainfuck, and INTERCAL, that can make a learner go crazy.

Learning Hardest Programming Languages Made Simpler at GoAssignmentHelp

The hardest climb gives the most beautiful view!

So, when you go for learning these or any other apparently ‘tough’ language, it might appear overwhelming and tough at first. But remember, this is where you will have more opportunities since most people might not choose them. Not only in terms of career prospects but for learning as well. Learning these languages will make grasping relatively simpler languages all the more fun and simpler.

And, of course, in your journey to master these or any of the programming languages, you will require a helping hand. After all, expert help and guidance can shorten the time required for learning. When you see the work done by experts or analyze what they have done differently, you will acquire insight. That is why most of the students today, newbies and pros alike, are relying on the expert programming help of Go Assignment Help. So, if you are looking for someone who will help you out with any sort of assignment, you know where to look.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is C++ the hardest language to learn?

A: C++ is often seen as harder to learn compared to other popular programming languages like Python or JavaScript. This is because it has a more complex syntax and a steeper learning curve.

Q: Is C++ harder than Python?

A: Python’s syntax is closer to English, making it easier to read and write. On the other hand, C++ has weaker readability and is known for being harder to understand and work with.

Q: Is Python harder than Java?

A: Java is generally faster, while Python is simpler and easier to learn.

July 15, 2024

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