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About Generic Conventions, Importance, Examples and more!

Jul 26,24

Is there anything more thrilling than reading a horror story? To imagine, the ruins, the ghosts and the suspense! In a horror story, the focus is often on creating a thrilling sensation rather than evoking other emotions. How does the author do that? Well, thanks to Generic conventions. Generic conventions play a crucial role in attracting the audience to a specific genre. These conventions help define the genre and make it easier for readers to identify and connect with it.

For example, fantasy fans know what a dragon looks like, so they can quickly tell if they’re reading a fantasy book without needing to check the cover.

Genre conventions also help writers develop their unique style by using familiar elements. Experienced writers often include specific dialogue styles, setting descriptions, and character traits, such as a love interest, to fit within the conventions of their genre.

What is a Generic Convention?

Generic conventions are the features that help readers identify the genre of a piece of writing. These characteristics place themes into specific genres. Students studying arts or literature need to understand generic conventions well. They are also very useful for movie, play, or story creators, as well as for the audience.

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What is the Importance of Generic Conventions?

Generic conventions are important because they:

  • Make the story creative
  • Help attract readers and convey the message easily
  • Differentiate the genres of stories
  • Focus on the characters of the story

These are the reasons why understanding generic conventions is important. Now that you are clear on the concept, let’s explore some genres of generic conventions to understand them better.

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What Are Genres?

Generic conventions are crucial in defining genres, but what exactly are genres? Genres are categories of literature that are based on common themes or situations found within them.

For example, in action movies or books, the common elements include frequent action scenes and fights. In simple terms, genres establish a category and style in literature that writers follow to target a specific audience. Also, the number of genres isn’t fixed; it evolves with social changes.

These are some of the most famous and common types of Genres, though bear in ‌mind these are not all of them.


Mythology is a fictional genre that presents the myths believed in ancient times. It includes stories based on different traditions, as each cultural group has its own beliefs and facts passed down through generations. This genre helps us understand the myths followed over the years, reflecting human experiences from the past. It brings ancient stories into the modern era.


This genre helps convey a story that is entirely imaginary and fictional, with unreal characters. Fantasy has strong similarities with the mythology genre. It reflects the writer’s perceptions and thoughts, presented as a story. When writing in this genre, the audiences’ preferences are considered, including the need for superheroes, fairy tales, and other fantastical characters.

Science Fiction

Explaining the mythology genre can be challenging. This genre requires thorough research and often includes elements of science and technology. It blends factual information with fictional theories. Science fiction, which is distinct from other genres, explores how individuals respond to technological advancements.


Comedy is a genre focused on laughter and jokes. It’s considered the most challenging genre because it’s difficult to consistently create jokes that make millions of people laugh. Despite this, comedy is popular because it creates a positive environment and can be enjoyed through television, social media, stories, and more.


Satire is a genre that highlights societal problems to encourage improvement. It often shares stories of abuse, discrimination, and other wrongdoings, showing how these issues persist without action. Satire aims to shame those involved in such activities and push society toward change. This genre connects emotionally with the audience, engaging them with the content.


This genre combines elements of science and fantasy. It’s not based on fact but blends fantasy and science fiction. For example, superheroes and their powers. While becoming a superhero is pure fantasy, the powers often have scientific explanations to make them seem more realistic.

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What Are the Different Types of Generic Conventions?

Now that you understand what generic conventions are, let’s explore the different types and examples of them.


The setting is where the story takes place. Choosing the right setting is as important as developing the right characters. In fact, the setting can be seen as an additional character. If you think it’s less important, you’re mistaken. Settings contribute just as much as characters do to a narrative. They can provide tone, emotion, and context.


The theme is the central idea explored in a text. It can usually be expressed in one word, like “love” or “isolation.” Most works of literature have more than one theme. The theme is not usually stated directly but is conveyed through the characters’ actions, words, and thoughts.

There are two ways to understand the theme: the topical concept and the topical statement. The topical concept is what the reader thinks the work is about, while the topical statement is what the work says about that theme.


Characters are the most significant element of generic conventions. Any animated thing or person in the storyline can be a character. This includes animals, people, objects, and creatures. Writers use characters to convey their ideas.

Characters engage in action and dialogue to develop the story. A story can be meaningful even with just one character, who may struggle with internal conflicts or external factors. The main character is called the protagonist, around whom the story revolves, supported by other characters.

Usually, there are two main characters: the protagonist and the antagonist. The protagonist is the central character who faces challenges, while the antagonist creates these challenges and conflicts.

  • Protagonist

The protagonist is the main character around whom the entire story revolves. Their decisions are influenced by internal or external conflicts involving other characters, nature, technology, or society.

  • Antagonist

The antagonist causes conflict for the protagonist. This character or group of characters could also represent an internal struggle within the protagonist. Typically, external factors create the problem.


Iconography involves the identification, classification, description, and interpretation of themes, images, and topics in visual arts. It also refers to how artists use these images in their work. In the past, iconographical studies included indexes of images and symbols from ancient literature, translated into visual terms for artists to use.

Wrapping Up

We hope this information about generic conventions has been helpful. If you’ve been having trouble understanding them, this post should make things clearer.

However, just knowing the theory isn’t enough. You should also try to understand how to use generic conventions in practice. If you find it difficult to use them in your assignments, don’t worry. Our professional assignment experts are here to help you with any challenges you face. Feel free to reach out to us for help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are generic conventions in Atar English?

A: In Atar English, generic conventions include structure, point of view, setting, characterization, ideas or themes or issues, and stylistic features.

Q: What are examples of conventions in a film?

A: In films, conventions are the elements that indicate the genre. These include characters, situations, settings, props, themes, and events. These factors help viewers identify and understand the genre of the film.

Q: What are generic conventions?

A: Generic conventions are various elements that writers use to help readers or viewers identify and relate to the genre of the writing. They provide clues about the genre and make it easier to understand and connect with the content.

July 26, 2024

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