50+ Compelling Free Argumentative Essay Topics
Oct 1,21
Argumentative essay assignments are quite common in high school and college. Writing argumentative essays requires careful research, strong perceptions, and fully backed up claims. Many students who seek assignment help from GoAssignmentHelp experts get confused about how to choose a strong topic for an argumentative essay so that they can create a compelling assignment. So, in this article, we are sharing with you argumentative essay topics and some great tips from our assignment helpers on how to write an argumentative essay.
What is an Argumentative Essay?
An essay is a piece of writing that includes information about a certain topic. An essay could be written to just inform the readers about a certain topic or to persuade them. Essays may include facts, examples, and information that proves the point of the writer.
An argumentative essay is a type of essay in which the writer tries to persuade the readers about a certain topic. The writer not just states their personal opinion but includes facts, examples and evidence to support their stance. A writer may present both sides of an argument and then stress upon one side or may choose a certain stance from the beginning.
Structure of an Argumentative Essay
The structure of an argumentative essay is simple and straightforward. It starts with an introduction that includes a thesis statement. Then, one may include one or more body paragraphs to explain their stance. At last, it ends with a conclusion. Let us see how each of these sections of an argumentative essay could be written:
- Introduction: This is the first paragraph of the essay. It introduces the topic of the essay to the reader and states your argument (or your stance). You may include some background information here about the essay topic.
- Thesis Statement: This is a concise statement included at the end of the introductory paragraph. It states your argument and position clearly to the readers.
- Body Paragraphs: This is the main part of the essay where you will state, explain and prove your arguments. You may include research, statistics, studies, facts, and figures to prove your point and pursue the readers. It is recommended to create one body paragraph per argument.
- Conclusion: This is the last part of the essay and summarises your arguments, restates the thesis statement, and makes an appeal to the reader’s emotions. It is just like closing your arguments without stating any new example, research, or facts.
Different types of claims that you can use in argumentative essays
The main part of an argumentative essay is how you prove your argument. GoAssignmentHelp essay writers suggest five types of claims that can be included in an argumentative essay to back up your stance. These include:
#1 State a Fact: A fact is a true statement. This means something that has happened for sure and is completely true.
#2 Provide Value: By providing value you are stating the importance of an argument. You may write how something makes a change in our life or helps society.
#3 Add Formal Definition: You may provide the dictionary definition of something and then provide your interpretation.
#4 Cause and Effect: If you are talking about a problem, state how that problem occurs and what could be its effects.
#5 Next Steps: State what the reader should do about it. Give them a course of action or food for thought.
Argumentative Essay Topics for Students
Finding the right topic for your argumentative essay could be a hassle. You must choose an intriguing topic for your essay so that you can find enough information and ideas about it. So, here are some of the best argumentative essay topic ideas that will inspire you to write your next essay assignment.
Technology Argumentative Essay Topics
- Is Society Too Dependent on Technology
- How does Social Media Affect Us?
- Are Online Dating Apps Worthwhile?
- Importance of Mobile Phones in Our Lives
- Ebooks vs Paper-Backed Books
- Is There Development Without The Internet?
- Is Technology Making Us Lazier?
- How Technology Affects Our Creativity
- Is Online Learning Helping Us?
- Should Every Student Have a Computer?
Education Argumentative Essay Topics
- Is Gamification a Good Way to Learn?
- Parents Should Actively Participate in Their Child’s Studies
- Does Class Size Matter for Effective Learning
- How Much Homework is Enough for Students
- Grading System: Is it Worthwhile?
- Every Student Must Be Fluent in Writing
- Should Teachers Be Assessed Periodically
- Meal Planning for Students: Good or Bad?
- Fashion in School
- Should We Talk About Religion in Schools?
Health Argumentative Essay Topics
- What Causes Depression in School Students
- How Schools Must Act Upon Mental Health Issues
- Are Assignments Stressful for Students
- How Students can Have a Better Lifestyle?
- Importance of Meditation and Mindfulness
- How Advertising Affects our Eating Habits
- Should Students Regulate their Sugar Intake
- Promoting Diet Culture in Students
- How Stress affects our Body
- Is Online Learning Promoting Isolation
Art, Culture and Literature Argumentative Essay Topics
- What is Philosophy of Art
- Is Photography an Art?
- How Media is Influencing Us
- Is Listening to Music Any Good?
- Actors who Perform Roles of Psychopaths or Serial Killers
- Newspapers: A true reflection of our society?
- The Trend of Watching TV Series
- Is Studying Art Worthwhile?
- Can You Become an Artist or You Must be Born as an Artist?
- Celebrities Have No Personal Life
Law Argumentative Essay Topics
- Should Cigarettes be Banned?
- Restaurants Should Include Calorie Amount in Menus
- There Should Be an Added Tax on Fast Food
- Drinking Age Should Be Increased
- We Must Outlaw Nuclear Weapons
- Law and Science: Do They Conflict?
- Democracy vs Communism
- CCTVs Violate our Privacy
- Law Should Be a Compulsory Subject in High School
- Corporations Should be Penalised for Wrong Advertising
How to Choose the Right Topic for Argumentative Essays
#1 Pick an interesting topic
You must have heard this advice from almost everyone. But what does interesting mean? A topic would become interesting if you have a certain opinion about it. For example, consider the topic ‘are assignments stressful for students’. It is an interesting topic only if you have a strong opinion on assignments. You must believe whether assignments are making or breaking your career.
#2 Choose a debatable topic
It is good to have an opinion about the essay topic. But is your topic debatable? Providing the counter-argument in your argumentative essay just increases its impact and value. So make sure you choose a topic about which people have different opinions. For example, the topic ‘Is Society Too Dependent on Technology’ is quite debatable.
#3 Have enough facts and evidence
You must be able to collect solid evidence, facts, examples, and value for the argumentative essay topic. Otherwise, you will not be able to back up your claim and pursue the readers. If you think that you are unable to find enough sources for your essay topic, just drop the topic and pick something else.
#4 Avoid topics that are ‘too emotional’
Anyone would appreciate a debate but no one would want to get their sentiments hurt while reading your essay. So pick your topic carefully. For instance, you may avoid topics that include insulting someone’s religious beliefs and sentiments. However, if you think you can handle topics on religion and culture with dignity, you may go for them.
Find more about writing argumentative essays
Consult GoAssignmentHelp essay experts to know more about how to write argumentative essay assignments. If you need any kind of argumentative essay help, our assignment helpers are here 24/7! We can help you in brainstorming the right topic, creating an outline of your essay, writing, editing, and proofreading your essay. If you want to know whether your essay is 100% unique, you may use our plagiarism check services.
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