How To Write A Character Reference Letter? Tips & Examples
Oct 20,21
Many times employers ask candidates to provide a character reference letter so that they can really know the person behind the resume. Character reference letters should be crafted carefully as they can make or break someone’s professional career. In this article, the assignment help experts are going to share everything about character reference letters. We will also be sharing a free template for writing a character reference letter. So, without any further ado, let us get started.
What is a Character Reference Letter?
A character reference letter is written by someone who can speak about the candidate’s qualities and character based on the job they are applying for. Sometimes students also have to provide character reference letters while seeking admission to a university. A character reference letter is often known as a personal reference letter as it is based on someone’s personal opinions about the character of the candidate.
Also, a character reference letter is written by someone who has not worked professionally with the candidate but has known them for a long time. So, one may ask their family friend, coach or mentor to write a character reference letter for them.
A character reference letter generally includes the following information:
- It should include how long the writer has known the candidate and their relationship with the candidate
- The writer must focus on one or two string qualities of the candidate instead of bragging about their multiple strengths
- It is advised that the writer should include an example to highlight the quality that they are writing about
- The writer must provide their contact information at the end of the letter so that if the employer wants to contact the writer
Character Reference Letter Example
Here’s an example of a character reference letter where the writer is expressing the skills and abilities of a candidate to her employer. See how the writer begins the letter by clearly stating her relationship with the candidate and for how long she has known the candidate. Then the writer explains the qualities by giving examples that the candidate never misses her daughter’s tutoring sessions and speaks fluently in public.
18 June 2020
Robert Frost
Manager, Human Resources
Muse Publishers
Downtown, CA, 54781
Subject: Character Reference for Shyne
Dear Mr Frost,
I highly recommend Shyne Roberts for the position of Junior Writer at your company. I have known Shyne for more than ten years now. She is not only my neighbour but has been tutoring my daughter for five years. Shyne always shares her articles with me and I find them completely amazing.
Shyne is a self-sufficient person. She always stays on top of her tasks and has never missed any tutoring sessions. She stays organised and never misses an assignment.
Shyne also has a great rapport with people of all ages. She never misses greeting my parents whenever she visits us. I have seen her speaking in public a few times in a school event. Her confidence has always been noteworthy.
In summary, I believe that Shyne will be able to create effective articles for your magazine and will prove to be a valuable asset for your company.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Rose Mary
Tips on Writing a Character Reference Letter
A character reference letter should be positive and honest. So, one must think thoroughly before approaching someone to write a letter for them. However, here are some tips that you can use or provide to someone to help them create a positive character reference letter.
- Information about the job position: Before writing the character reference letter, one must have the complete information for the job that the candidate is applying for and the qualities that are required for the position. This way you can easily cross-reference the quality of the candidate with the qualities required for the job.
- Always be specific: Character reference letters should not include false praise or bragging. They should be specific and state the qualities of the candidate genuinely. It should not seem forceful.
- Stating how you know the candidate is important: Many people might think why it is important to write for how long they have known the candidate or what is their relationship with the candidate. This information helps the employers understand whether the letter is genuine. Because you cannot seem confident about a person if you have known them for just a few weeks or months.
- Write formally: Do not consider this an informal letter. You should follow a business letter format and use formal language to talk about the candidate. Provide the name and contact information of the person to whom you are writing the letter and also provide the same information about yourself.
- Always edit before sending the letter: Editing your letter can help you uncover small details like grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, misplaced pronouns etc. Read your letter carefully at least twice.
- Keep it short: A character reference letter should not be too lengthy. You can try to keep it below 200 words. This is because not every recruiter has the time to read long character reference letters. So, to increase the probability of getting your letter read by them, keep the letter short and sweet.
Answering a few common questions about character reference letters
#1 When to ask for a character reference letter?
Character reference letters can be requested by employers, universities, or volunteering organizations. Do not ask for a character reference letter unless you are required to submit it. But, even if it is in options, do not miss the opportunity of providing them with some additional information about you.
#2 Who to ask for a character reference letter?
You may ask anyone in your network to write a character reference for you. If you want someone from your professional network to write such a letter for you, never choose your employer. Here are some common examples of whom to approach when you need a character reference letter:
- Coach
- Mentor
- Co-worker
- Business acquaintance
- Academic supervisor
- Neighbour
- Friend
- Fellow student
You can see that we are avoiding someone who is your family. This is because not everyone considers a character reference from a family member important enough (as family members would always praise you).
Get help in writing the best character reference letters from GoAssignmentHelp
If you want your character reference letter to be perfect, consult our writers. They can provide you with the right format and information that you must include in your letter. We can also edit and polish your letter to enhance its quality so that you can get that job or that admission without any trouble.
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